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Meora Anne Reese

Alias/Nickname : Ora (only Devin is aloud to call her this).
Age: 21
Birthday: March 23rd
Astrological Sign: Aries
Race/ species: Human/Psychic
Sex: Female

Appearance: At 5’ 6", Meora is a tough girl who looks like she would rather knock someone out rather then starting up a conversation. In actuality it’s her years of working out and training that give her this appearance, not her personality.

Hair: Light brown, usually kept up in a ponytail or braided.

Eyes: Lavender in general, shade depends if she’s using her powers or not.
Skin Color: Slightly tan.
Height: 5' 6"
Build: Athletic.
Distinguishing Features: A black birthmark of two mirrored half moons over her heart.

Clothes: She likes clothes that she can move in. Tank tops, sweaters, and blouses are her common tops. Nice sweats, jogging pants, dress pants, and jeans from time to time.

Family: Mike (father, hasn’t seen him since she was nine). Ann (twin sister, deceased), Susan (Mom, she talks to her off and on).

History: Meora is the youngster of two in a fairly tight knit family. Her dad skipped out when she was born, but her mother provided more then enough for her twin girls. When Meora and Ann, her twin, were born with a traditional mark of their family, two mirrored half moons. But in order to explain that you’d have to look back a few centuries, say seven. Sometime during the early 1300s, the Wendel clan was attacked by a demon. No one alive now knows why it attacked, but they do know that the wise woman tried to protect her clan by binding the demon. It back fired when the demon fought back and wound up bound to the woman. The bind since then has been passed from generation to generation, generally to the oldest of that generation.

The twin’s aunt passed away when they were four and the magic transferred to Ann, the eldest of the two. Unfortunately, Ann wasn’t strong enough to support the bind and died a few days later. Meora then became the one with the “curse” and grew up knowing Devin, the demon, as a brother, a protector, a best friend, among many things. Be it school, toys, or extracurricular activities; Devin paid for the best of everything for his Ora. Since the bind took hold, Meora has had a slight control over water and always knows where Devin is and his general mood.

During the summer between her junior and senior year in high school, Meora learned that by being bound to Devin she would most likely not live to see forty after discovering that the mark was the reason her dad took off, and that the bind is the reason for Ann dying.

After a major blow out with her mom for keeping these secrets, she took off in the middle of the night, trying to outrun her commitments. Devin, naturally, kept an eye on her, but for the most part let her attempt to accept what was on her own. She showed up at her mom’s house the night before school would start and had a shaky relationship with both of them.

She took a year off in between high school and college to travel and eventually enrolled in Harvard as a Liberal Arts & Science major. During her second year, Meora’s cousin gave her a book left to her by her deceased aunt. It contained records of the different attempts to remove the bind and the effects of each failure, mostly ending in death or being weakened so badly that the energy need to maintain the bind killed him or her.

After finishing her sophomore year, Meora transferred to UofS. She’s looking to learn to control her developing powers, but mostly hopes that a school of the supernatural might find some way to destroy the bind between herself and Devin.

Personality: A fairly easy going girl, but doesn’t hesitate to speak her mind. She is protective of Devin and her friends, but needs a cool off period if she has a fight with people.

Powers/Abilities: Some control over water, nothing to impressive unless she’s in a life or death situation. Also, from her blood line, she has a vague intuition of things to come, which she channels through Tarot cards.

The Bind: Both have a sense of what each other’s moods are and if they are in danger. They can not control each other through the bind, but they generally do not stray far from one another. Hurting one can cause physical and emotional pain to the other. It drains both of them in different ways. Meora is prone to getting sick off and on if Devin uses too much of his power or if she doesn’t take care of herself.

Occupation: Tutor in Latin.

Major and year character is in: Liberal Arts & science major, with double minors in Latin and Japanese.

Place of residence: Darrlington Court-Apartments, 2-bedroom.

Roommate(s): None for now, but Devin sleeps on the couch or floor from time to time when he feels weak or overly protective of Meora.

Other: Meora’s relationship with Devin is somewhat hard to explain at times. It’s a love/hate relationship for the most part. Meora grew up with Devin as her best friend and protector, but he also is the reason for a lot of the crap that has happened in her life. Outsiders might see their relationship as something more then that, but for now that is all she sees him as. Meora is fluent in Latin., which she learned from Devin.

Meora is also a first degree blackbelt in Tae Kwon Do and has been taking fencing lessons for a year. She mostly began Taekwondo as a way to keep her body strong and healthy. She’s learning fencing to tone and strengthen her body even more.


Fave Food: Devin’s Stir Fry.
Fave Sport: Hockey.
Fave Movies: Pride and Prejudice, Notebook, Star Wars, Blade: Trinity (mostly for the half naked Ryan Reynolds).
Fave Band/Musician: Anything good for background music while she works out.
Fave Flower: Orchids
Fave color: green

Worst Fear: That the only way to be free of the curse is to kill Devin.

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University of the Supernatural
This page was last updated on February 16th, 2009
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