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Martina Maverickn

Alias/Nickname : Wren
Real Name: Amon.
Age: 3000 (give or take a year. Martina appears to be in her early to mid 20's).
Birthday: June 1st
Astrological Sign: Gemini
Race/ species: Scyth.
Sex: Female


Hair: Silver and Black.
Eyes: Red.
Skin Color: Gray/Tan.
Height: 6'5"
Build: Strong.
Distinguishing Features: Eye of Horus tattoo around her left eye and long nails.
Clothes: Martina has expensive tastes.

Family: N/A.

Pets: A Jackal.

Artifact: A ring that allows her not to be stone.

History: Amon was discovered in Egypt in a time when pharaohs ruled over all. She served the gods of Egypt for a millennia and was later thought of as a god herself.

A time came when she fell in love and opposed the god Seth. When she could not longer be controlled, she joined a clan to destroy Seth. Seth stopped her by injecting poison into her system causing all her material to freeze and harden. She couldn't move. The clan discovered her body and their most powerful magicians constructed for her a ring to counter the poison.

In gratitude, Amon made a pact to always be with them no matter who they would be in times to come. Under this pact, none of the clan would ever harm the other. Each would know the other when seen, no matter how they appearanced.

Amon's ring came off in a tomb during a theomachy in the year of Christ's birth. As she remained indestructible in her current state, Seth communed with her and both became amicable to the other.

1500 years later, a member of her lost clan, an archaeologist found the ring and did as instructed. With the ring on, Amon came to life and showed the archaeologist all the secrets of the tomb. The archaeologist as well as Amon made off with a fortune, for the tomb had not been looted. Many museums bought from them, amassing a small fortune.

She got took the name Martina Maverickn and moved in with the archeologist's family in Paris France (June 1st 1594) later studying to became an archaeologist, herself.

As the others around her grew old and died, Martina remained unchanged, as the ring's power didn't allow her to age or bleed. This confounded her for she found she still felt pain and healed quickly.

Knowing of other clan members that were still alive Amon went to seek them out. With more money than she'd ever need, she journeyed to find the rest of her clan. She knew from reading the surface thoughts of other people that another resided at a large abode.

Amon traveled to large palaces and estates all over Europe and North Africa for many consecutive years later. From 1742-1813, she went across Russia, Asia, China, and Tibet, Taking in all of the wonders that the East had to offer. Later, from 1813-1818, Amon traveled to Australia during the british colonization, but left a few years later in 1820 to travel to America, where she has resided since then.

From her journeys Amon/Martina has reason to believe that an ally of hers, or possibly a reincarnation of her ally, currently resides in West Chester somewhere near the University of the Supernatural. She has decided to attend in hopes of finding him.

Personality: Eccentric

Powers/Abilities (if any): Understanding thoughts (surface reading), empathy, slight thought altercations, light psychic ability. Hekau.

Curse: At any time a moderator chooses (i.e. any time Martina becomes too much for the other players to handle), the ring will come off and she will turn to stone.

Occupation: In her past, Martina has held many positions, her favorites being model/actress, martial arts instructor, listener, fortune teller and life coach.

Major and year character is in: Undeclared major-1st year.

Place of residence: Undecided. Martina is currently looking for a place to live.

Roommate): Martina is seeking a roommate.


Fave Food: So many choices.
Fave Sport: The ancient game of kings.
Fave Movies: Starlight Kissed.
Fave Band/Musician: Dead and Gone.
Fave Flower: RoseFave color: Green.

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University of the Supernatural
This page was last updated on February 16th, 2009
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