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Worms Armageddon Review

Here, a late Christmas Present My first review was of a downloadable, relatively small game. Good, but not quit at the ranks of today’s best games. It looks like I’m going to continue like this, because now is my review of the (relative) classic turn based strategy, Worms Armageddon!

Plot: 3/10

I admit, the plot isn’t much. In the single player missions, you’re a commander of a squad of worms. You get objectives, but only simple ones like collect a weapon crate or kill all the enemy worms.

Graphics/Sound: 6/10

Sure, it’s 2D, and the same droning music goes on in battles, but those are the only bad points. Worms will remark at your accuracy after sending a grenade off the landscape. After a long fall, they will plunge head-first into the ground. Hear the French national anthem while sending in a sheep strike. See the fearful worms blink every so often.

Gameplay: 9/10

Now, this is where the game really shines. After making your own team, give the enemy hell with weapons such as the mine, the grenade, the bazooka, the mini-gun, the homing missile and dynamite. Use the worm as a weapon, with a dragon ball, a karate punch kamikaze and the prod, should the over confident worm get too close to the edge. Enjoy sending in suicide animals such as the sheep or a heard of mad cows. Personalize your team with a special weapon that you chose like the Holy Hand Grenade (Monty Python would be proud), the flamethrower, or, my personally fave, the super sheep. Frustrate your enemy with non- aggressive weapons and utilities like teleport, freeze, the ninja rope or invisibility. Devastate the battlefields with super-weapons like Mikes Carpet Bomb, the before mentioned French-sheep-strike, the Indian Nuclear test, or rain fire upon all with Armageddon. Whack ‘em across the ocean with a baseball bat and watch them skip across the water like a stone. The game is also multiplayer on one computer, as well as networks. Have teams! Make your own kind of game by changing beginning weapons, crates, health, ect. And this is only scratching the surface!

Total Score: 8/10

A Flexible, Enjoyable, Playable game, only really set back by its age.
