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Nintendo Entertainment System
Monster Sprite Archive

84 unique sprites . 189 monster species/variations

  • In addition to cropping out unnecessary space, I increased the size of all of the sprites four times from the original screen capture dimensions (256 x 232 pixels). So, in other words, a sprite that was originally 32 pixels tall is 128 pixels tall here. I like large images so that you can see all the detail, not dinky ones.

  • Many of the creature portraits are used by multiple monsters, these are listed alphabetically by name. The sprites themselves are then also alphabetically organized using the name of the first monster in each list. Unlike most RPGs, Might & Magic does not change the color of the monster sprites to reflect different creatures (i.e., the sprites for the Black, Blue, Gray, Green, Red, Silver, and White Dragons all look identical, despite the hues indicated by their respective names--only the Gold Dragon gets a unique sprite).

  • All of these sprites belong to their respective copyright holders, not me [New World Computing (the game was primarily designed/programmed by Jon Van Caneghem) published the original versions, American Sammy/G-Amusements CO., LTD. did the later 1991 NES port]. They are collected and presented here for archival/informational purposes only.

  • So far, I haven't been able to find these six monsters in the NES version. Either they're missing from the port for some reason (cartridge memory limitations perhaps?), or I've just been unlucky in encountering them:
    • Brontosaurus (in terms of dinosaurs, I only encounter Tyrannosaurus and Stegosaurus battles in the "prehistoric" mountain/forest region in the desert area found in map section E1--the Brontosaurus should be located here too, but I've yet to see one).
    • Man Eating Mare.
    • Orc Chieftain (I've felled dozens upon dozens of Orcs and Orc Leaders, but have never seen an Orc Chieftain yet). That said, I have noticed that occasionally (regular) Orcs with unusually large HP totals (~60+) can be encountered--it's highly likely, based on stat comparisons with the computer's Orc Chieftain, that these high-powered 'normal' Orcs were supposed to be Orc Chieftains, but they didn't get correctly named. ***
    • Pirate Captain [I've beaten the Antichist ship battle over and over, but he's never part of the crew like he is in the computer version--there are only regular Pirates (and sometimes some common monsters hiding in the back row) on the NES. None of said Pirates has unusually high HP, or other stats, in comparison to the others either].
    • Water Rat (these should inhabit the various sea/water regions, but I've yet to find one--all the rest of the aquatic critters are accounted for though).
    • Werephase Mummy.
    I believe all the rest of the computer version's monsters have been verified, although some have different names (I've indicated the differences below, where applicable). If you know something useful about finding one, or more, of the ones that I'm missing, please E-Mail me so that I can try to confirm it {kindly give me the name of the creature, tell me which of the sprites I have here that it uses [if it uses a completely unique sprite that I don't have pictured here, a screenshot (in PNG format) would be much appreciated], and in what general area of the overworld/dungeon you found it in, if at all possible}.

    *** (January 4, 2010 Update) Special thanks to David Tlustàk for pointing out to me, via e-mail, some discrepancies, versus the computer version, with the number of Ogre/Orc type monsters I had listed and suggesting to me that one of the Ogre/Orc types I had might be a renaming of one of the PC monsters [after doing some research in that vein, comparing PC monster stats to NES numbers, I came to the conclusion that the NES Ogre Chieftain is the equivalent to the PC Ogre and that the NES is missing the Orc Chieftain, at least in name anyway (see above)].

  •   (January 14, 2010 Update) David Tlustàk wrote in again to let me know that the Mononoke enemy is unique to the NES version--it doesn't exist in the original computer game. I failed to notice this myself when comparing bestiaries between the two incarnations. Looking into this further, the Mononoke's stats are comparable to the Man Eating Mare enemy that I can't find, so, it's possible this enemy was created to replace that one for some unfathomable reason. David says that the Man Eating Mare is a common enemy in the computer version, and, likewise, so is the Mononoke on the NES, which lends further credibility to my hypothesis.

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • 5 Headed Hydra
  • 8 Headed Hydra
  • 12 Headed Hydra
  • 16 Headed Hydra
  • Pyro Hydra

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Acidic Blob
  • Mutant Larva

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Air Elemental
  • Earth Elemental
  • Fire Elemental

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Algae Beast
  • Electric Eel
  • Giant Leech
  • Lamprey
  • Sea Dragon
  • Sea Serpent

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Alien

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Arch Druid
  • Cleric
  • Druid
  • Mage
  • Magician

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Arch Incubus
  • Demon Lord
  • Great Incubus
  • Greater Demon
  • Lesser Demon
  • Lesser Incubus
NOTE: The word "Incubus" replaces the original's usage of "Devil" for all relevant monsters on the NES.

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Arch Mage
  • Warlock
  • Wizard

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Assassin
  • Master Thief

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Banshee
  • Enchantress
  • Necromancer

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Barracuda
  • Shark

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Basilisk
  • Crocodile
  • Dinolizard
  • Fire Lizard

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Battle Rat
  • Savage Shrew

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Black Knight
  • Caryatid Guard
  • Chaotic Knight

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Black Dragon
  • Blue Dragon
  • Gray Dragon
  • Green Dragon
  • Red Dragon
  • Silver Dragon
  • White Dragon

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Cave Giant
  • Frost Giant
  • Stone Giant
  • Titan
  • Yeti

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Cave Man
  • Cave Man Chief
  • Troglodyte
NOTE: "Cave Man/Cave Man Chief" replaces the computer version's "Barbarian/Barbarian Chief".

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Cave Troll
  • Hill Troll
  • Troll

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Celestial Stag
  • Unicorn

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Centaur

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Centipede
  • Dinobeetle
  • Rhino Beetle
NOTE: "Giant Centipede" is used in the original computer version, not the shortened "Centipede" found in the NES port.

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Chieftain Ogre
  • Goblin
NOTE: "Ogre" in the original computer version is "Chieftain Ogre" in the NES port. They're moving up in the world of monster prestige I guess.

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Chimera
  • Manticore
  • Sphinx

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Cockatrice
  • Harpy
  • Phoenix
  • Roc

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Cyclops

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Dark Rider

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Deadly Spores
  • Mangoradra
NOTE: "Mangoradra" is probably a misspelling of "Mandragora"; I believe said enemy replaces the "Strangling Vine" enemy found in the original computer version.

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Demon Dog
  • Rabid Jackal

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Demon King
NOTE: The in-game sprite actually looks like this--the missing finger on the left hand and the weird white/gray left thigh are accurate, not a screw-up on my part. Something in the game's coding, or the NES' hardware, is probably causing some graphical glitching. I have edited the sprite, in an art program, to reflect how I feel it was probably meant to look, which you can view HERE if you're interested.

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Diamond Golem
  • Steel Golem
  • Stone Golem
  • Wood Golem

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Dung Beetle
  • Fire Beetle
  • Locust Plague

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Dust Demon
  • Gargoyle
  • Minor Demon
  • Minor Incubus
NOTE: The word "Incubus" replaces the original's usage of "Devil" for all relevant monsters on the NES.

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Evil Eye

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Executioner
  • Militiaman
  • Swordsman

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Fire Ant
  • Gargantua Ant

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Flesh Eater
  • Gremlin
  • Kobold
  • Rabid Leper

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Ghost
  • Ghoul
  • Guardian
  • Lich
  • Phantom
  • Rotting Corpse
  • Zombie
NOTE: The NES shortens "Guardian Spirit" to just "Guardian".

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Giant Crab

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Giant Scorpion

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Giant Sloth
  • Wild Boar
  • Werebear
  • Wolverine

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Giant Spider

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Giant Squid
  • Hippocampus
  • Sea Hag

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Gnoll
  • Orc
  • Orc Leader
NOTE: The NES doesn't appear to have any Orc Chieftains. However, sometimes Orc Leaders with much-larger-than-usual hit point totals can be encountered (roughly sixty HP, in comparison to the normal HP range, which numbers in the teens); I believe those were probably meant to be Orc Chieftains but didn't get correctly titled.

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Gnome
  • Sprite

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Gold Dragon

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Gorgon

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Gray Minotaur

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Griffin
  • Kirin

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Guardsman
  • Thief

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Hag
  • Rakshasha
  • Wicked Witch

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • High Cleric

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Hippogriff
  • Pegasus

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Invisible Eyes
  • Mononoke
  • Panthro Mist
  • Poltergeist
  • Shadow Beast
NOTE: I believe "Invisible Eyes" is a slight renaming of the original's "Invisible Thing" enemy. Also, the Mononoke is a NES exclusive creature. Interestingly, the Mononoke's stats are very similar to those of the Man Eating Mare enemy (that I can't find)--it's possible that the Mononoke was created to replace that beast for unknown reasons.

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Killer Bee
  • Swarming Wasps

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Killer Cadaver

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Lava Beast
  • Storm Giant

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Lord Archer

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Mantis Warrior

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Master Archer

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Medusa

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Minotaur
  • Satyr

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Mummy

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Naga

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Natives
  • Warrior

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Ogre Chief

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Okrim

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Paul Pead

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Pirate

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Sand Worm

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Scorpion

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Sea Beast
NOTE: Shortened from "Great Sea Beast" in the original computer version.

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Siren
  • Water Elemental

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Skeleton

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Slither Beast
  • Snake

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Specter
  • Wight
  • Wraith

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Stegosaurus
  • Tyrannosaurus

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Succubus Queen

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Vampire Bat

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Vampire

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Volcano Giant
NOTE: Originally "Volcano God" in the computer version.

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Warrior Cat
  • Werewolf
  • White Wolf

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Winged Beast

Monsters that use this sprite:

  • Wyvern

Monsters that use this sprite:


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