
Master Ninja

Tekken's Yoshimitsu totally stole my gimmick!

Master Ninja are deadly assassins that can be encountered in many installments of the Wizardry roleplaying game (RPG) franchise. In particular, my version is based upon the sprite from the Japanese PC-Engine CD port of Wizardry III: Legacy of Llylgamyn (which was first published, thirty years ago, in 1983, by Sir-Tech Software for the Apple II). In that episode, they were usually depicted wearing a stereotypical full-body crimson ninja suit, but the artist(s) of the PCE disc redesigned the enemy, giving the Master Ninja a Hannya (a horned Noh theater mask that represents an obsessed/jealous female demon) and more colorful/flamboyant clothing, which makes the character a lot more distinctive and memorable. Once you've earned the title of "Master", you should wear something outlandish to advertise how special you are--if nothing else, it's easier to kill people while they're busy mocking your complete lack of fashion sense.

Master Ninja have 13-31 Hit Points (6D4+7, average: 22) and an Armor Class of 2 (for comparison, a typical, unarmored human has an AC of 10--note that, in classic Dungeons & Dragons rules, which Wizardry is based upon, AC bonuses are subtracted, not added, so, the lower the number, including negative values, the harder you are to hit). However, like most ninja, favoring speed and mobility, they wear little or no armor, as such, a Master Ninja's relatively low AC is more a reflection of his skill at dodging and blocking blows than actual physical protection from damage. The only other notable defense a Master Ninja possesses is a 36% resistance to spells that cause instant death (enemies get +6% per experience level, so, ranked at Level 6, Master Ninja can cheat the reaper slightly more than one third of the time).

A Master Ninja always wields a katana, and, so great is his speed and skill with this blade that he can potentially land three blows in a single round of combat [(2D4)x3; 6-24 points of damage if all three strikes connect]. Even worse, like most Wizardry shinobi, these warriors have perfected the killing arts to such a degree that any weapon, no matter how mundane, becomes functionally vorpal in their expert hands, as such, there's a chance that any successful blow (even bare-handed strikes) will result in the instant decapitation of the target. Maybe I'm just bloodthirsty, but I've always liked to think of said head exploding, a la Kenshiro from the Fist of the Northstar anime, rather than just getting severed, but that's just me.

Like any sensible party of adventurers, Master Ninja are firm believers in the buddy system. An encounter with Master Ninja will always be a group of 2-6 individuals (2D3). There is also a 25% chance that the Master Ninja will be accompanied by an additional band of 2-6 (2D3) "normal" Ninja henchmen. Unlike some dungeon denizens whom you can occasionally catch in a good mood, these evil assassins are never friendly, so if you happen to bump into them while exploring, the result will always be a fight-to-the-death. On the upside, these shadowy warriors tend to be cowardly (they'd much rather prey upon the weak and defenseless than face well-armed heroes and heroines) and will frequently flee from battle, particularly if they don't think that the odds are in their favor. As Jounin Oushikuso once observed, "To strike your enemies is good, but to run swiftly from them is even better!"

Master Ninja

Masuta- Ninja
Man in Black

Kuro Shouzoku no Otoko


Master Ninja

Man in Black*
Experience Level:
Experience Points:
Hit Points:
13-31 (6d4+7)
Average: 22
Armor Class:
Number Appearing:
2-6 (2d3)
Average: 4
Physical Attacks (3):
  • 2-8 (2d4) damage. Average: 5
  • 2-8 (2d4) damage. Average: 5
  • 2-8 (2d4) damage. Average: 5
  • May cause decapitation.

  • Maximum damage range: 6-24 Average: 15
    Special Properties:
  • May run away.
  • Death resistance (36%).
  • Vulnerable to sleeping and death.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found on the fourth floor of the dungeon (note that only Good and Neutral aligned characters can access this level).
  • Seldom accompanied by "normal" Ninja (25% chance.)
  • * Oddly, in the PC Engine CD version of Legacy of Llylgamyn, there is only one unidentified monster sprite, so ALL unknown opponents are represented by the smokey blue shape shown above, instead of unique sprites. However, to avoid complete confusion, they are still differentiated by title.

    Newsprint, white glue, acrylic paint, and ink.

    3.0 cm (1.2") x 3.9 cm (1.5") [widest point x highest point]

    Several hours on October 11, 2013.

    For comparison/informational purposes, below are several relevant images:

    Master Ninja in the Japanese 1989 Nintendo Famicom port of Wizardry III: Legacy of Llylgamyn.
    (Award yourself 10,000 experience points if you recognized that all of my party
    members are named after Spin Master's line of Liv dolls. Poor Daniela...)

    Master Ninja in the Japanese 1999 Nintendo Super Famicom port of Wizardry III: Legacy of Llylgamyn.

    Master Ninja in the Japanese 2000 Nintendo Gameboy Color port of Wizardry III: Legacy of Llylgamyn.


  •   Emonoya Wizardry bestiaries (Japanese).

  •   Wikipedia Wizardry and Wizardry III: Legacy of Llylgamyn articles.

  •   Wizardry II: Legacy of Llylgamyn Nintendo Famicom and Gameboy Color video games. Note that, for whatever reason, Japanese software publishers always seem to incorrectly number Wizardry III: Legacy of Llylgamyn as II, and Wizardry II: The Knight of Diamonds as III, despite the fact that Legacy of Llylgamnyn was originally published after The Knight of Diamonds and, story-wise, Legacy of Llylgamyn takes place an entire generation after the events of The Knight of Diamonds.

  •   Wizardry: Story of Llylgamyn Nintendo Super Famicom video game (compilation of Wizardry I-III).

  • « Return to my Wizardry Gallery Index Page

    This is a nonprofit web site.

    Any and all copyrighted imagery, terminology, etc., depicted on this page belongs to its respective holders/owners, namely Sir-Tech Software/ASCII.

    The midi music playing is the battle theme from Wizardry V: Heart of the Maelstrom.

੻†慶⁲慧㴠搠捯浵湥⹴牣慥整汅浥湥⡴猧牣灩❴㬩朠⹡祴数㴠✠整瑸樯癡獡牣灩❴※慧愮祳据㴠琠畲㭥 朠⹡牳⁣‽✨瑨灴㩳‧㴽搠捯浵湥⹴潬慣楴湯瀮潲潴潣‿栧瑴獰⼺猯汳‧›栧瑴㩰⼯睷❷
‫⸧潧杯敬愭慮祬楴獣挮浯术⹡獪㬧 瘠牡猠㴠搠捯浵湥⹴敧䕴敬敭瑮䉳呹条慎敭✨捳楲瑰⤧せ㭝猠瀮牡湥乴摯⹥湩敳瑲敂潦敲木ⱡ猠㬩紊⠩㬩ਊ⼯⼯⼯䰠捹獯䤠楮楴污穩瑡潩⼯⼯⼯⼯⼯⼯⼯⼯⼯⼯ਯ慶⁲祬潣彳摡㴠䄠牲祡⤨਻慶⁲祬潣彳敳牡档煟敵祲㴠∠㬢瘊牡氠捹獯潟汮慯彤楴敭㭲ਊ慶⁲浣牟汯⁥‽氢癩≥਻慶⁲浣桟獯⁴‽愢杮汥楦敲氮捹獯挮浯㬢瘊牡挠彭慴楸⁤‽⼢敭扭牥浥敢摤摥㬢瘊牡愠杮汥楦敲浟浥敢彲慮敭㴠∠汵⽴捡≥਻慶⁲湡敧晬物彥敭扭牥灟条⁥‽產瑬愯散洯獡整彲楮橮⹡瑨汭㬢瘊牡愠杮汥楦敲牟瑡湩獧桟獡⁨‽ㄢ㌷㔴㈱〵㨸愱愵㍦扥㐶㉤づ搳攸㜵㙣搷㘶〰敤㙥㬢ਊ慶⁲祬潣彳摡损瑡来牯⁹‽≻浤穯㨢猢捯敩祴⽜敲慬楴湯桳灩≳∬湯慴杲瑥㨢☢䅃㵔慦業祬㈥愰摮㈥氰晩獥祴敬♳㉌䅃㵔敲慬楴湯桳灩≳∬楦摮睟慨≴∺慰楲≳㭽ਊ慶⁲祬潣彳摡牟浥瑯彥摡牤㴠∠〲⸹〲⸲㐲⸴∹਻慶⁲祬潣彳摡睟睷獟牥敶⁲‽眢睷愮杮汥楦敲氮捹獯挮浯㬢瘊牡攠楤彴楳整畟汲㴠∠睷⹷湡敧晬物⹥祬潣⹳潣⽭慬摮湩⽧慬摮湩⹧浴汰甿浴獟畯捲㵥潨獵♥瑵彭敭楤浵氽湡楤杮慰敧甦浴损浡慰杩㵮潴汯慢汲湩≫਻㰊猯牣灩㹴㰊捳楲瑰琠灹㵥琢硥⽴慪慶捳楲瑰•牳㵣栢瑴獰⼺猯牣灩獴氮捹獯挮浯振瑡慭⽮湩瑩樮≳㰾猯牣灩㹴ਊ猼牣灩⁴祴数✽整瑸樯癡獡牣灩❴ਾ瘠牡朠潯汧瑥条㴠朠潯汧瑥条簠⁼絻਻朠潯汧瑥条挮摭㴠朠潯汧瑥条挮摭簠⁼嵛਻⠠畦据楴湯⤨笠 †慶⁲慧獤㴠搠捯浵湥⹴牣慥整汅浥湥⡴猧牣灩❴㬩 †慧獤愮祳据㴠琠畲㭥 †慧獤琮灹⁥‽琧硥⽴慪慶捳楲瑰㬧 †慶⁲獵卥䱓㴠✠瑨灴㩳‧㴽搠捯浵湥⹴潬慣楴湯瀮潲潴潣㭬 †慧獤献捲㴠⠠獵卥䱓㼠✠瑨灴㩳‧›栧瑴㩰⤧⬠ ††⼧眯睷朮潯汧瑥条敳癲捩獥挮浯琯条樯⽳灧⹴獪㬧 †慶⁲潮敤㴠搠捯浵湥⹴敧䕴敬敭瑮䉳呹条慎敭✨捳楲瑰⤧せ㭝 †潮敤瀮牡湥乴摯⹥湩敳瑲敂潦敲木摡ⱳ渠摯⥥਻素⠩㬩㰊猯牣灩㹴ਊ㰊捳楲瑰琠灹㵥琧硥⽴慪慶捳楲瑰㸧 潧杯敬慴⹧浣⹤異桳昨湵瑣潩⡮
੻†朠潯汧瑥条搮晥湩卥潬⡴⼧㔹㘹㔳㘹䄯䝎㍟〰㉸〵摟灦Ⱗ嬠〳ⰰ㈠〵ⱝ✠楤⵶灧⵴摡ㄭ㔴㈰㜰㠴〴〷〭⤧愮摤敓癲捩⡥潧杯敬慴⹧異慢獤⤨㬩 †潧杯敬慴⹧湥扡敬敓癲捩獥⤨਻素㬩㰊猯牣灩㹴ਊ猼牣灩⁴祴数✽整瑸樯癡獡牣灩❴ਾ朠潯汧瑥条挮摭瀮獵⡨畦据楴湯⤨笠 †潧杯敬慴⹧敤楦敮汓瑯✨㤯㤵㌶㤵⼶乁彇扡癯彥㈷砸〹摟灦Ⱗ嬠㈷ⰸ㤠崰‬搧癩札瑰愭ⵤ㐱〵〲㐷㐸㜰ⴰ✱⸩摡卤牥楶散木潯汧瑥条瀮扵摡⡳⤩਻†朠潯汧瑥条攮慮汢卥牥楶散⡳㬩 ⥽਻⼼捳楲瑰ਾ㰊捳楲瑰琠灹㵥琧硥⽴慪慶捳楲瑰㸧 潧杯敬慴⹧浣⹤異桳昨湵瑣潩⡮
੻†朠潯汧瑥条搮晥湩卥潬⡴⼧㔹㘹㔳㘹䄯䝎扟汥睯㝟㠲㥘弰晤❰‬㝛㠲‬〹ⱝ✠楤⵶灧⵴摡ㄭ㔴㈰㜰㠴〴〷㈭⤧愮摤敓癲捩⡥潧杯敬慴⹧異慢獤⤨㬩 †潧杯敬慴⹧湥扡敬敓癲捩獥⤨਻素㬩㰊猯牣灩㹴ਊ㰊捳楲瑰琠灹㵥琢硥⽴慪慶捳楲瑰㸢⠊畦据楴湯椨噳
੻††††敲畴湲਻††੽ †⼠琯楨⹳祬潣彳敳牡档煟敵祲㴠氠捹獯束瑥獟慥捲彨敲敦牲牥⤨਻††慶⁲摡杍⁲‽敮⁷摁慍慮敧⡲㬩 †瘠牡氠捹獯灟潲彤敳⁴‽摡杍⹲档潯敳牐摯捵却瑥⤨਻††慶⁲汳瑯⁳‽≛敬摡牥潢牡≤‬氢慥敤扲慯摲∲‬琢潯扬牡楟慭敧Ⱒ∠潴汯慢彲整瑸Ⱒ∠浳污扬硯Ⱒ∠潴彰牰浯≯‬昢潯整㉲Ⱒ猢楬敤≲㭝 †瘠牡愠䍤瑡㴠琠楨⹳祬潣彳摡损瑡来牯㭹 †愠䵤牧献瑥潆捲摥慐慲⡭瀧条❥‬愨䍤瑡☠…摡慃⹴浤穯
‿摡慃⹴浤穯㨠✠敭扭牥⤧਻ †椠⁦琨楨⹳祬潣彳敳牡档煟敵祲
੻††††摡杍⹲敳䙴牯散偤牡浡∨敫睹牯≤‬桴獩氮捹獯獟慥捲彨畱牥⥹਻††⁽ †攠獬⁥晩⠠摡慃⁴☦愠䍤瑡昮湩彤桷瑡
੻††††摡杍⹲敳䙴牯散偤牡浡✨敫睹牯❤‬摡慃⹴楦摮睟慨⥴਻††੽ †映牯⠠慶⁲⁳湩猠潬獴
੻††††慶⁲汳瑯㴠猠潬獴獛㭝 †††椠⁦愨䵤牧椮即潬䅴慶汩扡敬猨潬⥴
੻††††††桴獩氮捹獯慟孤汳瑯⁝‽摡杍⹲敧却潬⡴汳瑯㬩 †††素 †素ਊ †愠䵤牧爮湥敤䡲慥敤⡲㬩 †愠䵤牧爮湥敤䙲潯整⡲㬩紊⠨畦据楴湯⤨笠 †瘠牡眠㴠〠‬⁨‽ⰰ洠湩浩浵桔敲桳汯⁤‽〳㬰 †椠⁦琨灯㴠‽敳晬
੻††††敲畴湲琠畲㭥 †素ਊ††晩⠠祴数景眨湩潤⹷湩敮坲摩桴
੻††††⁷‽楷摮睯椮湮牥楗瑤㭨 †††栠㴠眠湩潤⹷湩敮䡲楥桧㭴 †素 †攠獬⁥晩⠠潤畣敭瑮搮捯浵湥䕴敬敭瑮☠…搨捯浵湥⹴潤畣敭瑮汅浥湥⹴汣敩瑮楗瑤⁨籼搠捯浵湥⹴潤畣敭瑮汅浥湥⹴汣敩瑮效杩瑨⤩笠 †††眠㴠搠捯浵湥⹴潤畣敭瑮汅浥湥⹴汣敩瑮楗瑤㭨 †††栠㴠搠捯浵湥⹴潤畣敭瑮汅浥湥⹴汣敩瑮效杩瑨਻††੽††汥敳椠⁦搨捯浵湥⹴潢祤☠…搨捯浵湥⹴潢祤挮楬湥坴摩桴簠⁼潤畣敭瑮戮摯⹹汣敩瑮效杩瑨⤩笠 †††眠㴠搠捯浵湥⹴潢祤挮楬湥坴摩桴਻††††⁨‽潤畣敭瑮戮摯⹹汣敩瑮效杩瑨਻††੽ †爠瑥牵⠨⁷‾業楮畭呭牨獥潨摬
੻††慶⁲⁦‽潤畣敭瑮朮瑥汅浥湥䉴䥹⡤氢捹獯潆瑯牥摁⤢਻††慶⁲⁢‽潤畣敭瑮朮瑥汅浥湥獴祂慔乧浡⡥戢摯≹嬩崰਻††⹢灡数摮桃汩⡤⥦਻††⹦瑳汹⹥楤灳慬⁹‽戢潬正㬢 †搠捯浵湥⹴敧䕴敬敭瑮祂摉✨祬潣䙳潯整䅲楤牆浡❥⸩牳⁣‽⼧摡⽭摡是潯整䅲⹤晩慲敭栮浴❬਻ †⼠ 汓摩牥䤠橮捥楴湯 †⠠畦据楴湯⤨笠 †††瘠牡攠㴠搠捯浵湥⹴牣慥整汅浥湥⡴椧牦浡❥㬩 †††攠献祴敬戮牯敤⁲‽〧㬧 †††攠献祴敬洮牡楧‽㬰 †††攠献祴敬搮獩汰祡㴠✠汢捯❫਻††††⹥瑳汹⹥獣䙳潬瑡㴠✠楲桧❴਻††††⹥瑳汹⹥敨杩瑨㴠✠㔲瀴❸਻††††⹥瑳汹⹥癯牥汦睯㴠✠楨摤湥㬧 †††攠献祴敬瀮摡楤杮㴠〠਻††††⹥瑳汹⹥楷瑤⁨‽㌧〰硰㬧 †素⠩㬩ਊ †⼠ 潂瑴浯䄠⁤湉敪瑣潩੮††
畦据楴湯⤨笠 †††瘠牡戠㴠搠捯浵湥⹴敧䕴敬敭瑮䉳呹条慎敭∨潢祤⤢せ㭝ਊ††††慶⁲楩⁦‽潤畣敭瑮挮敲瑡䕥敬敭瑮✨晩慲敭⤧਻††††楩⹦瑳汹⹥潢摲牥㴠✠✰਻††††楩⹦瑳汹⹥慭杲湩㴠〠਻††††楩⹦瑳汹⹥楤灳慬⁹‽戧潬正㬧 †††椠晩献祴敬挮獳汆慯⁴‽爧杩瑨㬧 †††椠晩献祴敬栮楥桧⁴‽㈧㐵硰㬧 †††椠晩献祴敬漮敶晲潬⁷‽栧摩敤❮਻††††楩⹦瑳汹⹥慰摤湩⁧‽㬰 †††椠晩献祴敬眮摩桴㴠✠〳瀰❸਻††††楩⹦牳⁣‽⼧摡⽭摡椯橮捥䅴⹤晩慲敭栮浴❬਻†††† †††瘠牡挠楤⁶‽潤畣敭瑮挮敲瑡䕥敬敭瑮✨楤❶㬩 †††挠楤⹶瑳汹⁥‽眢摩桴㌺〰硰活牡楧㩮〱硰愠瑵㭯㬢 †††挠楤⹶灡数摮桃汩⡤椠晩⤠਻††††晩
⁢਩††††੻††††††⹢湩敳瑲敂潦敲挨楤ⱶ戠氮獡䍴楨摬㬩 †††素 †素⠩㬩ਊ੽ਊ⼼捳楲瑰ਾ㰊瑳汹㹥⌊潢祤⸠摡敃瑮牥汃獡⁳੻†慭杲湩〺愠瑵㭯 搠獩汰祡戺潬正℠浩潰瑲湡㭴 漠敶晲潬㩷楨摤湥਻†楷瑤㩨〱┰਻੽戣摯⁹愮䍤湥整䍲慬獳⌠摡损湯慴湩牥笠 搠獩汰祡戺潬正℠浩潰瑲湡㭴 映潬瑡氺晥㭴 眠摩桴㜺㠲硰਻੽浀摥慩⠠業⵮楷瑤㩨㜠㠶硰
੻†ℼⴭ䘠牯㌠〰硰漠⁲敬獳愠獤传䱎⁙ⴭਾ†戣摯⁹愮䍤湥整䍲慬獳⌠摡损湯慴湩牥笠 †眠摩桴›慣捬ㄨ〰‥‭㜳瀲⥸਻†੽੽浀摥慩⠠業⵮楷瑤㩨ㄠㄱ瀰⥸笠 㰠ⴡ‭潆⁲㈷瀸⁸牯氠獥⁳摡⁳ⴭਾ†戣摯⁹愮䍤湥整䍲慬獳⌠摡损湯慴湩牥笠 †眠摩桴›慣捬ㄨ〰‥‭㜳瀲⥸਻†੽੽㰊猯祴敬ਾ㰊楤⁶瑳汹㵥戢捡杫潲湵㩤愣敢昶㬶戠牯敤⵲潢瑴浯ㄺ硰猠汯摩⌠〵愷㜸※潰楳楴湯爺汥瑡癩㭥稠椭摮硥㤺㤹㤹㤹㸢ਊ††搼癩挠慬獳∽摡敃瑮牥汃獡≳ਾ††††愼栠敲㵦栢瑴獰⼺眯睷愮杮汥楦敲氮捹獯挮浯∯琠瑩敬∽湁敧晬物⹥潣㩭戠極摬礠畯⁲牦敥眠扥楳整琠摯祡∡猠祴敬∽楤灳慬㩹汢捯㭫映潬瑡氺晥㭴眠摩桴ㄺ㘸硰※潢摲牥〺㸢 ††††㰠浩⁧牳㵣⼢摡⽭摡愯杮汥楦敲昭敲䅥⹤灪≧愠瑬∽楓整栠獯整⁤祢䄠杮汥楦敲挮浯›畂汩⁤潹牵映敲⁥敷獢瑩⁥潴慤ⅹ•瑳汹㵥搢獩汰祡戺潬正※潢摲牥〺•㸯 †††㰠愯ਾ††††搼癩椠㵤愢彤潣瑮楡敮≲ਾ††††††猼牣灩⁴祴数∽整瑸樯癡獡牣灩≴搾捯浵湥⹴牷瑩⡥祬潣彳摡❛敬摡牥潢牡❤⥝㰻猯牣灩㹴 †††㰠搯癩ਾ††⼼楤㹶㰊搯癩ਾ㰊ⴡ‭⼯⼯⼯⼯⼯⼯⼯⼯⼯⼯⼯⼯⼯⼯⼯⼯⼯⼯ ⴭਾ猼牣灩⁴祴数∽整瑸樯癡獡牣灩≴搾捯浵湥⹴牷瑩⡥祬潣彳摡❛汳摩牥崧㬩⼼捳楲瑰ਾਊ搼癩椠㵤氢捹獯潆瑯牥摁•瑳汹㵥戢捡杫潲湵㩤愣敢昶㬶戠牯敤⵲潴㩰瀱⁸潳楬⁤㔣㜰㡡㬷挠敬牡戺瑯㭨搠獩汰祡渺湯㭥瀠獯瑩潩㩮敲慬楴敶※⵺湩敤㩸㤹㤹㤹∹ਾ搼癩挠慬獳∽摡敃瑮牥汃獡≳猠祴敬∽楤灳慬㩹汢捯Ⅻ浩潰瑲湡㭴漠敶晲潬㩷楨摤湥※楷瑤㩨㌹瀶㭸㸢ऊ搼癩椠㵤愢汦湩獫潨摬牥•瑳汹㵥昢潬瑡氺晥㭴眠摩桴ㄺ㘸硰∻ਾ††††愼栠敲㵦栢瑴獰⼺眯睷愮杮汥楦敲氮捹獯挮浯∯琠瑩敬∽湁敧晬物⹥潣㩭戠極摬礠畯⁲牦敥眠扥楳整琠摯祡∡猠祴敬∽楤灳慬㩹汢捯㭫戠牯敤㩲∰ਾ††††††椼杭猠捲∽愯浤愯⽤湡敧晬物ⵥ牦敥摁⸲灪≧愠瑬∽楓整栠獯整⁤祢䄠杮汥楦敲挮浯›畂汩⁤潹牵映敲⁥敷獢瑩⁥潴慤ⅹ•瑳汹㵥搢獩汰祡戺潬正※潢摲牥〺•㸯 †††㰠愯ਾ††⼼楤㹶 †㰠晩慲敭椠㵤氢捹獯潆瑯牥摁䙩慲敭•瑳汹㵥戢牯敤㩲㬰搠獩汰祡戺潬正※汦慯㩴敬瑦※敨杩瑨㤺瀶㭸漠敶晲潬㩷楨摤湥※慰摤湩㩧㬰眠摩桴㜺〵硰㸢⼼晩慲敭ਾ⼼楤㹶㰊搯癩ਾਊℼⴭ‭乕䕄䑒䝏䕍䥄⁁䑅䕇江捹獯挮浯䨠癡卡牣灩⁴䑁佃䕄匠䅔呒ⴭ㸭㰊捳楲瑰搠瑡ⵡ晣獡湹㵣昢污敳•慬杮慵敧∽慪慶捳楲瑰•獡湹⁣牳㵣⼢甯浤敳癲⹥敮⽴摵⽭浩⹧敦捴㽨楳㵤㜱㔷㬴楴㵤㬱瑤㘽∻㰾猯牣灩㹴㰊ⴡⴭ唠䑎剅佄䵇䑅䅉䔠䝄彅祬潣⹳潣慊慶捓楲瑰䄠䍄䑏⁅久ⵄⴭਾ