A Tyrant variant that appeared in Capcom's 2003 Resident Evil: Dead Aim (original Japanese title: Biohazard Gun Survivor 4: Heroes Never Die) Sony Playstation 2 video game.
This prototype B.O.W. (Bio Organic Weapon) was created by infecting a human host with the tG-virus (a hybrid of the t-virus and G-virus from previous Resident Evil installments.) However, the resulting T-091 was considered a failure, because it did not exhibit the ability to generate bio-electromagnetic energy, which was the primary goal of the experiment. It also suffers from an exposed heart, a flaw common to many Tyrant variations, although, in this case, the organ protrudes from the creature's back, rather than the chest. These two shortcomings were ultimately corrected in the improved T-092 model (Morpheus D. Duvall).
While it may not have lived up to the expectations of the scientists that created it, the T-091 is still an extremely dangerous adversary. Like most Tyrants, it possesses superhuman strength, speed, stamina, and resistance to injury; the B.O.W. can easily survive physical trauma that would kill a normal human being a dozen times over. A mutation unique to this specimen are its fingers, which, instead of becoming claws, have elongated into prehensile tentacles. The T-091 utilizes these appendages as its primary means of attack, whipping, constricting, and strangling its prey with the tendrils.
Newsprint, tissue paper, white glue, acrylic paint, ink, gloss nail polish, super glue, and plastic.
11.0 cm / 4.3 in. x 4.1 cm / 1.6 in. (widest point x highest point)
Two days: October 25 and 27, 2012.
The figure was modeled on the twenty-fifth, and I made some minor modifications before painting it on the twenty-seventh.
For comparison purposes, below are several images of the T-091 from the Resident Evil: Dead Aim video game:
Let's Play Resident Evil: Dead Aim walkthrough.
Resident Evil Wikia Morpheus D. Duvall and T-091 articles.
Wikipedia Resident Evil: Dead Aim article.
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The repeating background graphic is the cover artwork from Resident Evil: Dead Aim.
The midi music playing is the "Guardhouse" theme from Resident Evil.