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Maxamilian Frost

Alias/Nickname : Max, Maxey, etc.
Age: 25
Birthday: December 21st
Astrological Sign: Sagitarius
Race/ species: Half Fae
Sex: Male


Hair: Swoopy blonde hair.
Eyes: Blue.
Skin Color: Pale caucasian.
Height: 6' 2"
Build: Medium.
Distinguishing Features: Nothing out of the ordinary. He's a very good looking young man.

Clothes: Very well kept, usually casual (yet spiffy!). If he wears jeans they are in good condition. Nice polo's or button up. Khaki's, etc.

Family: Maximilian's father is none other than that famous Jack Frost who brings the snow and ice every winter. Maximilian's mother is a human named Elisa. Jack fell hopelessly in love with her at first sight. He managed to save her life with his powers. She had always been in love with the idea of Jack frost. He was allowed to become human and go to her for only a short time. When she met him and found out who he was she knew he already had her heart. They spent three beautiful seasons together happily before he had to return to his work. Jack lives in the Kingdom of the Winter Clouds and because of his nature is unable to return to his wife and child at this time. Elisa misses him but always knows he is around during the winter seasons. Maximilian has no siblings or pets at this point.

History: Maximilian grew up in a loving household with his mother. He never really felt like he belonged in school and was always teased because he was taller and lankier than everyone else. As such he didn't have many friends. His mother, while comforting and probably the only friend he had, didn't really know how to help him relate to the other boys so she did what she could to show him she loved him and help him do well. She didn't really tell him much about his father just that she loved him and that he had to leave.

As Maximilian got older he noticed that sometimes he wouldn't be able to see himself in the mirror. Sometimes he didn't feel like he was standing on the ground. And sometimes he would swear that this drink was supposed to be hot or room temperature but suddenly it was cold, or solid ice. He kept telling himself he was imagining things.

He worked very hard in school and got very good grades. And was getting ready to set off to a nice school so he could eventually become a computer tech. He is actually very good at working with computers.

But things don't always go our way. Jack showed up one day after his 3rd year in college and told him that he was going to have to transfer schools. Someday he was going to retire to spend time with his beloved Elisa and he would need a successor and who better than his own son.

Obviously it came as a shock to poor Maximilian when this whole alien part of his life was explained to him but he vowed to work hard and do his best to make his father proud.

Poor Maximilian is doing his best to try and get his powers under control but he is having such a hard time of it. He is great with the "science" part of his life but the "magic" part of his life still eludes him. On top of that his social skills are not 100% and he feels like he's not good at anything.

Personality: Poor socialization skills. Not that he doesn't try. He wants so badly to have friends and for people to like him. It's not easy when your father is never around. He is very sweet but bumbling often and is not very good at anything (kinda twitchy!) :-)

Powers/Abilities: Has the power to transform into his "winter" form at will (or when his will allows, anyway). Basically he becomes invisable and can fly at an accelerated speed. While in this form he can create any type of winter weather. Snow, Ice, Blizzards, etc. However, Maximilian isn't very good with his powers yet so often ends up with puddles of water. And on top of that since he is so young, the effects don't last very long and his speed is nothing like it will be.

Occupation: He got a job working at the computer lab monitoring the lab for a few hours at a time and sometimes doing house calls to fix computers.

Major and year character is in: He is in his first year which makes it all the more akward since he is older than most people in his class and is double majoring in Computer Technology and Winter Studies.

Place of residence: Hades dorm.

Roommate(s): None yet, but Max's is a two bedroom room.

Other: Tia has an amazing singing voice. She toyed around with a few different bands in her past, but they never lasted long. He manner of speech slips between a British accent and an American one.

Worst Fear: Failing. Letting everyone down.

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University of the Supernatural
This page was last updated on February 16th, 2009
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