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Elliott Quinn

Age: 32
Race/species: human/wizard
Sex: Male

Appearance (detailed, hair, eyes, height, build, clothes, etc)

Hair: Dark Brown, nearly black.
Eyes: Grayish blue
Skin Color: Caucasian, slightly tanned...not too fair.
Height: 6' 2"
Build: Toned, not too muscular.
Distinguishing Features: None of note.
Clothes: Tends to dress conservatively, wearing suits while he teaches, but on his off days is more casually preppy in an Eddie Bauer type of style.

Family (mother, father, siblings): His parents are still alive (and still together), and he has one younger brother (tentatively named Seth). None of his family practices magic, but they are curious to know about the things he learns.

History: During a school project, Elliott traced his family tree back to old Salem and the witch trials. After pressing his family for details, he discovered that his father's side was indeed said to be magical, but no one in the family had been practicing since they were nearly killed off during the trials.

Interested in picking it up, Elliott further traced his family and sought out experts on magic and the occult. He was an eager student, got high grades, and had a knack for teaching others.

As he studied, Elliott worked as a teacher's assistant. When he finished up his Master's degree, he decided to continue teaching and got a position at a prestigious university, but taught for only two years before controversy about his teaching methods and pressure from the board of directors forced him to resign. He was recruited for U of S by the dean and has been teaching for 5 years. He is currently close to completing his Doctorate degree

Personality: Elliott is an enthusiastic teacher, one known for being positive and encouraging. He's the type who takes of his own time to help students who need the extra help, or who might be interested in outside projects.

While he's not considered strict, he does have a respect for authority and demands the same of his students. He dislikes students who do not take their studies seriously, or who don't live up to their full potential. He admires initiative and inquisitiveness as well as leadership and positive values.

He believes that magic should be used for good, and is opposed to the use of black arts for selfish or harmful reasons.

Having always focused so much on his studies, he hasn't had much time to develop any serious relationships. He has dated casually, and he sometimes hangs out with collegues or his brother, when he's in town. He's an easygoing guy and would be considered pretty laid back.

Powers/Abilities: Elliott is quite adept at conjuring. He can mix potions as well, though it is not his forte.

Occupation: Professor of Magic at Univerity of the Supernatural. This term Elliott is teaching 'Conjuring 101: History of Magical Conjuring', 'Conjuring 106: Science and Magic of Conjuring', 'Conjuring 202: Ethics and Magical Conjuring', 'Potions 104: Basics of Herbal-Based Potions'

Major and year character is in: Elliott has been teaching at U of S for 5 years, but before that worked for two years at a regular university', teaching cultural mythologies and supernatural phenomenon. Locked heads with administration when he chose to teach certain things as fact, not theory, and was pressed to leave. He's also currently near completing his Doctorate degree.

Place of residence: Lives alone in a 2 bedroom apartment in Darlington Court. He likes to keep his personal life separate from his students.

Roommate(s): None

Favorites (Optional)

Fave Food: His mother's meatloaf.
Fave Sport: Baseball.
Fave Movies: None of Note.
Fave Band/Musician: Doesn't listen to music too much, but enjoys light jazz and easy listening for ambiance.
Fave Flower: Barely knows a rose from a dahlia.
Fave color: Doesn't really care, but if forced to choose, he'd pick blue.

Greatest Fear: For good magic to backfire and cause death and destruction.

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© 2009--Penny Dreadful Creations.

University of the Supernatural
This page was last updated on February 16th, 2009
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