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Life in the Pacific Northwest

So far, I'm absolutely loving my current home in Seattle. The Northwest is so beautiful, and I love the people up here!

Scenic overlook in Northern California taken during my cross-country drive

My roommate Rashelle gets a do-it-yourself perm in the bathroom

Red Square, UW campus. Mt. Rainier is barely visible over Drumheller Fountain.

View of Rainier over Drumheller

Suzzallo Library. Such beautiful Gothic architecture!

Autumn on the quad, UW campus

The cherry trees on the quad in Autumn

My friend Robert and I, snowboarding at Crystal, New Year's Eve. Robert patiently tried to teach me how to snowboard (it was my first time)

James is getting all "artsy" with the camera...

Robert and James, at Crystal

My gnarly bruised knee after my first day snowboarding, before I properly learned to land on my ass.

Bojan and Shosh at a Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian class party

Birthday girl Rashelle with her big surprise in her lap - Jakob

Rashelle, bowling with Robert, James and me

Robert, bowling. All my pictures came out blurry.

James at bowling alley

Chloe checks to make sure the bindings on my rental board are all in order. Good kitty.

Cherry trees in full bloom in the quad

Quad in springtime, UW campus

James and Bongo the Dog on a Washington coastline near Anacortes. There was a beach party there

Coast on the Sound

Cody and Tricia balance on a piece of driftwood

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