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Thoughts from Oddguy: News for the Video Game Junkie.

ORANGE CITY, Florida (AP) -- A mob of shoppers
rushing for a sale on DVD players trampled the first
woman in line and knocked her unconscious as they
scrambled for the shelves at a Wal-Mart Supercenter.

(((((FULL STORY)))))

Tsk tsk. What kind of world are we coming to when a poor lady gets trampled by crazy shoppers stampeding for DVD players on sale? Wait, I'm getting ahead of're probably wanting to hear, a fuzzy flashback about how this news column of mine came to be.

Hobo and I were PMing about what to do with The Humor Page of this fine site. I suggested reporting obscure and funny news stories. Hobo said he'd take care of finding something to make you kids laugh, so I thought I'd do something as well. This doesn't have anything remotely to do with Video Games, which is what this site is all about, but it does offer those of you who spend all your time in front of the Computer and Video Game system a little peek into the world we live in. Anyway, this is the start of "Thoughts from Oddguy: News for the Video Game Junkie." Oddguy here reports on somewhat humorous topics and hopefully you'll find something amusing and laugh worthy to share with your family at a gathering or friends at a mass orgy. Now that you have a backstory to this whole news column, on with the story!

Shoppers beware, because it just isn't safe anymore for the humble consumer these days. 41-year-old, Patricia VanLester was first in line at the Wal-Mart Supercenter for the 6 a.m. post-Thanksgiving sale. When the start of the sale siren went off, that was it for this poor woman. She had just grabbed a $29 DVD player when she was trampled by oncoming shoppers rushing for the find. Paramedics arrived at the Wal-Mart to find the poor unconsious woman still clutching the DVD player. Covered in black and blue bruises, Patricia VanLester is said to remain at Halifax Medical Center in Daytona Beach for the weekend. Wal-Mart officials put the DVD player on hold for VanLester to buy at the special $29 after she gets out of the hospital.

Hmmmmmm, what's wrong with this picture? I don't know about you guys, but I'm thinking Wal-Mart should've just given the lady that DVD player after all the trouble. It just makes me sick when holiday nazis get out of hand. I heard another story today on Fox News Channel about a woman punching another lady who had cut in line at the Toys R Us. Not my idea of the Christmas spirit. Anyway, enough of my rambling. If you would like a comment of yours added on this page, PM me at the OWF.

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