This game is a great example of Platformer done right. Though it is one of the first of the Rareware games it is still great. Rareware was off to a good start and continued to make great games for the N64 right to the very end.
Banjo-Kazooie is a very strange game though that oddity makes it all the more fun. Your character Banjo is a bear that has his bird friend Kazooie in his backpack. Together you both are off to save Banjo’s sister Tooty from her kidnapper the evil witch Gruntilda. Along the way you do many other little tasks to gain access to other worlds, as well as collect golden puzzle pieces called “Jiggies”. Yes there is collection. (It wouldn’t be much of a platform game if it didn’t have collecting) Also along the way you come across a Tiki-Guy named Mumbo Jumbo who turns you into all sorts of strange things that help you to complete your quests. Overall this game is good for being one of the first and therefore gains some credit in that respect. Otherwise there aren’t many things unlikable about the game unless you despise games of this magnitude of random. If your up for what platform games really should be like or just want a glimpse into how random this game really is I’d suggest picking it up (If you can find it) and give it a try.
By Tri-Forged
This game gets a 4 out of 5
+ Great graphics that still look good today, though slightly cartoony
+ Fair story line with lots of fun added side quests
+ Good controls, have to love the N64 controller
+ Easy maneuverability through worlds/story
+ Funny and Odd
+ Fun up beat music: with smooth transitions between worlds
+ No load screens
- Enemies are sort of easy
- Bosses are fun yet also sort of easy