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Originally this mare was bought for someone else to have and to keep. A family was looking for a bright-eyed mare like herself and they were going to buy her but then they found another who they thought was better. So Sundra was then stuck here and had to have some use. Since she was already harness trained the girls decided to train her even farther. When they bought her she was spooky of many things so they harness her up with a Shire they call Magic, who was huge and would just keep going no matter what. With that Sundra was forced to get use to everything and soon learned to love it, even bubbles, which she thought was an evil monster out to get her before. Now she is one out of a couple of our tour horses. When tours come either just to see the ranch or people that are coming to take lessons, Sundra gets harnessed up and is waiting to happily take them around.