eX-Driver 1-6

Episode 1 - AI v Recipro
In the world of eX-Driver cars drive themselves due to the invention of an efficient AI system. People simply tell the computer their desired destination and the car takes them there. The system has been successfully used for such a long time that most people no longer know how to drive cars manually. Yet, the AI system occasionally makes mistakes, sometimes going out of control. The eX-Drivers exist to safely stop such situations. A families car goes out of control on the way to a restaurant. The eX-Drivers, two teenage girls named Lisa and Lorna are called in to stop it. Other AI cars stop and pull over to make way for the eX-Drivers, allowing them to quickly catch up to the runaway vehicle. Next, Lisa and Lorna shoot a substance on the car that disables its GPS. Finally they shoot a liquid over the car’s sensors disabling the AI and forcing the car to stop.

Later that night, the two girls unwind at a club. Lisa complains that there has not been enough excitement lately. When the two leave, they are hit on by a few guys with an illegally modified AI. The guys leave, but their car soon loses control. Once again the eX-Drivers are called to action. During the chase, Lisa spins out and must continue the chase on foot! She uses a scooter to catch up to Lorna who lets her in her car. When the two decide to chase the car until its fuel cell runs out, another mysterious eX-Driver appears in a Super 7! The Super 7 does some fancy driving, including an incredible drift before stopping the car. Excited, Lisa gets out of the car declaring she has finally found her ideal man. However, the driver turns out to be a young boy named Souichi. Lisa is upset to discover that Souichi is not only the new member of the eX-Driver team, but he is in her class at school as well!

Episode 2 - One and One
Souichi explores the ex-Driver garage looking at all the cars that are available. He chooses to take a small pickup truck for a test run. Meanwhile, Lisa complains about the new member to the boss. Furious, she goes outside to cool off and sees Souichi driving on the track. Taking advantage of a chance to show off, Lisa gets in her car and begins to chase Souichi. However, she is a little overzealous speeding around a turn causing her to spin out into the sand. Losing to Souichi hurts Lisa’s pride, especially after he critiques her driving! Later at school Lisa is surprised to hear that there is a big test the next day, although everyone else knows about it. That night she attempts to study hard and falls asleep. Early the next morning the eX-Drivers are called to stop an out of control truck that happens to be carrying the schools tests! Lisa contemplates not saving the truck until Souichi shows up. Determined to do better than him she decides to stop it. After failing to stop it on her own the group works as a team and successfully stops the truck. The eX-Driver’s fellow students complain but Lorna insists that it is their job and they had no choice. Lisa struggles while taking the test and complains she wished she hadn’t stopped the truck.
Episode 3 - No Problem - The True Form
Believing it will be good publicity, the chief allows a television program to document the lives of the eX-Drivers. Everyone is excited when they find out the host will be the ultra famous Kain Jioka. When he arrives, Kain seems to focus on Lorna. He gives her special attention during interviews and at the gym. Lisa becomes very jealous of Lorna, but Souichi tries to remain positive. The next day Kain rides with Lorna to get 1st hand footage and experience of her driving techniques. Lorna shows him different ways to drift with the help of her partners. Amazed at her skills Kain interviews Lorna more at the pool. However, now even Souichi agrees with Lisa (a rare occurrence) that the focus on Lorna is unfair. That night Kain approaches Souichi and compliments his driving. He also asks him to mount a tiny camera on the top of his car so he can get first hand footage of his driving abilities. The next day Kain and his workers film a simulation on a highway from a truck. The eX-Drivers quickly use teamwork to stop a car, but then Kain’s truck loses control. Stopping the truck proves to be a challenge as the brake wire must be cut from underneath the viehicle. Lorna rides with Souichi to cut the wires while Lisa pursues from behind. After many close calls, Lorna is able to cut the wire. Yet, as the truck slows it heads towards the edge of a downed bridge. Before the truck can go over the edge Lisa pushes its end around with her car as Souichi wraps a cable from the bridge around the wheel base. This stops and secures the truck. A few days later everyone watches the finished program at school. Lisa and Souichi are pleased to discover that the program features them all equally. Their relationship has also improved as a result of the experience.
Episode 4 - The Rules of Love
One day while chasing a car, the eX-Drivers are surprised to see a motorcycle. After pulling off some fancy moves, the driver strikes the car’s sensors with a rod, disabling the AI and stopping the car. Lisa gets very excited believing her ideal man has shown up once again. Yet, to the surprise of all the driver is actually a woman! Back at base the drivers learn that the woman is a free agent named Rei. In other words she is a free roaming eX-Driver that is not tied down to one area. Rei compliments Souichi’s driving and asks him to help her repair the motorcycle. However, Rei is not shy about her body and Souichi finds himself in a few embarrassing situations. The following day Rei takes Souichi for a ride on her motorcycle. While they are out two cars lose control. Lisa and Lorna try to stop them, but get caught in traffic. Rei is called in and her and her passenger quickly weave through the cars to catch up. While Rei steers the bike, Souichi strikes the sensors on the car to bring it to a stop. Lisa and Lorna zoom out of the distance and quickly disable the second car. Rei states she finally realizes the importance of a partner, but still has things to do on her own. She says her goodbyes and leaves.
Episode 5 - Unstoppable Loss of Control
Some relatively uneventful time has past making everyone anxious for some action. On their way to the beach, Lorna and Lisa get what they want when a car speeds past them. As they pursue the viehicle, the back wheels fly off narrowly missing Lorna and Lisa. When the car is finally brought to a stop, they are surprised to find it empty. Only a computer rests in the car. As Lorna and Lisa examine it the camera pans up to a group of shady looking guys watching them. Slightly aggravated, Lorna and Lisa plan another trip to the beach, this time with friends. As the group heads out, Lorna and Lisa are attacked by a gang driving manual cars! An exciting chase ends when Lisa’s car is sent flying into the air. Lorna quickly steers under Lisa to cushion the impact. The gang flees leaving Lisa unconscious and both cars destroyed. Angry and worried, Souichi pursues the gang in his beloved Super 7. Knowing he can not take three cars on at once Souichi uses a fancy drift technique to send the gang down different roads. Now facing one driver, Souichi’s plan is short lived as another Super 7 pulls up behind him. After coming out of a tunnel, the other cars return and force Souichi into the guard rail, damaging his car.
Episode 6 - The Last Mile
Lisa has been taken to the hospital, but only has minor injuries. Back at base the eX-Driver’s receive a threatening challenge from the attackers. Soukata, the chief recognizes the man in the video is Toudou, a former eX-Driver. However, his recklessness forced Soukata to fire him and the two remained on bad terms. While Souichi repairs the damaged cars, Soukata challenges Toudou to a race the next morning. When Soukata prepares to leave, however, he finds his car has been disassembled and he can not leave. Souichi meets Toudou and his gang at the designated area and the race begins. As the two speed through dangerous areas, Toudou’s henchmen get left behind. After an exciting chase the two stop. Toudou wishes to continue, but Souichi leaves to help Lisa and Lorna pursue a car. Just as Toudou is about to follow, Rei shows up tells him his suspension is too damaged to continue. Toudou and Rei join Soukata on an overpass and the group watches Lisa, Luna, and Souichi save a group of school children. Toudou finally realizes there is value in driving for others and Soukata asks him to rejoin. The episode ends with the eX-Drivers teaching children about cars. As everyone celebrates and chills out at the barbeque, Souichi and Lorna get in go-karts to finally settle who is better.

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