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Jane Riley

Age: 19
Birthday: Not sure.
Astrological Sign: Aries.
Race/ species: Human/witch.
Sex: Female.


Hair: Dark red, long, and although it's thick and curly, Jane straightens it and wears it wadded up in a clamp at the back of her head.
Eyes: Green- occasionally Jane wears reading glasses when her eyes are tired, but they embarrass her.
Skin Color: Pale, occasional freckling, which she hates.
Height: 5'6
Build: Athletic, and slightly on the "solid" side- Jane's not waifish, but she's not muscle-bound, either. She has a feminine shape, and tries hard to keep it that way.

Distinguishing Features: Celtic knot shamrock tattoo on her hip. White horse of Uffington in the middle of her back, hand-sized.

Clothes: Jane prefers comfortable clothes- jeans, tank-tops, track-suits, but things that flatter her figure. She appreciates Affliction, Sinful, Ed Hardy, and the like- a Buckle-Junkie... but money's a little tight since the whole disinheritance thing. She can only shoplift them occasionally now. Loves accessories that sparkle or jingle, and is often seen with a gigantic purse that holds her whole life. Wears a claddagh on her right hand and a few thumb rings and trinkets. Loves to go barefoot when she can.

Family: Adopted, but Jane remembers in bits and flashes a pale woman with long black hair, lots of screaming and thumping around. She grew up in what appeared to be The Aryan Family... blonde, blue-eyed, devout Baptists raised her... but they weren't "family".

Pets: Had a horse once, but she doesn't like to remember that part of her life... it seems too much like a dream.

History: From an early age, "It's God's Way" stopped cutting it when Jane had questions. Her natural curiosity and unflinching ability to delve into research provided her with stellar grades throughout high school, but Jane's child-hood wanderings into the woods, rides off across the field at night, and endless "why/how?" questions drove her parents crazy. She was always a natural artist, but the family disapproved of it because anything someone loved couldn't possibly pay bills or make a living. She'd seen enough of that to actually agree, but she still didn't know what she wanted to do with her life.

They thought Jane should get married fresh out of high school and start a family- then she wouldn't have to work, but the very thought of that could wake her up in a cold sweat. Instead, Jane decided to "have a look around" a bit more, and after getting acceptance letters from several good schools... and David Lipscomb and Freed-Hardman... she decided on the University of the Supernatural instead.

Life here hasn't been so great, though. The studies are going well enough, but the lack of social integration from an early age (home-schooled, argh!) mixed with what little she gathered through resourcefulness hasn't been enough. Jane's resorted to shoplifting- at first just to cover her expenses of living... but now, she's branched out to things she can enjoy, and sell on ebay.

Jane's tried to contact her parents to keep them updated, but they don't return her calls or answer letters except to lecture her, and predict when she'll come home pregnant.

Personality: Quiet, but not really shy if Jane's in unfamiliar territory or situations. When she's comfortable, she loves conversation, laughter, and debate. She enjoys surveying and assessing things before jumping into them, which is why she's single, and not really interested in a serious relationship of any sort. Love blinds people to the point that they often tangle up and injure themselves. She's not doing that again. She left that behind her. Jane's not exactly a shrinking violet, and in fact dislikes the type, but she also hates the trashy, loud "party-girl" types who pop gum and shriek with crazy loud laughter at any stupid joke and shop at The Gap.

Jane's become an atheist over the years, but at one time was deeply Christian. While she doesn't mock or scorn it now, she still shies away from debates on the issue. She hates intolerant witches as much as she does radicals of any pursuit.

Powers/Abilities (if any): Jane doesn't possess any powers herself, but she can work charms and things to help herself out. She has prophetic dreams which she often disregards as ridiculous sugar-binge-initiated bullshit. Some of her jewelry can be considered talismanic, and while she knows that supernatural things exist in the world, she's very skeptical that she herself is capable of any sort of ability. Any of her "Heh, I'll just bet (insert something)" or "Wouldn't it be something if" idle observations have the possibility of coming true, though... which scares her.

Adept shoplifter, and remarkably inventive with her near-tourettes outbursts when she's upset to the point of tears.

Jane's powers will develop over her stay here, but eventually, she'll embrace her fire element instead of having occasional "flamey" outbursts that have nothing to do with herpes, Liberace, or her hair.

Occupation: Research assistant at the University. Student.

Place of residence: Um... dunno yet.

Roommate(s) (optional): Same.

Other: She's here on a sort of "minority outreach" scholarship... one of the few "normals" walking around- well, closer to normal than usual. "Borings" are what some people call her kind.


Fave Food: Asian.
Fave Sport: Ballroom Dancing, Heavyweight boxing, Hockey, equestrian.
Fave Movies: None really have impacted her, but she likes to go out for the popcorn.
Fave Band/Musician: Eclectic.
Fave Flower: Daffodil.
Fave color: Purple.

Worst Fear: Abandonment, in a way, but also lightning. Jane *cowers* during thunderstorms, because lighting always strikes as close to her as it can, considering her element is fire.

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University of the Supernatural
This page was last updated on February 16th, 2009
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