Sakigake!! Cromartie High 1-8

Episode 1 - I Used To Be A Bad Boy Bragging Contest
Kamiyama Takashi is a new student at Cromartie High School. A school notoriously full of delinquents, Takashi simply hopes to start a healthy school life but fears for the worse. His worries prove justified when the students in Takashi’s class begin reminiscing about their troubled pasts. Many have bad reputations and tough nicknames like “Fireball of Nichuu” or “Sanchuu’s Hospital Sender.” One guy states that he never had to fight because others were too afraid of him so his nickname was “Winner By Default Masa.” When asked if he is actually good at fighting, he replies he doesn’t know because he never did! Another student states that he never lost a fight, including a 5 on 1and always acts before he talks. However, because he has no nickname the others determine that he can not be that good! Takashi then explains that his nickname was “Go-fer.” The others scoff declaring he must have never done anything bad. On the contrary Takashi states he did something bad once, but will not explain it now.

Takashi then learns of a system called “High School Debut” in which a student without a troubled past can become a delinquent. The first stage is a change in appearance like dying one’s hair blond or shaving off one‘s eyebrows. Takashi then skips to stage five which is lose your old friends. Stage six is adapt a tough walk and stare. If possible one should be accompanied by a group of strong looking guys as well. Before he can complete his transformation, the other students interrupt Takashi and begin a contest to discover the strongest in class. Hayashida Shinjirou, a student with a wiggly Mohawk believes Takashi will be the strongest as he is not used to normal looking people so they intimidate him. After arguing over how to find the strongest person, the students decide that the one who can hold a rock in between his shoulders the longest will be the strongest and Takashi wins!

Newly respected, Takashi hopes to unite the school. Hayashida states that there is a terrible guy in class 1-3 that must be taken care is the school is to become united. When Takashi goes to the classroom he discovers an older looking student that looks like Freddy Mercury from the band Queen. Believing this is the guy, he calls him Freddy. Believing he made a mistake Hayashida then returns to the class with Takashi. When he opens the door Takashi is surprised to discover a gigantic ape! However, this is still not the guy he is referring to as there is a robot named Mechazawa!

Episode 2
The guys in the class have a great deal of respect and trust in Mechazawa. However, no one seems to realize he is a robot and Hayashida and Takashi eagerly wait someone to mention it. When one of the students CD players breaks, he assumes Mechazawa could fix it. However, Mechazawa declares he is bad with machines! He then criticizes today’s digital world! As the class continues students ask Mechazawa a variety of questions but never mention that he is a robot. Later, Mechazawa gets captured and beaten by delinquents from Bass High. Takashi and Hayashida secretly watch him from afar waiting to save him. However, they wait and watch hoping one of the Bass students will mention that he is a robot. Hayashida then realizes that he and Takashi are the only ones that seem to realize Mechazawa is a robot. Everyone else sees him as a normal high school delinquent! Maybe their senses are messed up and Mechazawa is actually a normal high school kid! As the attack continues one of the guys knife bends when he tries to stab Mechazawa. The attackers conclude that he is a normal high school kid with an exceptionally tough body. The leader of he bass students emerges from the darkness criticizing their attack. He then realizes that he knows Mechazawa.
Episode 3
Hayashida gets a song stuck in his head but cannot remember its name or the lyrics. He asks some other students what it is, but they do not know. Takashi thinks he knows, but it is actually a different song. As the guys focus on Hayashida’s song, one asks why he doesn’t try a record store. Hayashida states he would be too embarrassed to do that and continues to ask other students. All of them are familiar with the melody, but none can think of the name. Knowing it will bother them if they do not find out, the students begin humming the song to everyone hoping someone will know it. After an entire day of trying no one can figure out the name of the song. However, everyone becomes very good at humming and they perform the melody on the school’s stage! Later on Takashi hears Mechazawa humming the song, but is too embarrassed to ask what it is!
Episode 4
At Destrade Engineering High School the students meet to discuss how to defeat Cromartie High. Yamaguchi Noboru, the leader of Destrade is known as “The Silent, Unsinkable Ship.” Although it is thought that he has no sense of humor he is secretly a critic when it comes to comedy. Secretly hoping for some great humor, Yamaguchi listens to others with a mean and serious look on his face. While his underlings argue, Yamaguchi critiques their jokes in his head. When one makes a crude joke, Yamaguchi instantly attacks him. As the discussion on Cromartie continues, Yamaguchi gets a great joke in his head. He is afraid to tell it however, as it might change the others’ perception of him. After he finally decides to tell his joke, someone else says it before him! The group moves their meeting to a diner where they discuss the problem over tea. Once again Yamaguchi’s mind strays from Cromartie to humor as he contemplates what joke he should submit to a local radio station. It seems he has made a habit of submitting his best work under the penname “salty boy.” While his jokes are a regular feature on the radio, someone named “honey boy” always beats him for the top spot. Yamaguchi contemplates this with a grave expression and those around him believe he is devising a plan for Cromartie. Coincidently, Takashi and Hayashida sit behind Yamaguchi. Takashi tells Hayashida that his hobby is submitting jokes to a radio station under the penname “honey boy!” Yamaguchi overhears this and pays close attention to the two. When Takashi tells Hayshida the joke he plans to submit that night, Yamaguchi hears it, writes it down, and submits it! That night the DJ plays the joke on the radio, but is disappointed when it isn’t funny and “salty boy“ loses again.
Episode 5
Takenouchi Yutaka is the nameless boss of Cromartie High who’s only weakness is getting carsick. While he loves field trips it is a battle for him not to embarrass himself on the rides there and back. While he tries to hold his food down, Takashi mistakenly sits on his lap. Takashi realizes something is wrong and offers him putting, causing Yugata to pass out. A few days later Maeda gets abducted by Bass High. Takashi and Hayashida ask Yugata to help them save him. Declaring Bass High students wimps Yugata quickly volunteers to help. Ness turns to reluctance when it comes to taking a cab to Bass High. After failing to make a good excuse Yugata boards the taxi. Unfortunately the driver is inexperienced and goes the wrong way taking the group further from Bass High and stressing Yugata out even more. Luckily Freddy is somehow able to find the way back using a world map! However the group is taken back to Cromartie High and Maeda is left alone at Bass High.

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