Fist Of The Northstar OVAS

Episode 1 - A Spellbinding City
Civilization as we know it has been destroyed by nuclear war. Yet some people survived and a new society based on physical power evolved from the ashes. A man named Tobi uses a map to lead villagers to good water, a precious commodity. As the group begins to celebrate brigands attack, shooting arrows at everyone. Just as Tobi is about to be hit, a mysterious man catches the arrow. The brigands then attack the man, but he easily defeats them, making their heads explode after he strikes. After his display of power, Tobi realizes that the man is the successor of Hokuto Shinken, Kenshiro!

While Ken takes Tobi to get bandaged up at Freedom Village, Tobi explains that the attackers are from Lastland, a nearby fortress-town. Led by a man named Sanga, Lastland controls everything including the water supply. Tobi then explains that his brother Vista (the son of Raoh) was kidnapped and taken there. The surviving brigands report to Sanga who swears he will get revenge for his dead men. After arriving at the village Tobi ges healed by a female doctor named Saara. Her techniques are similar to Hokuto Shinken and she reminds Ken of his brother Toki, who also used the fighting technique for healing purposes.

That night a gang from Lastland attacks, trying to destroy the village. Kenshiro shows up too late as the village is destroyed and Saara is kidnapped. Taken to Lastland, Saara is then brought before Sanga and a child emperor named Doha (really Visa, Tobi‘s brother). Sanga explains that violence and fear are not the best ways to secure loyalty. Instead he will use Dohaa and Saara to perform miracles to instill a religious-like hope and dedication in the people of Lastland.

Ken and Tobi go to Lastland to save Saara, but wait until nightfall to attack. After quickly defeating countless soldiers, the two find their way to the royal chamber that Saara and Doha are kept. Here Ken comes face to face with Sanga and the two battle. Luckily, Sanga is not as powerful as he believes and Ken defeats him without getting scratched. Tobi is relieved when Dohaa enters the room, but Sanga throws a candle stand into his chest and flees. Angry, Ken pursues him into a cave where he is attacked with a flamethrower. Ken finally powers up and obliterates Sanga with a barrage of punches to his face! The episode ends when a mysterious man appears outside of Lastland stating that he will take everything that was Sanga’s.

Episode 2 -

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