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My Family Album



My sister, Dinah

My brother, Jason

All three of us kiddoes

My sister, the jet-setter. Who's that chimp-like man in the background behind the microphone?

Fishing with my dad when I was a wee tyke

Older family portrait. Like many of our family photos, this one shows damage from the flood of 2002

My paternal grandparents, Stanford and Nina Fay

My maternal grandparents, Bobby and Jean

Granny and playing beer pong? Wow.

Mom & Pop

My giant, bi-tonal father

Me at 5 1/2 months

My first birthday, with my sister and brother

Photo in the Mountain Sun, No 6, 1982

My cousin Andi and I, playing dress-up on the farm with my grandparents' old clothes. Dig that hoop-skirt!

Andi and me at Vacation Bible School in Floydada, TX

Why does this photo make me cringe? That's my brother jason in the background, giving me the dirty look

My 8th birthday at Sea World with my brother, grandmother, and dad (Mom's behind the camera)

Posing with my sister's catfish at Granny's house as though I caught it myself

Playing "Mary and Joseph," Christmas 1984

The famous "parachute dress."

Christmas morning, 1986. The slug is me, and next to me is cousin Jed

Christmas photo: the "before" shot

The steadfast cat Velcro helping my dad fix an electric blanket. It's pea-green, for God's sake, just throw it away!

Dinah, realizing that her little sister isn't so little anymore

Dad and I in our glow-in-the-dark Mickey Mouse boxers I brought home from Disney World. Tags still on. Dad's legs glow in the dark, too.

My paternal grandfather's huge immediate family- he had six brothers and a sister!

Old, old photo of some ancestors. First of the German McDougall family in America, perhaps?

My grandpa with my baby dad

Grandpa... he was so handsome!

My grandparents in 1955

A portrait my grandpa sent to my grandma. What a hottie!

I love the arrangement of these photos: my grandma showing a little leg, while my grandpa grins at her

She made herself a sailor dress so they could match! Awww!

Cutest grandma ever!

Grandpa the slugger

My great-grandparents on my paternal grandmother's side

Portrait of my grandma

My great-grandmother Maude

My great-grandmother and her little sister. Check out those dirty bare feet!

My dad and uncle Marlin. Dad's the one with the vacant expression

My parent's wedding day. My aunt Linda is Mom's matron of honor, and my uncle Marlin is the best man.

Dad and Marlin as young boy scouts

Dad and his immediate family on his wedding day

Family portrait; this must have been made when Jason was in the Marines

My mom and dad

Uncle Marlin in the Navy

My dad, in high school

Dinah and Jason

Little Jason!

Jason's high school senior photo

Christmas... I got the princess costume as a gift

Me, 4 yrs, pretending to hoe the garden

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