
Breathtakingly beautiful demonesses that can be encountered in Konami's 2005 Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow Nintendo Dual Screen (NDS) video game (original Japanese title: Akumajo Dracula: Sougetsu no Juujika, which translates as Demon Castle Dracula: Cross of The Blue Moon.) The creatures Lilith (monster #44) and Succubus (monster #86) share the same game sprite, although they do differ in color and capabilities.
Clever players have discovered that, by utilizing the Succubus' soul power, in conjunction with a special combination of knife attacks, it's possible to travel through walls and doors in the castle in ways that the programmers never intended. This "Succubus Warp Glitch" allows you to access areas earlier than you should, increase your map completion percentage above and beyond what is normally possible (more than 100%), and acquire various items and abilities, some of which were never meant for Soma Cruz's use, such as Julius Belmont's Whip and the Alucard Sword. To accomplish this feat, equip the Succubus soul power and either the Cutall or Cinquedia weapons, then stand close to, and face, the wall/door you wish to pass through. Now, trigger the Succubus soul power (up + Y button), and then, while you're still dashing forward during the attack animation of said soul power, quickly cancel it by activating the Cutall or Cinquedia's special teleport strike move (A), followed by three quick normal slashes with the knife when you return to your starting position (Y, Y, Y), and then, finally, the dagger special once again (A). The timing is a little bit tricky, but if you did it correctly, you'll warp right through the wall/door! Attempting to pass through walls that don't actually physically connect to another room is where the more unusual aspects, and greatest rewards, of this glitch come into play (i.e., increasing the map completion percentage beyond 100% and acquiring various weapons and souls.) Take note that entering this "null" space, outside the confines of the game's "world", is going to cause strange things to occur, although it shouldn't do any permanent damage to your save file (if you get trapped sliding across the game's map, which you probably will, just create a temporary suspend file and load it; most of the time that will correct any glitching, however, if that doesn't work, you'll have to load your last normal save file instead.)

#44 Lilith
"An alluring demon that deludes its victims with its mystifying beauty."
Hit Points
Mind Points
Experience Points
Spears Swords Holy Poison
Soul Type
Soul Rarity
Soul Description
Soul Levels
Soul Cost
** (8% Drop)
Increases intelligence
9 (+2 INT/soul)
Soul Synthesis
Normal Item
Rare Item
Encounter Locations
Durandal » Dainslef
Coffee (8% Drop)
Demon Guest House
Liliths can quickly dash forwards or backwards, either to evade an attack from you or to initiate one of their own.
These winged temptresses often blow heart-shaped kisses in your direction. If one of them connects, you will become cursed, resulting in a rapid, albeit temporary, depletion of your mind points.
Liliths deliver savage slaps at close range. When she strikes you, there is a chance that the blow will break the skin, resulting in her toxic nail polish entering your blood stream and poisoning you. While sickened, your Attack, Strength, and Intelligence stats will decrease dramatically, temporarily compromising your capacity to inflict damage.

#86 Succubus
"A demon that assumes the form of a beautiful maiden to drain vitality."
Hit Points
Mind Points
Experience Points
Spears Swords Holy
Soul Type
Soul Rarity
Soul Description
Soul Levels
Soul Cost
** (10% Drop)
Regain HP by drinking blood
25 MP/Use
Soul Synthesis
Normal Item
Rare Item
Encounter Locations
Flame Necklace (8% Drop)
Pitch Black Suit (4% Drop)
Demon Guest House The Pinnacle The Abyss
A Succubus may assume the shape of one of Soma's allies, the good witch Yoko Belnades, in an attempt to fool the player. While she won't move while disguised in this fashion, she will deliver kicks at close range if you fall for the trap. Successfully strike her and she will immediately drop the Yoko charade and show her true demonic colors.
Succubi can rapidly dash forwards or backwards, either to evade an attack from you or to initiate one of their own.
If a Succubus gets close enough, she will passionately embrace the player and begin to drain your life away. Rapidly wiggle the control pad and mash buttons to escape her deadly grip.
Newsprint, white glue, wire twist ties, and acrylic paint.
9.0 cm/3.5 in. x 5.8 cm/2.3 in. (widest point x highest point)
Four days: April 6, 8, 10, and 11, 2012.

For comparison purposes, below are several relevant images (more information on mouse-over):

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The background image is Dracula's legendary keep, Castlevania, from the Dawn of Sorrow game.