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The Campus of U of S

and the Surrounding Area

The University of the Supernatural is located in fictional West Chester, Vermont. WestChester is surrounded by a very powerful protection spell that camaflouges any magic to anyone who isn't aware of the existance of Magic. However it does not keep out those who know of magic, magic users and at worst, those who wish to destroy it. This is something the staff at the school have to watch for very closely.

Below is a list of important places invloved in the game. (This file is a work in progress and will be continually updated.)

School Mascott: The U of S Dragons.

School Chancellor: Pat Dean.

Locations On or Around Campus

Campus Retail
  • The HUB: Campus Book store
  • Student Union: Uhm, self explanatory! :-)
  • A Night Cap: Stictly has live bands. If a band isn't playing then music is pumped through several speaker located around the club, of various tv shows or dvds are played. Features a bar and a tables and chairs scattered throught. Wait staff and bartenders cater to customers.
Celtic Crossroads: Stables.


  • Male Dorm: Hades.
  • Female Dorm: Valhalla.
  • Co-Ed Dorm: Atlantis.
Condominiums and Apartment Buldings

  • Terrace Towers: Upscale Condominiums in West Chester.
  • Darrlington Court: Apartments featuring 1,2, and 3 bedroom floorplans.
Sororities and Fraternaties
  • Gamma Omega Delta (GOD): The Fraternaty.
  • Kappa Iota Sigma (Kis): The Soriety.
Coffee Shops and Restruants

  • Brew HaHa: Coffee shop just off Campus.
  • Bliss: A nice brightly lit spacious restruant. Bliss offers a full deli as well as many home made soups,salads and breads.
  • Nagari Sushi: Sushi restraunt.
Night Clubs
  • Name your Poison: A seedy bar on the outskirts of Westchester.
  • Beyond Ordinary: A gothic style night club, featuring live bands on the first floor, and a dance floor that plays industrial/techno music on the second floor.
  • Full Moon: Mainly a dance club, featureing different theme nights and revolving dj's.
  • Diva's: a gay bar featuring main stream dance music and male stripper nights.
  • Sillohoute's-Female strip club.
  • Crossed Broom Sticks- A neighborhood pub owned by two elserly women who have been around as long as anyone can remember. The Crossed Broom Sticks is decorated for Christmas year round. It has a bar and a lopsided pool table in one room, and a few booths in need of major repair,some tables with chairs, and an old juke box that plays old 45 records. The Music choices date from the late 1930's all the way to the mid 1980's but nothing later then that.
  • Wickets: As sports bars go, Wickets is a bit of a dive bar, but many of the sports fans like to gather here as the enterior is decorated with U of S memrobelia and paraphenelia. It does featue a huge television screen that takes up almost the entirety of one wall, which seems almost out of place as the rest of the bar looks like it came right out off the 1970's. Also features two small televisions at each end of the bar.
Shops in the Town of West Chester
  • Play it Again Sam: Vintage clothing shop.
  • East O' the Sun West O' the Moon: The place to go to for all of your magical needs. From angel lace wing moth powder to zebra mane, we carry it all. Special orders welcome! If it's not in stock we will hunt it down and kill it for you!
  • Westchester Mall: Self explanatory.

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© 2009--Penny Dreadful Creations.

University of the Supernatural
This page was last updated on February 16th, 2009
Web Page by Kent "Foxfeather, The Flyin' Fox" Whittington
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