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*File Footage found: Intv.47MCSSwav*
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Hobo: Welcome readers to another one of Hobo's Interviews, this week we have with us: Agent 47 of Hitman fame... Oh god where is he? 47! Get off Snake! Go on! Put that Fibre Wire away!
47: We're only playing arn't we Snake?
Snake: He said he'd hurt me if I didn't give him my lunch money!
47: That's it Snitch, you're dead....
Hobo: Jesus Christ, can't you behave properly like Master Chief? Oh dear God....
MC:Indian Burn!
Snake: OW! OW! OWWWWW! Stop it Chief, or I'll tell Cortana!
MC: You wouldn't dare!
Hobo: MC! stop bullying Snake because of his mullet, and Snake, nobody likes a telltale....
47: *knocks out MC and steals his armor* Bwahahaha! The fools will never suspect that I'm actually 47!
Hobo: Errrm 47, you've got the loudspeaker on...
47: Shit....
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*New file to be opened next week*