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Rowan Ann Styles

Alias/Nickname : Friends nicknamed her Dagda though she allows very few people to use it.
Age: 19
Birthday: May 13, 1986
Race/ species: Human for the most part.
Sex: Female


Hair: Black with various shades of green interwoven with it.
Eyes: Green. Depending on her mood the color can changed from a soft pastel green to a bright green to deep forest green.
Skin Color: Pale white, she doesn’t tan very easy at all.
Height: 5' 5"
Build: Athletic, but not muscular.

Distinguishing Features: Rowan’s body has vines that grow from the top of her shoulders and extend to her wrists. She can cause them to shrink back to above her elbows at will. The vines move at her command, but she had troubles shrinking then back into her skin.

Clothes: Generally a pair of pants or shorts, but almost always wears clothing the covers the vines on her arms unless she feels comfortable where she is. She picked up a bit of a gothic look from a friend though it isn’t her overall style.

Family: Her mother passed away when she was young and her father keeps in limited contact with her. She has one younger brother who she talks to off and on, but cares for very much.

Pets: Her plants, all twenty of them.

History: Rowan was a semi-typical kid. Her mother died when she was young and her father raised her by himself along with her younger brother. Her father worked fairly high up in an electronics corporation and made good money. She went to a normal elementary school in the suburbs and had a good life.

When she turned 12 her mutation showed up rather painfully in the form of the vines on her shoulders. Her father freaked out, but didn’t outright disown her. He sent her away to various private schools and told her to hide the vines. She started to get into martial arts at age 15 when a classmate taught her. She also learned how to use a dagger from an older lady, her brother’s nanny, during her summers.

She usually lasted about six months to a year in a private school depending on how long it took for her to get in a fight or her mutation to show up. At the school where she graduated, Rowan first had an encounter with someone out of the ordinary like herself, a werewolf by the name of Sain. She and Sain helped each other through a lot and still keep in touch regularly. It was through Sain that she learned of the larger world of magic and supernatural. When she graduated from private school, at the age of 18, Rowan spent a year traveling around and trying to learn how to control her powers.

Personality: Rowan is a rather calm, easygoing person. She is always there to lend an ear when someone needs it and helps out with anything she can. She tends to be a bit more private with her personal life. She’ll lend an ear, but rarely will seek someone out to share her problems. While there is very little that upsets her, Rowan can be particularly vengeful if something makes her mad. She’s also isn’t against doing a few pranks to lighten up the mood if it needs it.

Powers/Abilities: Rowan has the ability to speed up the growth of plants and control their movements. Through her mutation she also has a special connection with natures and is able to get an idea what is happening around her through nature. It would take her over a month to grow a full size redwood tree and a few minutes for smaller plants though she is able to create vines in seconds if she is willing to bleed a little more for it.

She carries seeds so that she has what she needs for anything that comes up. In order for her to grow a plant she must use a little of her blood. The vines on her arms are able to grow out to about five yards comfortably, but the longest she’s ever stretched them is about ten yards and it is extremely painful. These plants have various uses from medicinal to protection to forensic capabilities. Rowan is particularly good at growing vine plants.

Occupation: Waitress at A Night Cap.

Major and year character is in: Rowan is a Freshman in the field of Botany.

Place of residence: Terrace Towers.

Roommate(s): She is looking for a roommate, but it’s not a priority in her life.

Other: In addition to her various types of seeds she carries in a small pouch, Rowan also carries a small dagger she nicknames life with her. It is about four inches long with a curved blade and vines carved into the handle. She is also terrified of heights, especially if she isn’t in contact with some form of nature.


Fave Food: Rowan loves pasta!
Fave Sport: Watches hockey off and on and enjoys some football.
Fave Movies: Just about any kind of movie as long as it has a decent plot in it.
Fave Band/Musician: Variety of music though she does enjoy Simple Plan, Green Day, Evanescence, Ra and Live.
Fave Flower: Ah, so many choices…
Fave color: Earth tones and reds if she is in a playful mood.

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University of the Supernatural
This page was last updated on February 16th, 2009
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