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Rules and Creature Guidlines


1) HAVE FUN! If you are not having fun then you are breaking a rule! So talk to the moderators about any problems!

2) ALL Characters require 2 moderator approvals before being allowed into play!

3) It is the players responsibility to add ANY AND ALL approved characters to the Approved Character file located at in the Files section of the game and the database. Any characters posted for before being added to the approved file section, will be placed on moderation. Posts will be deleted and required to be resubmitted until said character is added to the approved character file!

4) No Polly/Paul Perfect characters!

5) We reserve the right to torment and create as much mayhem around any character we feel is boring or stale!

6) Any post containing graphic violence or strong sexual content MUST be labeled as such in the SUBJECT!

7) We will not tolorate out of character in group fighting or arguing. ALL problems should be adressed to the moderators who will decide appropriate action.

8) As far as the game is concerned, modorators are god! We will be as fair as possible in our decision, but bottum line ,we will do what we feel is in the best interest of the game. If this is a problem, don't play!

9) Red Dwarf Rules!

10) We are on a three strikes system. We will give you two warnings against inappropriate behavior. The third time we will either place you on suspension, or ban you as we feel necessary.

11) Obey all rules!

12) We will add, delete or modify rules as we feel necessary!

13) NO KILLING or TURNING (vampires, were creatures, etc.) another players character without that player's permision

14) No person may auto another person's character(s), not even the moderators (except to unblock a stalled thread), without first contacting the other player, and making sure they have no problems with it. Anyone who auto's another character, in any way, without first obtaining the players consent, will have their post deleted, and be required to rewrite it. If there are repeat offenses, you may be banned from the group.

Creature Guidelines


Demons will vary from type to type. It will be up to each player to decide what type of demon their character is. Does it have a human form as well as a demonic form? Is it a demon that practices dark magic and gravitates toward evil? Or just born into the species.

Magic powers will vary with each demon, but it will be required that ALL demons list their powers in their bio's. This goes for strengths and weakness as well. Since demons very so much, ALL demons will be required to list their weakness as well as their abilities in their bio.


Elves like fairies vary greatly. Some species are short, between two and three feet tall, while others are tall and lanky. Some elves posses mild magical abilities while others are adept at poisons and archery.

In general, Elves are immortal though they can be as easily killed as humans. They just do not die of old age. Also a common trait are pointed ears and heightened sense of hearing.

It is up to the individual players to decide their specific magic abilities, again overkill will not be tolorated. Keep in mind Elf magic is not very strong.


Faires and Fae come in many shapes and sizes. Some are so small they can sit on the head of a flower, and others are as tall as humans. Some fairies possess magical powers while others do not. The one thing all fairies/Fae have in common is wings.

For the purposes of this game it is up to each player to decide on their characters wings. Some may be retractable while others may not. Some may be irridecent while others ar made of feathers. Anything within reason will be allowed. BUT we will require you to specify your characters wings in their bio and stick to it. In othe words if they have wings that cannot be hidden, and they suddenly retract, we will tell you to rewrite.

It is also up to the individual players to decide the extent of any fairy magic. Again, overkill will not be allowed. Of course magic is allowed to progress as a character grows and studies. Some Fae may be born with the ability to preform magic while others may require a talisman such as a wand or magic ring etc.

Mummies (The Osirian League)

(These are the guidelines for our game ONLY. You may not like them, and if this is the case, do not play a mummy!)

True mummies, unlike the bodies one may find in a tomb or a museum display, are quite alive. Mummies, or Shemsu-heru as they are called in the ancient Egyptian tongue, have been selected by the God Horus as legionnaires in an age-old war with his Uncle, the god Set. Mummies are chosen by the gods from those slain in battle, moreover those who have fought masterfully or in defense of the gods. Often, Horus might even pre-select a candidate by how the person lived his life. These people are promised great abilities once they die in service to the gods.

After the mummification process is complete, the mummies arise within three days time, resurrected and whole. They are reborn immortal, though that is not to say that they cannot be injured or killed again. So long as no harm befalls a mummy they can never die. Should they become gravely injured, they will die. Permanent death can be achieved should a mummy lose the three parts of his soul; ka (the guardian spirit of the body/the body's ghost), ba (the spirit of the body that travels to Duat/the Afterlife and draws power for resurrection), and sekham (the heart, or the soul's center, which supposedly resides in heaven). The utter destruction of any of these will end a mummy's life cycle, making them mortal and subject to the standard methods of death.

Even this is not the end for a mummy, however. For them, Ra's continence (the Sun) is the source of their strength and power. Should the mummification ritual be performed on the deceased mummy and Ra's continence to shine upon his mummified corpse, the corpse will become revitalized once again, becoming whole with all traces of injury removed. This process can take anywhere from a matter of weeks to years with the more gravely injured entombed for decades.

The mummy's sarcophagus is its power cell. The sun can revitalize and even heal, but without its sarcophagus, resurrection is impossible. Therefore, mummies will take great steps to insure there sarcophagi are not destroyed, hiding them in secure locations.

Mummies are friends to natural weres, particularly werecats (bubasti), due to their connection to the goddess, Bast, and the werecrocodiles (mokole), due to their connection to the god Sebek. Of the two, the bubasti are the more genial of the two. A smart mummy will use caution when engaging the mokole.

Vampires cannot feed from mummies, as they find that their blood tastes of the grave and is indigestible. Mummies are often seen to be the antithesis of vampires, as they thrive in sunlight, while vampires thrive in darkness. Despite this, due to their immortal natures, mummies often form long bonds with genial vampires.

Mummies are somewhat more indifferent to the fae, little understanding their magics or their natures. A smart mummy will also take caution when dealing with one of the fae.

Set's minions, the Bane, are the antithesis of mummies and will be explained shortly.

Wielders of magic, such as witches, warlocks, shamans, sorcerers, alchemists, and the like intrigue mummies and are the subjects of long discourses in each others studies.

Mummies are well versed in hekau, which is Egyptian for "words of power". It is a form of ancient magic used by mortals and the gods alike. Its uses are as versatile as any modern magician's abilities. The paths of Hekau are diverse but fall into six major categories:

  • Amulets (the creation of magical items)
  • Alchemy (magical potions and drugs)
  • Celestial (control of the stars, weather and other forces of nature)
  • Necromancy (power over the dead)
  • Ren-hekau (power over others by use of their true name)
  • Ushabti (the power to create animated statues and relics).*

Of these powers, the most supreme is Ren-hekau. In the tradition of the Egyptian magicians, to give something a name is to have power over it. If a mummy has a person or objects true name, they are able to wield some control and influence over it.**

(*Unless the effects are minor and do not affect the other characters dramatically, any player attempting hekau must notify the moderators of their intentions and must be agreed upon by any players involved.

**Ren-hekau may not be performed without the express permission of any player involved and moderator approval. Even with approval, the player must know, in character, what his opponents true name is.)

Bane (The Chosen of Apophis)

(These guidelines are for reference only! Anyone wishing to play one of the Bane must be approved by all moderators before play. Bane mummies are strictly forbidden from character play, but may be used as NPC antagonists with moderator approval.)

The Bane is a broad-terminology for the followers of Apophis. Set and his ilk fall into this category for, although the dark god Set is one of the Egyptian Gods and their main antagonist, it is Apophis who guides Set's hand from the shadows. It is the followers of Set and the chosen of Apophis that comprise the Bane.

Of these foul creatures that walk the Earth, none is more feared than Set's creation's; the Bane Mummies. These creatures are cursed by a perverted ritual derived from Isis' mummification process, a ritual of eternal damnation as well as eternal life.

Bane mummies are similar to Shemsu-heru (regular mummies) with the exception of a few major differences. When they die, their Ba do not wander the spirit world, but instead are plunged into Apophis' realm to be tortured and shown insanities until they may return to the living again. As a result of this process, the Bane mummies are utterly mad. They have no conception of compassion or humanity.

There are only seven Bane mummies, and even Set is loath to make more of these abominations, especially since their true loyalty is with their master, Apophis. It is only through pacts with Apophis that Set may utilize a bane mummy.

The individual bane mummies vary in abilities and levels of power. Some of them are violently, psychotically insane, while others appear more devious and rational on the surface.

All of the bane mummies have grossly distorted physical bodies, as their titles suggest. The seven are known by the following names:

  • Tutu, the Doubly Evil One (two distorted faces)
  • Hemhemti, the Roarer (enlarged throat and bear-splitting roar)
  • Amam, the Devourer (enlarged jaw and mouth that can swallow a person whole)
  • Qetu, the Evil Doer (fingers shaped like daggars she uses to rend flesh and a mouth filled with two inch fangs (her blood lust rivals even the most depraved vampires)
  • Hau-hra, of the Backward Face (Face on the back of his head and his elbows and knees are double jointed)
  • Saatet-ta, Darkener of the the Earth (Her countinence is shrouded in shadow and a veil of darkness preceeds her arrival)
  • Kharebutu, the Fourfold Fiend (four sets of eyes that surround his head, four arms (two of each in a set joined at the elbow), four legs (each in a set joined at the knees), and mouths that encompass the majority of his face. His limbs are also positioned in such a way that he scuttles across the ground as a spider would. His mouths emit harmonious tones that draw his victims to him, much in the same way as a siren's song does.)

Of these, only Qetu and Saatet-ta are female.

Bane mummies care little for the other denizens beholden to Set or Apophis, or anyone else for that matter and they fear little. The only thing a Bane fears more than anything else is the use of Ren-hekau, a fear Set happilly takes advantage of by threatening to tell them their true names in order to destroy them.

Again, the bane mummies are the most feared of Set and Apophis' earthly legions, but Sets followers should not be discounted. The priest of the Followers of Set are adept mages, trained in the dark arts of hekau. They are a careful and cunning cult, and a known follower should be avoided at best, or approached with caution at worst. As well, it is not unheard of for Apophis to lend Set's followers aid from his spirit world as well in the form of demons. These denizens of Apophis' hell will do the will of a follower of Set, but their allegiance is sworn to Apophis


(These are the guidelines for our game ONLY. You may not like them, and if this is the case, do not play a vampire!)

Vampires require blood to survive. It is up to each player to decide what kind of blood their character lives off of. Some vampires may be so old that their blood-thirst is under control and they may only need to feed once every decade or century depending on their age.

Vampires posess greater physical strength than humans. Again, this grows with age. A fledgling, however, cannot possess the strength enough to pick up a car, etc. Though an ancient one quite possibly could.

Vampires do possess a SLIGHT mind control over humans. In other words, they can influence humans to do something out of character.

Vampires can function sexually.

Vampires are immortal.

Vampires posses SLIGHTLY greater hearing and eyesight than humans. Ancient vampires may possess these abilities a greater depths, but overkill will not be tolorated.

Vampires can see themselves in mirrors. Vampires cannot be killed by a cross. Garlic does nothing to a vampire.

Vampires cannot be in sunlight! They can be awake during the day, but they cannot be near ANY sunlight, all windows, etc. MUST obstruct ALL sunlight. Sunlight will cause a vampire to combust, killing them instantly. A small ray peeking through a tiny hole may just severely burn a vamp etc.

Vampires can be killed by a stake through the heart, incineration or beheading.

Vampires in this game may not kill or turn another players character into a vampire without that players' permission. Vampires CAN however feed on anyone at any time WITHOUT the other players permission!

Vampires can heal at an accelerated rate while they sleep.

Witches & Warlocks

For our game purposes, witches and warlocks practice magic through spell craft. They must study and practice their abilities to become adept at them. There are many different types of spell craft and players may chose to specialize (i.e: Necromancers raise and controll the dead, Seers practice mainly divnation, mediums communicate with the dead, etc.).

Again, keep in mind that overkill will not be tolorated!


(These guidelines refer to ALL were creatures, regardless of species.)

Were-creatures turn into their animal form at full moon. It is by their strengths and abilities that determined what type of were-species they are (ie: wolves have greater strength and crave meat. Leopard and lions, again crave raw meat and can run extremely fast.)

When in their animal forms, were-creatures are not cognizant of their actions, and may injure or kill a friend.

ALL were-creatures can be killed by silver bullets or beheading.

For game purposes, a were-creature's bite does not always mean a bitten person will become a were-creature. We are giving were-creatures the freedom to attack any character at random, BUT it is up to that character's player to decide the damage and outcome of the attack.

Example: John is a Were-wolf and Todd is John's player. Todd has John attack Betty. Kim is Betty's player. It is up to Kim to decide the extent of the damage done to Betty, and if she will become a were-creature. Was Betty only scratched? Was Betty killed? Was Betty left for dead and rushed to the hospital just in time? Will Betty turn into a were-wolf at the next full moon? All of these things Kim will have to decide.

These guidlines are for creature types currently in play. More Creature Guidelines will be posted at a later date as new creature concepts are created for the game.

The Scyth

Scyths are extra-planar creatures of war who's goal it is to play one side against the other as a game. Whichever side a Scyth works with better, is the side to be joined in the final battle. Win or lose, a Scyth knows this is just a game and one will always find an equal number of Scyths on each side during the final battle.

All Scyths have a jackal as this depicts their assistance with the dead. A Scyth and its jackal share a symbiosis. Each can perceive as the other (a sharing of senses through the bond that they share).

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© 2009--Penny Dreadful Creations.

University of the Supernatural
This page was last updated on February 16th, 2009
Web Page by Kent "Foxfeather, The Flyin' Fox" Whittington
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Homepage: Foxfeather's Aerie