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Tuesday, 22 July 2003

so i think im not going to send it. kamyon brought up a good point about what i was trying to accomplish. and i know i don't want to get back together with him, but what if he did with me. and it was rather out of the blue. i just havn't had any real colsure on it which makes it hard for me to understand. anyway..... thats boring! my auntie jack is coming in like 6 dayz and she is bringing walkers chrisps...ummmmmmm....crrriiiisssppppss *imagning food* im going to eat with kamyon when she picks me up. we are going to rip rocks and she;s buying. i love her. she's my best friend. thats sounds so mushy just saying it. but i seriously have no clue where i would be without her. i would be the same nieve girl i was when i was a freashman. i already figured out her birthday present. it doesn't cost much (maybe a few future favors) but its going to be great. i can't wait.

Mood: calm

Just get through Tuesday, charlie!
Popularity is assured, perhaps due to the advance work a committed partner has done on your behalf. Look to succeed wherever popular opinion already parallels your own beliefs. A kind-hearted individual assists research.

Posted by ult/speedracer at 6:15 AM
Updated: Tuesday, 22 July 2003 6:33 AM
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