Mudman No attacks will strike me while I am protected by mighty spirits." - Mudman Win quote from World Heroes 2 A young, tribal warrior pulled from primitive Papua New Guinea by Dr. Brown. He is a playable character in most of the titles in the SNK/ADK World Heroes video game series.
BACKGROUND: After many years of work, the scientific genius, Doctor Brown, succeeded in creating a working time machine. However, instead of using it for a sensible purpose or for the betterment of humankind, Dr. Brown decided to travel through history, selecting powerful warriors from different eras along the way, and then match them against one another in a tournament, to see who was the most powerful fighter of all time--past, present, and future. Mudman was lucky(?) enough to be one of Brown's subjects . . . ABILITIES: Mudman has access to a variety of magic powers, granted to him by his Sky God as a reward for his devotion. Mudman has the ability to summon, at will, 'Spirit Helpers' to aid him in battle, which manifest themselves as little blue men. They can assist him in a variety of ways, but Mudman most often employs them as living projectiles(!), augmentation for his physical blows, and dance partners. Mudman may summon one, or several of them, at a time, but, being magical in nature, they can only manifest themselves in our plane of existence for a short period (usually a few seconds), which limits their activities. Mudman employs his durable mask as both a shield (blocking attacks) and as a weapon (slamming his opponents with it). Mudman's fighting 'style' is unorthodox and accompanied by much vocalization (whooping, stating of his name, etc); this often works to his advantage when facing off against an opponent who is easily rattled or used to battling foes who employ more traditional techniques. Mudman sometimes receives prophetic visions from his Sky God that serve as guidance and warn him of dangers. WEAKNESSES: Mudman's intense concern for the environment and the welfare of the Earth sometimes causes him to act in ways that many people would consider strange or inappropriate. Mudman's prophetic visions aren't always clear and interpreting them sometimes proves difficult--unfortunately, the future is a slippery thing and reading these dreams the wrong way may have disastrous consequences. Coming from a 'primitive' people and era, Mudman is very naive about things found in the more advanced civilizations Dr. Brown dumps him in. For example, he regards motorized vehicles, electricity, etc, as fantastic and powerful magic. Materials:
Dimensions*: Articulation:
1. 'World Heroes 2' SNES video game and instruction manual.
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