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Elena Petrovich

Age: 19
Birthday: August 8th
Astrological Sign: Leo.
Race/ species: Human.
Sex: Female


Hair: Strawberry Blonde.
Eyes: The brightest green!
Skin Color: Fair.
Height: 5' 3"
Build: petite.
Distinguishing Features: Elena is petite with slender curves. Her hair falls nearly to her tiny waist. Her slight stature, and innocent face makes her seem years younger that she really is.
Clothes: She dresses casually, but her clothes are always neat and well kept.

Family: Two older brothers, Andros and Ilyan.

Pets: None.

History: Elena is well trained in self defense, Andros and Ilyan made sure of that. She is a talented musician with a voice that can just about call birds down from the very sky. But she'd just begun to realize that she can do more through her music that merely entertain people. When she plays she's been able to influence other people's emotions, and perhaps even their thoughts.

Personality: Elena is a very giving person, always thinks of others before herself. She loves her family with every fiber of her being and she would die for her brothers as they would for her. She is a strong willed young woman, but is a little naive.

Powers/Abilities: Has the ability to influence people' s emotions and maybe their thoughts, through her music (untrained).

Occupation: Musician.

Major and year character is in: Music--Freshman.

Place of residence: Undecided. Valhalla House Dormitory.

Roommate): In a single.


Fave Food: Japanese.
Fave Sport: Ice Skating.
Fave Movies: Fantasy.
Fave Band/Musician: Dido.
Fave Flower: Lily.
Fave color: Green.

Worst Fear: The death of her brothers.

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University of the Supernatural
This page was last updated on February 16th, 2009
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