(Translated by Sydney Bodem)

Year She Entered I'VE: 2002
Birthplace: ???
Born: September 06, 19XX
Bloodtype: A
Horoscope: Virgo
Height: 151 (Just under 5 ft.)
Hobbies: Guitar, gospel, watching movies, making songs, driving, playing with cats
Skills: Rank 2 in calligraphy, Rank 2 in the English proficiency exam, badminton, tennis, ping-pong, drawing, playing with kids
Favorite Foods: Spaghetti, hamburger, soup curry, ramen, onigiri, celery, cherries, candy
Disliked Foods: Sea Chicken with mayonnaise

Official Page: ???

Major solo debut was in 2002, with her song, "Senecio"


I've Sound Explorer

Last Updated: July 09, 2006

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