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Prof. Seth Quinn

Age: 28
Birthday: July 18
Astrological Sign: Cancer Race/ species: Human.
Sex: Male


Hair: Brown.
Eyes: Blue.
Skin Color: Tanned.
Height: 6' 2"
Build: Lean.

Distinguishing Features: His eyes.

Clothes: Depends on what he is doing.

Family: Three older brothers who raised him, Cameron, Ethan and Phillip.

Pets: None currently.

History: Seth's mother was an addict who sold her son to Ray Quinn, the father she'd never known she had. When he was killed in a car accident his three sons took custody of the youngster. Rasing him as their brother, dispite the fact that he was really Ray's grandson. After he graduated from college Seth spent several years in Europe traveling and furthering his education in the arts.

Personality: Family is everything to Seth, who knows that his life was saved by the Quinn brothers. He sees beauty in things that others tend to miss, but that's his artist's eye at work.

Powers/Abilities: None.

Occupation: Art Teacher.

Other: Seth has no tolerance for people doing drugs, knowing from his mother just how destructive they can be.

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University of the Supernatural
This page was last updated on February 16th, 2009
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