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Fashia ForestBend

Alias/Nickname: None, however it should be noted that a pixies last name denotes the village that they hail from.
Age: 20
Race/ species: Pixie.
Sex: Female


Hair: Brown with blonde highlight, long down her back.
Eyes: Green.
Skin Color: Tan.
Height: 6"
Build: Very Skinny, but in a curvy way.
Distinguishing Features: Wings, Pink and Green with green bead accents.
Clothes: Most often something pink and trendy. (I have a picture I will post if character is accepted).

Family: Pixies are created by a child's laughter so Fashia has no birth parent but the village is a large community were everyone helps everyone, like a large family. They are born fully grown adults and with the full knowledge of the village.

Pets: None.

History: Fashia has never really fit in. Her Village, Forestbend, was in a forest where most pixies around her lived in tune with nature, never wanting for anything. Fashia's name alone was quite a stir. See evryr Pixies name reflects their talent, such as Raina deals with water. Fashia was named for, well, fashion. She could create clothes out of seemling nothing. And while it was nice to have a seamstress in the Village, Fashia clothes just didnt fit with the nature lifestyle.

While she is friendly like most pixies tend to be she is also a bit bratty and snobby. This has lead to many feuds between her and other pixies, something that rarely happened before she came. Fashia believes that most the Pixies her age are redneck losers. But she was msart enough not to let the elders know that and acted with the uttmost respect so no action was ever taken against her nor was she ever scolded on her fashion predijuce.

Fashia is still quite young as far as pixies go, and feels tied down by the Village. Most pixies never leave but Fashia jumped at the chance to go to school when Applegrum of the council of elders suggested it. The council thought it might mature her and get some of the worldliness out of her if she got to see it first hand and learn that it is not a place for pixies. If nothign else it will keep the village quite for a while.

Personality: Very bubbly and outgoing to a fault. Fashia is a bit of a snob, specifically on fashion. If its last year, in her book, so are you!

Powers/Abilities: Fashia' talent is sewing, being able to create almost anything made out of cloth with simple tools. Her normal Pixie powers include Pixie dust power (ability to make other people or even simple object fly) and her pixie dust can be used on a slight defensive level but really is just like sand thrown in your face. It hurts and you cant see for a second but no real damage.

Occupation: Fashion Designer for Pixie Village is what she considers herself. Seamstress would be the better title though. Fashia does sidework for a dress shop in town to help with expenses but only when she has to.

Major and year character is in: First year, Majoring in Art design, but minoring in smaller enchanted creature politics.

Place of residence: Currently, because of her size, rather then a huge room she was given an old wardrobe that is nestled in the attic of the Female Dorm, Valhalla. She does hope to pledge to KIS as soon as possible though.

Roommate): None, see above.


Fave Food: Anything sweet.
Fave Sport: Cheerleading, for their cute little costumes.
Fave Movies: Romance movies.
Fave Band/Musician: Top 40 music..
Fave Flower: Carnations, etc.
Fave color: Pink.

Worst Fear: Spiders. Even though there were friendly spiders that lived in the village she had a fear of them that led to much mockery in her youth. Also fears being forced to wear the color brown the rest of her life.

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University of the Supernatural
This page was last updated on February 16th, 2009
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