_____ _____ | /\ / \ |____ / \ | | | /___ \ | |\ | / \ \______/ \ What do I need to be / have to join Squad Tea? To join Squad Tea you don’t need any skills. As long as you are a member of DTD, you can join. Can I join 2 or more squads? No, your squad is like a separate clan. You cannot join another squad if you already a member of another. Does Squad Tea give you free stuff if you join? NO I hate tea. Can I still join? Yes, it doesn’t matter if you like tea or not. If you want to support it, you can. Can I lead the squad? No, the leaders of the squads have been assigned (check on the site). You cannot make a squad of your own. What’s the point in squads? Squads are a new idea, which came into action the same time as clan government. Squads are divided so clan events (such as legions) can take place in different groups. It can also be help on pk trips (especially if they are from the same time zone).