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All About Abby

Abby Bailey
Public Relations/ Team Clown
Lexington, Kentucky


Age: 14

Grade: 9th

School: Trinity Christian

Horse: Code Red "Cody"

Favorite Horsey Memory: when i first got cody and when i met my best barn buds i luv yall thanx

Goal: to become an equine phisical therapist and to own my own farm and to share it with Kayla!!!

Goal For Drill Team:that we can be the best we can be and that we can work together

Quote: "Dont worry, Be happy" ok i stole it from someone but hey i say it

Hey i just wanna make a shout out to Cody!!! Ok here it goes I love ya you rock never change ok you could get better at dressage :D luv ya barn guys Kayla Angela Susan Leigh