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Tawny Larsen

Age: 19
Birthday: Febraury 14th
Astrological Sign: Aquarius.
Race/ species: Human.
Sex: Female


Hair: Honey Blonde.
Eyes: Amber.
Skin Color: Fair.
Height: 5' 10"
Build: Slender.
Distinguishing Features: Friendly Smile.
Clothes: Tawny is a tomboy and dressed in jeans and tees 90% of the time.

Family: Her Family, Parents Daniel and Linsey Larsen, Siblings (in birth order) David (DOB 7/15) Trevor, (DOB 11/9) Quinn, Caleb (Twins DOB 2/3), Tawny (DOB 2/14).

Pets: Has a horse, a cat and two dogs at home in Montana.

History: Tawny was born Feb 14th, 1986. Raised up on her family's ranch outside the small community of Lewistown, Montana. She had a fairly normal childhood, running wild with her brothers and cousins, as a rough and ready tomboy.

During a week long hunting/camping trip when she was seventeen, Quinn was mauled by a cougar. Trevor killed it before it could kill Quinn, but he was badly hurt and they were a two days walk from home. While they were trying to control the bleeding, Tawny's powers manifested.

She healed her brother, by the laying on of hands. But because she was unprepared and he was so near to death, it left Tawny incredibly drained.

Tawny wants to go to learn how to control her power rather than allowing it to continue to control her. She's sure

Personality: Tawny has a sweet and patient nature and is fiercely loyal to her family. She does have a temper and is quite stubborn when she believes that she's right about something. She's had some experience with hunting animals and is a good shot with a variety of firearms.

Powers/Abilities: Healing and limited Empathy.

Occupation: Student.

Major and year character is in: Healing and Art--Sophmore.

Place of residence: Undecided. Atlantis House Dormitory.

Roommate): N/A.


Fave Food: Romanian.
Fave Sport: Archery.
Fave Movies: Action Movies.
Fave Band/Musician: Likes most music/eclectic tastes.
Fave Flower: Wildflowers.
Fave color: Blue.

Worst Fear: Heights.

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© 2009--Penny Dreadful Creations.

University of the Supernatural
This page was last updated on February 16th, 2009
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