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Alias/Nickname (optional): Prof. Gabriel Mendez
Age: 3500
Birthday (optional): He does not remember.
Astrological Sign: Scorpio
Race/ species: Human/Mummy
Sex: Male


Hair: Raven haired, cut shoulder length.
Eyes: A brilliant hazel
Skin Color: Bronze
Height: 5' 9"
Build: Athletic
Distinguishing Features: Prof. Mendez has a piercing gaze that often makes others nervous (especially his students).
Clothes: The finest fines! Prof. Mendez is an impeccable dresser!

Family (mother, father, siblings): All family lost to antiquity.

Pets: None

History: In his time, Mendes served the Pharaoh Ramses as his court physician. He was good at what he did and served Pharaoh well, amassing power, prestige and wealth. Pharaoh was kind and Mendes lacked for nothing. To Mendes, Pharaoh was god on earth.

Then Mendes was summoned before Pharaoh and offered to Horus and his mother, Isis. It was Horus's request that Pharaoh grant him his best physician and that when the time came for Mendes to pass into the next life he would not die, but rise again, immortal. This was the will of the gods, he was told. He would gladly accept their grace.

Mendes's time would come sooner than expected, for war broke out with the Nubian empire. Mendes followed Pharaoh into battle as was expected and defended him to his last breath after the soldiers fell, saving Pharaoh from certain death at the hands of the Nubian warlords. Pharaoh grieved for the loss of his physician and friend.

Horus and his mother, Isis, came to Pharaoh that night and took Mendes. Isis, it was said, knew the secrets to everlasting life. Mendes was interred by her priests and under- went the ritual of mummification. For days they labored in their craft, the air filled with the sounds of their chanting, the power of the word, known then as hekau, but now called magic emanating off of every dune and spire.

In three days time, Mendes rose, not a god, but more than man. He was a mummy, a soldier of Horus's legion now, made to defend and do battle with his uncle, Set, the evil one!

For centuries, Mendes defended his god, Horus, from the bane of Set's minions as a member of his Osirian League. As time passed, Set's hold on the land began to waiver, and the call of Mendes's gods did not move him as before. Mendes began to grow disillusioned with the cause of the Osirian League. Indeed, little moved him any longer. Mendes summoned his hekau and prepared a ritual. As an immortal, Mendes could be slain, but because the three parts of his soul were forever bound to him, ka, ba and sekham, he could never die, but his remains would always be reborn into a new body. Mendes slew himself, preparing him for his next incarnation.

When Mendes awoke the first time, 1500 years had passed. He awoke in Cairo in an Egypt very different the one he had left behind. Much of the known world had been conquered by Romany centuries before, and new gods had taken hold over the old. Names such as Allah, Yaweh, and a god on Earth, known as Jesus Christ, now seemed to rule over the people. The ancient cities remained, but were changed, already beginning to fall to ruin. Pharaoh no longer ruled! Oh, where were his gods? Why had he forsaken their calling? The shock of it was almost more than he could bear. The world had moved on without him. How would he adjust?

But adjust he did. Mendes had always had a keen mind, and he took to debating in the forums, and teaching the new world its lost history. Mendes found a place in the world once again.

Mendes continued to move through history, seeing sights and experiencing events that he would later describe in vivid details. To others, it would almost seem that Mendes had been there and had witnessed those events. To Mendes, he had.

In the latter half of the Twentieth Century, Mendes acquired a teaching degree and changed his name to Gabriel Mendez, claiming a Spanish heritage while at the same time finding a means to keep his name. He accepted tenure at Cambridge and taught ancient history there. As the wheel of time turned into the Twenty-first Century, Gabriel began to feel a calling he had not felt in eons. That pull would lead him to America and the University of the Supernatural. Gabriel gave notice and transferred to West Chester, accepting tenure at the University, who's faculty found Gabriel to be a great find.

It wasn't long before Gabriel realized what had drawn him there. The University was home to all manner of creature, fae; vampire; cryptos and spirits, a plethora of the supernatural awaited his arrival.

This was nothing compared to what would follow. The call had been from the gods of old. Mendes was needed once again. Egyptian magic was being rediscovered and Set, as well as the other gods, had been awakened from their long slumber. The war was threatening to begin again. As Mendes looked over his new surroundings, one thought crossed his mind, "will this be the new battleground and are these, my students, the new soldiers to be recruited in an age old war?" Only time, and Set's minions, the Bane, would tell.

Personality: Mendes is a natural orator, mostly due to his time in the Roman forums. His students hang on his every word. His personality can only be described as captivating and he is as worldly as he seems. In battle, Mendez is a ferocious demigod who wields "the power of the word", hekau as his weapon.

Powers/Abilities (if any): Hekau (Ancient Egyptian magic), resurrection from the dead.

Occupation: Professor of Archeology at U of S, specializing in Egyptian antiquities

Major and year character is in: As Gabriel Mendez, Mendes possesses Masters degrees in both archeology and history.

Place of residence: A condo at Terrace Towers.

Roommate(s) (optional): Out of necessity, Mendes lives alone as a means of practicing hekau in peace and quiet.

Other: Mendes's condo comes complete with a converted "panic room" where he performs his rituals and stores his personal antiquities. Mendes has no love life. To be truthful, in all of his centuries, the right woman, has never come along.

Favorites (Optional)

Fave Food: Pizza, a recent delight!
Fave Sport: Fencing.
Fave Movies: Romances, as he longs for a true love, but never had one.
Fave Band/Musician: None of note, but he prefers "New Age" music as it aides in meditation.
Fave Flower: Orchids.
Fave color: Gabriel Mendez has no favorite color of note, but does prefer neutral colors in his attire.

Wrost Fear: The coming war.

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University of the Supernatural
This page was last updated on February 16th, 2009
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