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Nathanael Marcus Deuspreto

Alias/Nickname : Nate, nathan.
Age: 21
Birthday: September 9th
Astrological Sign: Virgo
Race/ species: Latino/Nahuatl Demon.
Sex: Male


Hair: Silvery black, medium length, usually kind of messy.
Eyes: Nate's cornea are a highly reflective metalic silver like tiny rounded mirrors. While they are reflective, they also absorb light allowing him to see perfectly. His iris and pupil are obviously hidden.
Skin Color: Lightish... He's brazilian so he goes from pale to a deep tan.
Height: 6' 3"
Build: Well built from weight lifting and yoga. Not overly bulky, just good and toned.
Distinguishing Features: Just the hair and eyes unless of course he's armored in which case the armor is pretty distinguishing.

Clothes: Nate's wardrobe is mostly dark. Blue, Grey, black, green. He has a few stray things that are red or white but not much. It's also pretty much all jeans and t-shirts.

Family: Isabella Deuspreto (mother), Vincente Deuspreto (father)

Pets: Nate has a cat named Tepe. Tepe is not a normal cat. He's about three times the size of your normal house cat and looks like a jaguar. He doesn't talk or anything but he's very intelligent and very protective of Nate. He has really sharp claws and an empathic bond with Nate.

History: Nate is the last son of the Deuspreto bloodline; one of the most influencial and powerful families amongst Nahuatl demons, the descendants of the Aztec gods. The Deuspreto's run a multitude of businesses in Brazil making them influencial in the business world and keeping up their appearence of an affluent human family. Due to his eyes Nate wasn't allowed to spend much time around human children when he was young. Anytime he went out he had to wear sunglasses. It was lonely, but gave him time to focus more on learning to use his demonic abilitites. His entire childhood was spent emersed in the world of magic. He was forced to attend private magical schools and was discouraged from making friends with the human children who lived around him.

While growing up he was never allowed to forget he's the last son of the family and therefore has to carry on the family name as well as their business ventures. His father kept constant pressure on him to be the best and Nate has always resented it.

His mother however has helped keep him balanced, especially by convincing his father to let him attend private schools in America which isn't normal for a Nahuatl demon due to their central and south american heritage.

Personality: Nate is cynical and sarcastic. You can never quite tell if he's telling the truth about anything which drives most people nuts. For his whole life he's had to deal with people reacting badly to the fact that he's a demon, so he comes off cold upon first meeting people now. He'd rather they think he's just a jerk than deal with the reaction to what he is.

If you get past the cold though, he's an incredibly likable person. He has a great, albeit slightly dark, sense of humor and a low temper.

Powers/Abilities (if any): Nate's blood, once released, can harden into a nearly indestructable black armor. He can control the shape and extent of the armor while it's still liquid. Once it's solid it maintains it's shape until he converts it into a liquid again.

While it's a liquid it provides absolutely no protection, so he always keeps an armor shape until he no longer needs it. The armor resembles Obsidian.

Aside from the armor he only has very minor wind and shadow magics. He can summon a strong breeze and bend shadows into solid objects very very briefly (a few seconds tops). These powers will advance with age, but right now he's fairly useless with them.

Nahuatl demons have a strong natural defense against telepathy. Telepaths who tried to read members of the Deuspreto family get strong sensations of cold and despair. It can be broken through but the initial feeling usually prevents it.

Occupation: Full-time student.

Major and year character is in: Second year, Art History Major.

Place of residence: Atlantis dorm.

Roommate(s): Ty Astraureus

Other: Nate is gay. So far only his mom knows and she doesn't care at all. He's still not sure about telling any of his peers though.

He smells really really good. Like that smell right before it snows mixed with something indescribable. The best way to describe it is if ice-blue had a scent, thats how he smells.

He can play guitar and bass very well.

He speaks Portugeuse fluently.


Fave Food: Fruit.
Fave Sport: He's on the schools fencing team. He also likes to watch soccer and swimming... but not really for the sports.
Fave Movies: Horror. Especially zombie movies and teen slasher flicks.
Fave Band/Musician: The Pixies. He likes a wide variety of music but he loves punk and 80's music.
Fave Flower: Doesn't have one.
Fave color: Gray.

Worst Fear: combination minor agoraphobia and intense claustrophbia. He's terrified of small spaces, and gets particularly freaked out by large confining crowds.

Demon Information

Nahuatl Demons

Nahuatl demons are the result of third generation mixing of mystical blood with human blood. Their first ancestors were the Aztec gods. As their empire was crumbling due to the intervention of europeans and the genocide of their worshippers, the gods had to maintain their power by having offspring with mortals. These demi-god children then mated with mortals creating the first Family bloodlines. The bloodlines then spread through central and south america intermingling with humans and inserting themselves into the human world.

Nahuatl demons all appear mostly human. They usually have abnormal eyes, hair, or tattoo like birth marks. It all depends on the family.

Their powers are based on the nature of the original ancestors. The Deuspreto family for example are descendants of Tezcatlipoca have their Obsidian Blood, Wind, and Shadow magics. The Bruja line, descendants of Tlazolteotl, have advanced psychic abilities and the power to cure diseases as well as inflict people with them.

When a Nahuatl demon reaches puberty it subconsciously summons it's Nagual, the nagual are the descendants of the animal forms of the aztec gods. Again what type of Nagual is dependant on the bloodline. The Deuspreto line's Nagual are Jaguar like as Tezcatlipoca's nagual was Tepeyollotl the Jaguar god. Nagual have no real magical powers aside from an empathic bond to their Nahuatl. They are very intelligent and usually quite large. They act not only as companions but also as guardians and are always very protective of their Nahuatl.

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University of the Supernatural
This page was last updated on February 16th, 2009
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