

Multi Chapter

Until Death
In Progress - season 6

One Day I'll Find You
26 Chapters - season 5

Future Proof
9 chapters - season 4 and 7

Such As We Are Made Of
5 chapters - season 3

The Into Series
4 chapters - post Chosen

A Box Full Of Wishes
2 chapters - Xmas fic - season 8

A Silent Apology
2 chapters - season 3

9 chapters - season 8

Ticket To Everything
6 chapters - post Chosen

9 chapters - season 7

New Beginnings, Old Enemies
26 chapters - season 4

Nothing More Than The Slayer Bond
6 chapters - season 3

The Diary
9 chapters - season 3

Rest Stop
5 chapters - season 7

A Different Kind Of View
2 chapters - post Chosen

You're Like The Sun In A Rainstorm
2 chapters - post Chosen

Something Sweet
17 chapters - season 4

Memory In Mind
6 chapters - season 4

You Pull The Strings
17 chapters - sequel to Memory In Mind - season 4

Have A Little Faith
12 chapters - season 3

The Open Door
2 chapters - season 7

A Short Distance Between Love And Hate
3 chapters - season 4

Taking A Chance
3 chapters - season 3





The Right Move
season 5

Another Heart Breaking In Another Town
season 8

post Chosen

post Chosen

Santa's Last Stand
Xmas fic - post Chosen

The Wedding
post Chosen

Shopping Takes Its Toll
season 5

I Can't
season 3

post Chosen

Actions Speak Louder Than Words
season 3

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Website designed and maintained by Dylan

Please note that most stories on the site are rated NC17

All Rights Reserved.
No infringement of copyright is intended for the shows and characters contained herein.
The author makes no profit from these stories.