Now Playing: Is there a "no-read" list?
I have for years complained of incessant harassment by persons who seek to disrupt my internet activities, whether I use Yahoo, Gmail or Angelfire/Lycos, or any other company. Their motives are to limit access to my sites and to "demonstrate control" by using cyber-command-style tactics to make my work difficult, but generally the level of disruption is kept at a "politically tolerable" level.
One would assume that government operatives are behind the harassment, whether or not they use cut-outs. That's because the disruptions occur no matter what terminal or email account I use, implying continuing surveillance on a scale that requires government funding.
One favorite of theirs is to prohibit me from receiving White House email alerts intended for the general public. This was done under Bush, but alerts started to arrive after a change in chiefs of staff. In the latter months of Bush's presidency, they ceased.
I signed up for alerts from the Obama White House and, upon receiving none, I sent an email to a few people with the headline: "Is there a no-read list?" Since then, other emails from lists have ceased being delivered: two science news circulars and a daily scripture circular. I suppose that the control freaks are either trying to lay down a smokescreen so they don't have to permit the White House emails to arrive or they are "upping the ante" after I complained. I'm sure they not only read my emails.
Respect the First Amendment clauses for freedom of speech and freedom of religion? Ho ho ho...
If you wish to comment, please write me at Once in a great while, they permit a comment through -- if it's not perceived as a political threat to the 9/11 coverup crowd.