The Harbinger
"When a soul is bought and the seller renigs on the deal, A messenger must be sent to insure the contract is upheld. That messenger is The Harbinger. If you sell your soul to the devil to become the next great rock superstar and then decide its not for you..You just may hear the flapping wings of your own demise. The harbinger is always near.
- TMB's unedited description of The Harbinger
The Harbinger was an original character design created by TMB as an entry for the Deadly Demons custom toy contest at Figure Realm back in June/July of 2007. TMB won the first-place gold trophy in said challenge with his diabolical masterpiece. That figure stood about six inches tall and was constructed from a Marvel Legends Superhero Showdown Venom (body and legs), Marvel Ghost Rider movie Caretaker (head), and TMNT CG movie Vampire Succubor (arms/wings). Other than stating that they were glued-on additions, TMB did not specify the source of the horns and spikes, although one of the commentators felt that they were made from the hair tendrils of a Marvel Legends Blackheart.
My interpretation of TMB's demon was an entry for another recent Figure Realm challenge, Trophy Room, the object of which was to make your own version of any custom toy that had won a gold, silver, or bronze trophy in a previous contest (excluding your own, if applicable). With literally hundreds of great submissions to choose from, across dozens of competitions, it wasn't easy to narrow it down to The Harbinger, but that's ultimately what I chose as the subject matter for my entry. That selection turned out to be a good one, because I was awarded the second-place silver trophy for my version of The Harbinger.
Lined white notebook paper, newsprint, tissue paper, white glue, wire twist ties, and acrylic paint.
9.8 cm (3.9") x 4.3 cm (1.7") [maximum wingspan x highest point]
* The numbers given are for a standing pose with the wings fully spread; the values will vary depending on how the figure's joints are positioned.
19 Points: Neck, shoulders x 2, biceps x 2, elbows x 2, mid-torso, waist, hips x 2, knees x 4, ankles x 2, and feet x 2.
Two days: August 13 and 14, 2013.
For comparison/informational purposes, below are several relevant images:
These are the four images of The Harbinger that TMB submitted to the Deadly Demons contest at Figure Realm.
The figures shown comprise the "recipe" for TMB's The Harbinger custom toy.
TMB's The Harbinger custom toy at Figure Realm.
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The background and foreground graphics are fill patterns from the GIMP art program that I edited.
The midi music playing is "An Empty Tomb", one of the themes from Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia.