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Yet another score for Rareware. This game is even better than the first and let me tell you that’s saying something. This is one of few games in this world where the second game is better than the first.

Banjo – Tooie as its name suggests is the sequel to Banjo – Kazooie. It’s got everything from the original game plus many new things. There are new items, new weapons, plenty of new abilities and a load of new characters. You are fighting Grunty yet again, but this time its just because she is back to her old evil self again. Minus one minor detail, since the last time you defeated her she has been under a bolder so lets just say she’s lost a lot of weight and its looking rather bony. In an attempt to get her body back to normal she teams up with her two sister Mingella and Blobbelda to use a machine that can suck the life out of the ground and people to reconstruct herself. So you are off to be Banjo and Kazooie to save the day once again. However another problem has come up. Right from the begging your trusted friend Bottles (that taught you your abilities in the first game) is dead, so in his place is his brother Jamjars is here to teach you new abilities you didn’t learn in the first game. On your journey you meet many other allies as well as a rival to Mumbo Jumbo, a Indian girl named Humba Wumba, Both turn you into a multitude of creatures and items to help you complete you next quests.

Now not many can obtain such a score yet I put a lot of thought into the overall quality of the game taking aside personal opinions and have noted that this game get the following score.

This game gets a 5 out of 5

+ Better graphics than before
+ Totally new worlds for a second game
+ Same great music
+ A second game that builds on the first effectively tying up all loose ends and still makes the game enjoyable and new to the player
+ Enemy’s that fight back effectively/Enemies that are disguised as good guys
+ Same final Boss but added twists
+ New quest objectives and new things to collect
+ More Use of Kazooie (can fly, use separately, egg shooter aiming)
+ Added Multiplayer arenas
+ Thought provoked boss battles
+ Great humor in game and in reference to old game