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Hazel Larkin

Age: 342, but she doesn't look a day over 42.
Race/ species: Faerie
Sex: Female


Hair: Brown.
Eyes: Blue.
Skin Color: Caucasian
Height: Normal Height is about 1' 6", but tends to go around in the body of a typical 5' 6 1/2" 30 year old.
Build: Pear-shaped, she looks pretty fit, just a little unbalanced.
Distinguishing Features: Very long eyelashes, little small wings that are sheer white/gray. Nothing fancy, sparkling, or glimmery. She has a little golden crown that floats like a halo, which is the norm for urban sky fairies, but she doesn't usually wear it while at U of S.
Clothes: Tends to wear pants/jeans and T-shirts, often times the T-shirts have slogans on them which reflect her mood (and can change when her mood changes).

Family (mother, father, siblings): An only child, her parents are retired and travelling the world.

Pets: None

History: Hazel comes from a line of urban sky Fairies. When she was old enough, she decided to get into Godparenting. She was very successful in the Fairy Academy and was voted most-likely-to-be- godparent-to-a-mortal-success. She's had many godchildren over the years, all of whom indeed turned out to be 'mortal successes' in some way or another.

Finding it increasingly difficult to say goodbye after watching her godchildren grow up, she tried working for the Toothfairy, who had expanded her work into an enormous corporation. But she missed working one-on-one with the kids, because Toothfairy work is about not being seen at all, even by the children. Finally, an old boyfriend of hers suggested that she try U of S, where she wouldn't have to hide.

She's been a dorm mother for three years now and is loving the ability to be open with people who aren't just children, but still need her in their own way.

Personality: She tends to be a patient sort of dorm mother, trying always to guide and not lecture her 'kids'. She can sometimes come across as nagging, but everything she does is motivated by her desire for what's best for her 'kids'. She likes to have fun, but sometimes get caught up in being too serious so needs a little reminding that life's got its pleasures, too.

Powers/Abilities (if any): She can fly/float when in her right size, and 'poof' travel as well.

With her magic wand, she can do almost anything from conjuring up something, to changing its shape. Out of habit from her Fairy Godmother days, she tends to only use her magic to help her 'kids' or teach them a lesson, not to punish or grant whims.

She has her limitations by Fairy code. For example, love is Cupid's domain, and she can't interfere with true love or make anyone fall in love. She certainly can't kill anyone or mortally wound them, and she's bound in the real world to never be seen or discovered. At U of S, she's bound by university regulations as well.

Occupation: Drom Mother, Valhalla Dorm.

Major and year character is in: This is Hazel's fourth year as Dorm Mother.

Place of residence: Valhalla Dorm..

Roommate(s) (optional): None.

Favorites (Optional)

Fave Food: Pizza, popcorn, and other junk food (she got that from her godkids over the years).
Fave Sport: Doesn't play or watch sports, except to support her kids.
Fave Movies: Anything with Johnny Depp...he's one of her proud accomplishments!
Fave Band/Musician: The Beetles--the sixties were sooo groovy!
Fave Flower: Anything bright and cheerful.
Fave color: Doesn't discriminate, even with colors of the rainbow! But likes bright, fun colors--no drab neutrals or black.

Wrost Fear: To let her kids down by giving them bad advice.

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© 2009--Penny Dreadful Creations.

University of the Supernatural
This page was last updated on February 16th, 2009
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