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*File Footage found: IntvSSMPMC.wav*

*File footage opening*

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Hobo:Welcome to another one of Hobo's Interviews. This week our guests are: Max Payne..

Max: Hello there and thank you for that rather spiffing introduction old chap.

Hobo: And our regular favorites: Solid Snake

Max: I say! Mr. Snake, why the devil are you underneath that cardboard box?

Snake: Aliens everywhere, I can see them their controlling us! With their Boxes of X and Stations of Playing!

Hobo: Of course they are Snake, of course.... And now ladies and gentlemen give it up for our final regular guest, Veronica, also Known as Master Chief!

Veronica: Cortana I told you! I'm just not interested! Yes I know you want to take our friendship further, but I'm just not interested in women....

Snake: I can see them now! Meer Children controlling us! With these controllers in their hands! Many times they have lead us to do humiliting things! Like that time in the Tanker when they made me try and take on the Marine Corps with only an M9! I mean, I'm lucky that I magically re-appeared at the beginning of that room, if I'd have been caught I don't know what would've happened.

Hobo: *sigh* Who invited them back? Anyway....

Veronica:Max, did I ever tell you about that time I nearly scored with a hunter? Well I really must one of these days, it's such a laugh...

Max:Really now? Well I think I'll be the judge of that... Anyway, Hobo old bean, what were you saying?

Hobo: Does it matter anymore? I know that as soon as I start talking someone'll interupt me, I'll bet you anything......


*Tumbleweed rolls through Studio*

Veronica: *cough*

Hobo: Bollocks.....

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*New file to be opened next week*