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Lucretia Arcadia Deveroux

Alias/Nickname : Tia.
Age: 22
Birthday: February 8th
Astrological Sign: Aquarius
Race/ species: Human/Caucasian
Sex: Female


Hair: Waist length red spiral curls with a few black streaks throughout.
Eyes: Sky blue.
Skin Color: Extremely pale--almost milk white.
Height: 5' 7"
Build: slightly overweight (something she is very self-conscious about) but by no means fat. Very busty, with curves.
Distinguishing Features: She has a tatoo located on her left leg of a sorceress holding a pentacle in a circle, high above her head.

Clothes: BLACK! 90% of what she ownes the black the other 10% is purple. Tia is constantly called goth because of her clothing,but she doesn't have the goth mindset. She preferes dresses or skirts that come to the ground, tops that lace up, are corseted, and are low cut to show off her ample cleavage. She absolutely loves bell or flowy sleeves.

Family: Winifred (Winnie) Deveroux (mother, deceased), Emmet Deveroux (father, deceased), Mortimere Gabor (Uncle-father's brother). Mortimer gained legal custody of Tia upon her parents death,though she has never actually met him.

Pets: A fluffy tortoise shell cat named Pizzazz (usually referred to as Zazzy, Yucky Head or Yuck-Yuck).

History: Tia was born in England were she lived with her parents until their death in a car accident when she was four. Emmet Deveroux had met and married Tia's mother, Winifred, while he was visiting London from the United States. The Deveroux family is one of the wealthiest in the United States, going back many generations (Old money) They are based out of New Orleans.

Winnie Benton was raised a proper British young lady, but had a wild streak. Much to her parents dismay, she married Emmet Deveroux after knowing him for only three weeks.

Tia was born eight months later. The family was blissfully happy until Emmet and Winnie were killed in a car accident, when Tia was only four. Tia was packed up and sent to her only living relative, Mortimer Gabor, in New Orleans, as there were no other relatives in the United States and Winnie, an only child, had been disowned by her parents after her marriage to Emett, cutting Tia off from any other family.

Upon her arrival at the New Orleans mansion located in the Garden District, Tia was met by Josephine Pevitoux. Josy, an employee of the Gabor household, was to be Tia's nanny until she reached school age. Among her other duties, Josey frequently relayed messages to Tai from her Uncle Mort. Tia would also speak to Uncle Mort on the phone, but she never set eyes on her benefactor.

At the age of six Tia was shipped off to boarding school, were the other children made fun of her British accent. It was in these first few years of school Tia realized she was not like the others. She tended to stay to herselfas a result, and had many "imaginary" friends.

She spoke to both Josey and Uncle Mort often, both on the phone, through letters and email, and expressed her extreme dislike for the school. Much to her dismay, she was not allowed to leave.

Once she reached twelve years of age she was finally transfered to a boarding school back in her home town of London. She still did not make many friends, preferring to remain a loner. And now she was teased for her American accent!

It was around the age of thirteen that she became drawn to Wicca. Her music teacher was a High Priestess in a local coven, and Tia learned absolutely everything she could from her. She quickly learned she had a knack for spell craft, and could see and communicate with ghosts (not dead people, only spirits who had for some reason or other, not left the earthly plain yet). This explained her many "imaginary" friends she had as a child.

Tia excelled at all her classes throughout the remainder of her grade school years. Upon graduating, she applied and was accepted into Harvard Law School. She decided it was time to return stateside.

Tia finished the first three years of her college education with relative ease. It was in the third Year of school she met James Draper, a fellow law student. The two fell madly in love, and were pretty much inseperable. Jim proposed and Tia accepted. Everything was great until Tia met Jim's mum and dad. They took one look at Tia and decided they would have no part of her in their precious family, money be damned! Will chose his family's wishes over Tia's and she was devastated.

Tia finished the last fourth year semester with a C average. The first time she had made less then an A- in her lifetime. It was after her fourth year concluded that she had the fateful conversation with Uncle Mort. Uncle Mort persuaded her to transfer into U of S (by phone of course). Mortimer Gabor had long been aware of his niece's talents, and confessed that her father, Emmet Deveroux, had graduated from U of S himself. Tia knew so little about her parents she jumped at the chance.

Nursing her broken heart, she packed up her belongings and her beloved cat, Pizzazz, and transfered to U of S to finish her law degree.

Personality: Very distant. Tia has trouble getting close to people and tends to be very blunt. She has no use for stupid or ignorant people. Tia is however, extremely loyal to friends and lovers, when she does have them. Unfortunately, they never seem to last long.

Powers/Abilities: Spell craft, and can see and communicate with ghosts. Not all Dead people, only spirits who have departed their bodies but are still tied to this plane of existence for one reason or another. She is also an empath.

Occupation: None.

Place of residence: A penthouse she purchased upon arrival. She is currently renovating it.

Roommate): Her cat, Pizzazz, and a live-in maid named Marci.

Other: Tia has an amazing singing voice. She toyed around with a few different bands in her past, but they never lasted long. He manner of speech slips between a British accent and an American one.


Fave Food: steak tartar and carpattio(sp?) (both raw beef dishes).
Fave Sport: Hockey.
Fave Movies: Loves anime, sci fi and fantasy.
Fave Band/Musician: Tool, A Perfect Circle and Blue October.
Fave Flower: Tiger Lilies
Fave Color: Black and purple.

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University of the Supernatural
This page was last updated on February 16th, 2009
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