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A Step in Gameing History

We all remember the classics, the side scrollers and those wonderful games that had great graphics that today look crappie. Through visually displeasing, some are still great fun. However, when I look at the old games and then the new games a certain characteristic comes into view that has changed the gaming world dramatically. This small modification that some genius decided one day to program is none other than Ledge Gabbing.

Though its not thought about, its amazing what the gaming world has accomplished since ledge grabbing. The advancements in technology are stunning and flashy but it’s these seemingly smaller details that really make a difference. Though I have not done the painstaking research to discover when it was first used, I have discovered that was somewhere in the PS1/N64/Sega era, shortly after Spyro the Dragon and some time before the Rareware games. But aside from its lineage its overall effect on the gaming world is astounding.

It opens a new aspect in platform games that allows for more challenge in jumping.

“Can I make it to that ledge or should I jump to the closer one and then shimmy over?”

This change totally reformatted the platform gaming adding many new possibilities aside from jumping from one plane to the next, it opened a new window to make better use of the 3D aspects of the games. Overall I tip my hat to you Ledge Grabbing, a fascinating addition to the game programming who hasn’t gotten much credit until today.

By Tri-Forged