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Chloe the Magnificent

Chloe's first day with us!

She's exploring my library



Little brat pushed my own books onto me while I was studying, just seconds after this photo was taken

She's apparantly tone-deaf, because she looks pretty content

Brat found and drug out our stockpile of plastic sacks, one of her favorite toys

She's reading Pelevin's "Nika." I think she figured it out before I did.

Chloe wit da bling bling

I just washed these sweaters. Why are they all covered in cat hair?

Airing out?

All pooped out

Again, i just washed these clothes. What's with all the cat hair?

Liquid molten kitty oozing slowly out of her kitty crate

She was a hermit crab or something in a former life. Always looking for and trying out new "homes."


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