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Jerri Gottlieb

Alias/Nickname : J.C., "Chasey" (there's an explanation to this..."JC" is her first and middle initial, said really quickly sounds like "Chasey," and it became her name when she was wrestling).
Age: 22
Birthday: July 27th
Astrological Sign: Leo
Race/ species: Human/Caucasian
Sex: Female


Hair: Long, golden blonde, in a ponytail or braid most of the time...has a tendency to whirl around really quickly and whack people in the face with it...but it's also a hinderance.
Eyes: Brown.
Skin Color: Tanish.
Height: 5' 4"
Build: Athletic, yet curvy (think Lara Croft from the "Tomb Raider" games) .
Distinguishing Features: she's an insomniac, she always looks tired but she's always awake and alert. There's also a scar on her back that people think she got in a fight, but it's the result from a lung surgery she had ages ago. Oh, and those very faint bloodstains on her hands? Don't ask...she's done some killin'...granted it was zombies, but nothing terribly illegal...

Family: Jerri's parents are Max and Shirley Gottlieb, who are fairly prestigious archaeological/anthropological professors, well recognized in their field. Her older sister, Rory, is following in their footsteps. Jerri's kind of the black sheep of the family.

Pets: Jerri owns a dog, a chocolate lab named Tootsie.

History: During Jerri's junior year of high school, before her boyfriend Travis was supposed to go off to college, there was a disturbance made in a nearby graveyard by a coven of witches trying to raise the dead. At the same time, aliens landed in the cornfield next to the graveyard. The power from the spacecraft gave the spell the witches were using the extra power needed to raise the dead. So now there's a zombie-alien hybrid running around attacking people. Travis became the zombies first victim, and he had to be killed immediately by some jerk from the FBI. She's been trying to displace it from her mind, but as of late...has had to come to terms with it that she's the only one who knows what's going on and has to take care of the alien- zombies on her own.

Personality: Nice, outgoing, easy to get along with...kind of keeps herself from getting too close to people, though. Kind of short- tempered, though, says some really mean things then will turn around and be all, "Ohmigosh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!" Can't let go of a grudge. But very defensive of her friends and loved ones and will fight hard to protect them. Also a bit on the aggressive side.

Powers/Abilities: No real super powers. Jerri carries a gun and a machete on her at all times in case of zombies. Very agile, very quick, very strong for someone of her size.

Occupation: Considering Jerri was going to school for the same thing her parents and sister were, she has an extensive knowledge of anthropology and history. She deals in medieval weaponry and is also an auto mechanic. Jerri is still studying anthropology to see what she can do with it.

Place of residence: Co-ed in the Naughty Kitten dorm hall (aside from that, she's an Indiana gal).

Roommate): Her dormmates.


Fave Food: Pizza and Fruit Roll-Ups.
Fave Sport: Wrestling, hockey, swimming and gymnastics.
Fave Movies: Terminator 2, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Lilo and Stitch, Ghost World and Shaun of the Dead (because zombies really aren't like that at all).
Fave Band/Musician: Garbage, No Doubt, The Donnas, AC/DC and Kelly Clarkson.
Fave Flower: Lilies
Fave Color: Purple and black.

Worst Fear: Zombies, of course!

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University of the Supernatural
This page was last updated on February 16th, 2009
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