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Wednesday, 30 July 2003

Oh trouble set me free
I have seen your face
And it's too much too much for me

Oh trouble can't you see
You're eating my heart away
And there's nothing much left of me

I've drunk your wine
You have made your world mine
So won't you be fair
So won't you be fair

I don't want no more of you
So won't you be kind to me
Just let me go where
I'll have to go there

Oh trouble move away
I have seen your face
and it's too much for me today

Oh trouble can't you see
You have made me a wreck
Now won't you leave me in my misery

I've seen your eyes
and I can see death's disguise
Hangin' on me
Hangin' on me

I'm beat, I'm torn
Shattered and tossed and worn
Too shocking to see
Too shocking to see

Oh trouble move from me
I have paid my debt
Now won't you leave me in my misery

Oh trouble please be kind
I don't want no fight
And I haven't got a lot of time - cat stevens

if you didn't know im an aspiring cat stevens fan!

Posted by ult/speedracer at 7:15 AM
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Tuesday, 29 July 2003

Oh little fly upon the wall,
Have you got no sense at all?
Have you got no mum or dad?
Or anyone that would be sad?

With one great smack,
I'll break your back,
and you'd be dead,
and that's a fact!

So little fly,
Just fly away,
And live to see,
Another day.

Posted by ult/speedracer at 6:38 AM
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everyday i wait for kamyon to get out of class, but tuesdays are always good because its burger day. you see i used to be vegetarian. i was for 6 months. all i thought about was meat. i even dreamt it. i was doing really good up until kamyon got a george forman grill. it did me in. i felt really bad because people had bets on whenever i would give it up, and i wanted to prove them wrong, just the power of meat is crazy. it takes over all your will. my friend was vegan for 2 years then one day ate like 5 hamburgers and went nuts. that didn't help me sustain either. the fact that he gave up made me feel like i couldn't go on. so i ate, and it was good!

Posted by ult/speedracer at 6:29 AM
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Saturday, 26 July 2003

right now im waiting for the britts to arrive! man they need to be here. last night i smoke pot infront of my mom! man crazy shit

Posted by ult/speedracer at 8:36 AM
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Tuesday, 22 July 2003

so i think im not going to send it. kamyon brought up a good point about what i was trying to accomplish. and i know i don't want to get back together with him, but what if he did with me. and it was rather out of the blue. i just havn't had any real colsure on it which makes it hard for me to understand. anyway..... thats boring! my auntie jack is coming in like 6 dayz and she is bringing walkers chrisps...ummmmmmm....crrriiiisssppppss *imagning food* im going to eat with kamyon when she picks me up. we are going to rip rocks and she;s buying. i love her. she's my best friend. thats sounds so mushy just saying it. but i seriously have no clue where i would be without her. i would be the same nieve girl i was when i was a freashman. i already figured out her birthday present. it doesn't cost much (maybe a few future favors) but its going to be great. i can't wait.

Mood: calm

Just get through Tuesday, charlie!
Popularity is assured, perhaps due to the advance work a committed partner has done on your behalf. Look to succeed wherever popular opinion already parallels your own beliefs. A kind-hearted individual assists research.

Posted by ult/speedracer at 6:15 AM
Updated: Tuesday, 22 July 2003 6:33 AM
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Monday, 21 July 2003

touche couche
well today i wrote my ex a letter. we broke up like foreva ago, and i haven't dated anyone seriously since. i couldn't sleep last night because of it. so thats when i decided i should write a letter. in this letter i proposed that once again we should be friends and that i was sorry that i pushed him away after we broke up. but i didn't takes all the blame. i feel as though it was mostly his fault, but telling someone that won't make them your friend again. i miss him a lot. not as a boyfriend, just as a friend. anyway....thats all that has happenedd today. i went to 3 parties this weekend, it was crazy. i went to carrollton the first night and got really dunk and was sick in my friends bathroom. my best friend tried to pour it down the sink but it wouldn't drain so she had to scoop in into a cup and pour it into the shower. i felt really bad for them. oh and m y friend marc saw my couche (he's gay, so i didn't care) but then he like announced it to the party goers. ahhhh. touche couche!

Posted by ult/speedracer at 6:20 AM
Updated: Tuesday, 29 July 2003 6:20 AM
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Tuesday, 15 July 2003

impressions of life
so yes this is it. i finally figured out (maybe?) how to have an online journal. in hopes that someone will find my life more interesting than i do. man that sounded sad. i guess you want to know what happen to me. well truth be told i was in a surfing accident when i was 5 years old. some shark bit my back and gorged through a few nerves. so now i can't walk! asshole.
naw all of that was a complete lie. i wish i had some interesting story, but i don't. kool.

Posted by ult/speedracer at 6:33 AM
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