This installment of Toy Talk is dedicated to the memory of "Picklehead", our 15-year-old calico cat who recently passed away on Thanksgiving Day morning (the 26th). Needless to say, her death put a damper on the holiday. Normally, Picklehead didn't spend a whole lot of time with me, but, as her health steadily declined, she attached herself more-and-more to my doings, until, ultimately, when she became too weak to get around much on her own, she chose to live out her last days alongside me on the bed, nestled comfortably inside towels and blankets. Picklehead was a lovely animal that deserved better than the cancer that eventually claimed her life. She will be missed.
Technically, her real name was "Mimi", as that's the title that she was given as a kitten, but nobody had referred to her by that moniker for years. Shortly after we got her, she acquired the nickname Picklehead, or just "Pickles" for short, and that's what stuck. Don't let this photo fool you, she and the dog did not get along at all (notice how much space there is between the two of them). We only have one cat (and said dog) left now. It's kind of strange to have just a single feline in the house, as we've always had multiple cats (as many as six at once) for about two decades. |