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Summer Rose Flannery

Alias/Nickname : None
Age: 21
Astrological Sign: Aquarius
Race/ species: Human/Fae.
Sex: Female


Hair: Golden blonde.
Eyes: Green.
Skin Color: caucasian, pale but tans rather than burns if not wearing sunscreen.
Height: 5' 1"
Build: Petite and slim.

Distinguishing features: Iridescent, butterflyesque wings that she can make appear and disappear at will or when her flight or fight instincts are tested.

Clothes: Summer goes through different phases of clothing but usually prefers bright colors. Because of her small build she's stays away from long skirts.

Mother: Orchid Rose- A Fae who met her husband, Michael, when he somehow got off a main road and wound up lost in the forest her people called home. The Fae were all suspicious that he was spying on them and had less than honorable intentions. Michael, scared of these non humans had remained quiet but Orchid was his age and able to get him to open up. And fall in love in the process.

Father: Michael Flannery-Human with a very bad sense of direction whose mishaps led him to his wife. Tries to maintain normalcy to the outside world but keeping magic in the household as opposed to used all over.

Brother: Winter- older by a few years he's tormented her since birth. Takes after Michael and have very little Fae characteristics as they seem to be passed on through the female line.

Sister: Autumn- younger and at Hogwarts studying. Looks up to Summer *figuratively* since they're about the same height.

Grandmother: Hyacinth Rose- Elder Fae who takes Autumn under her wing to teach her the Fae ways and how to use and control her powers.

Pets: A guinea pig named Kermit.

History: Summer was born in Ireland and was raised there and in California. As she grew up and her Fae abilities began to emerge more, she spent more and more time with her grandmother, Hyacinth to learn how to handle her powers and her wings. The lessons had started when she was very young but intensified as she got older and more and more started to emerge. Since she couldn't really use her powers where her family lived and she was proud of her heritage, Summer decided to apply to U of S to have a chance to be with people like her where she didn't have to change or hide who she was or what gifts she was born with.

She's had a lot of trouble with her magical abilities backfiring on her in the past and is still cautious about revealing them even in this setting for fear of embarrasing herself. And because she isn't fully Fae that is a very common attribute that she has to overcome.

Summer's transfer to U of S from UCLA is due to that school's version of Ancient Languages, her major, not quite being what she wanted. She was looking for anceint magical creature languages and instead got latin.

Personality: Generally open minded about people and gives them the benefit of the doubt unless they prove that she can't. A bit brainy and a bookworm who reads an awful lot, usually more comfortable with her books than the world at large. But if someone does do something to cross her or piss her off, she will not fail to lose her temper and call them on it. Usually publically with an audience. Her philosophy is "If someone's an asshole, might as well let the whole world know as a public service." It doesn't take much to piss her off though, her temper's got a pretty short fuse. She's also very klutzy which is another sore spot for her.

Powers/Abilities: Summer's Fae blood allows her to perform various Earth spells and to create potions from flowers, plants, etc. Most, if not all of her magic is based in nature. Her wings also allow her to save on frequent flier miles and chipping in on gas but with frequent stops. Her magical, like most Faes, isn't extremely powerful in the grand scheme of the universe but it does the trick for her uses.

Major and year character is in: student studying ancient languages and literature. Ideally she'd like to work as a translator of sorts between deferent species.

Place of residence: Campus Dorm.

Roommate(s): Her guinea pig, Kermit.

Other: A penchant for gardening and watching sports, which she developed while trying to pal around with her older brother growing up.


Fave Food: Pasta.
Fave Sport: Baseball.
Fave Band/Musician: 80s Rock pop or anything inspired by it.
Fave Flower: Can't choose just one. But she does prefer hibiscus for their beautiful colors.
Fave color: Green

Worst Fear: Being cornered and not being able to escape, being trampled in a large crowd

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University of the Supernatural
This page was last updated on February 16th, 2009
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