Fatal Fury OVAs and Motion Picture

Fatal Fury OVA 1 - The Legend Of The Hungry Wolf
A nice day at the park is interrupted when Mr. Bogard is attacked by a group of thugs. His children, Terry and Andy and his master Tung watch helplessly from afar. Although he is able to fend of several thugs, the man named Geese finishes the job by stabbing Bogard in the back. At the funeral Master Tung tells Andy and Terry that Geese had been jealous that his father was chosen to learn the special technique known as the Hurricane Punch. The children ask why they don’t report the murder to the cops, but the master explains that they have all been paid off. Hungry for revenge both Terry and Andy promise to train hard to one day learn the special technique and defeat Geese!

Ten years have past and Geese plans to hold his annual Kong Of Fighters tournament. Back from years of training Terry prepares to meet his brother and master once again. While enjoying a drink at bar, a woman named Lilly throws a rose off a balcony promising to spend a night with the one that catches it. The rose lands in Terry’s hand with ignites the jealousy of all male onlookers. They attack, but Terry easily defeats them all. A mysterious kick boxer emerges from the darkness, but before the two can battle, men with guns force them to flee. However, their skills caught the interest of Geese, the bar‘s owner and he asks for more information on both men.

Out in the alley the boxer introduces himself as Joe Higashi. Joe recognizes Terry because he knows his brother Andy from tournaments. The two go to Joe’s apartment where he tells Terry about the King Of Fighters Tournament. The next morning Terry finds Lilly giving some poor children money in an alley outside the apartment. He tells her she is just like the children and she need to escape from her “gilded cage.” Lilly kisses Terry’s hand and leaves with a sad look on her face.

Terry continues on to meet his brother and master. Eventually Andy ambushes him and the two begin to spar, but Master Tung stops them. He states it will soon be time to choose one of them to teach the Hurricane Punch. This technique is not written in scroll, preventing others like Geese from learning it. Impatient, Andy immediately jumps up and asks the master to teach him the move. When Terry suggests he chill out, Andy asks him to fight right there to decide. Terry refuses, explaining that there is a tournament being held that night. The one of them that progresses further in the contest will be taught the technique.

Elsewhere Geese discovers that the Bogard Brothers are entered in the tournament. His sources say that one of them will learn the Hurricane Punch. The night of the tournament arrives and Geese asks Lilly to serve Terry poisoned wine. When she enters his room he treats her nicely and she saves him from drinking the poisoned drink. Meanwhile, Geese orders his men to search the crowd for Master Tung, but they fail to find the disguised man.

The tournament leads up to a quarterfinal battle between the Bogard brothers! Before the match Joe explains that Andy fights like a wild animal while Terry is more grounded, like a tree. As the fight begins Joe notices someone aiming a gun at the ring.. Running to the ring, Joe takes the shot in his shoulder, saving Terry’s life. The lights go out and the three friends then flee the arena with the aid of Lilly. As Lilly points the way out, Geese catches up with the group. Angry at her betrayal, Geese shoots Lilly and she falls out the window everyone escaped through. With Lilly in his arms, Terry swears revenge on Geese who laughs from the window.

Just as a group of thugs surround the group, Master Tung pulls up in a jeep. As he speeds away, Geese’s bodyguard, Billy jumps and attacks, knocking Master Tung unconscious. Terry gains control of the viehicle and takes his injured master to the hospital. Elsewhere, Billy reports his actions to Geese who laughs believing Tung will die before he can teach anyone the Hurricane Punch technique.

Back at the hospital, the doctor explains that Tung is in a coma and will probably die soon. Emotionally out of control, Andy runs out of the hospital to get revenge for Master Tung. Joe volunteers to help and the two head for Geese’s complex. Meanwhile, Tung awakens and orders Terry to take him outside. He explains that his school is based on cooperation with nature. Geese and Andy are too emotionally strung to learn the technique. After telling Terry that he must “be like a tree” and absorb ki from mother earth, Tung begins to do the move. After struggling a little, Terry manages to do learn the move.

Andy and Joe arrive at Geese’s complex and are quickly confronted by guards. After finishing them off the two have to face Geese’s bodyguards, Billy and Raiden. While Terry approaches the area, Andy and Joe defeat their attackers and continue on to Geese. The two don’t stand a chance and Terry arrives just in time to see his brother’s defeat. Terry immediately attacks Geese and tries all of his old moves on him, but to no success. Geese then blasts Terry with a powerful move called the violent wave, but somehow Terry defends against it. As Geese laughs, Terry prepares to do the Hurricane Punch. Although the 1st attempt is blocked, Terry successfully executes his second Hurricane Punch, defeating Geese.

After the battle the three discuss what they plan to do. Andy hopes to continue training to one day beat his brother. Joe explains that he must go back to Thailand to defend his kickboxing title. Finally, Terry states that he will continue training to perfect and enhance the Hurricane Punch technique.

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