Genesis Survivor Gaiarth 1-3

Stage 1
Gaiarth is a land ravaged by war. Even though the war has been over for years, its effects could still be seen on present society. Living in seclusion, The young hero Ital and his companion, the old war-roid Randis do not know the war is over. On one beautiful day the two prepare for combat training, but Randis is injured and in need of repair. Wjhile Ital makes the repairs, Randis tells stories of battles with the Republic army. After the two train, the beautiful day is ruined by a mysterious cloud cover. Randis quickly shoves Ital into a closet and prepares for battle. Upon going outside, he discovers a man on a huge robotic beast with an army of hundreds of smaller ones. This man, the Beast master, prophesizes the three dogs bringing a curtain of darkness and asks Randis for Sakuya. Confused by his speech, Randis attacks, but his efforts are in vain. Ital escapes the closet just in time to helplessly watch Randis die. With his friend and home destroyed, Ital sets out on a mission of revenge.

The next day Ital awakens to find a group of people chasing beasts. Believing they are soldiers fighting against the Republic, Ital quickly runs to help them. While getting swallowed himself, Ital prevents the group, including an energetic girl, from getting eaten by a giant mechanical worm. There is a “mecha graveyard” inside the worms belly in which Ital finds a war-roid similar to Randis. After shocking the war-roid back to life, the two fight their way out of the worm. When they reach the outside the war-roid tells Ital his name is Zaxon, but that is all he remembers. The two head for the nearest city.

The scene cuts to an assembly of men discussing the situation of their city. It seems the Beast master is causing them trouble too, and the men fear the emergence of artificial humans and "the General." However, Lord Warlock, a god-like war-roid and protector of the city tells the men not to worry. Ital and Zaxon, caught entering the city, are brought before Warlock and the assembly. Warlock asks whether Zaxon is a veteran of the Big War informing him and Ital that the war is over.

After spending a night in the local jail, Ital runs into the girl that he saved, Sahari. When the group goes to get lunch together she tells Ital about her job hunting beasts for parts called stones. After a small scuffle, the group retreats to Sahari’s home. Here, Sahari talks of teaming up with Ital to go treasure hunting while Zaxon is repaired by an old man. The old man states that while humans and machines like war-roids worked together in the past, people now fear the beasts and depend on war-roids.

A cloud approaches the city forcing Ital and Zaxon prepare to fight the Beast master. When he first arrives Warlock attempts to stop him, but he is killed when the Beast master overloads his circuits with the city’s energy. The dying Warlock allows Zaxon to download his memory files while Ital and Sahari distract the Beast master. Afterwards, the newly upgraded Zaxon gives the Beast master a lazer blast from his satalite, giving Ital an opening to decapitate him. The group is hailed as heroes as the screen fades to the credits.

Stage 2
Ital, Zaxon, and Sahari happen to show up at a town that has a beast problem. It seems an important mine has been taken over by one and no one can stop it. With no other volunteers, they are quickly hired to complete the job. After entering the mine, the group discovers they are not alone as their old friend Fayk is there hoping for a share of the reward. Using teamwork the group quickly subdues the beast. Further exploration of the mine leads to the discovery of an elf or artificial human. The elf, Sakaya knows Zaxon, but he still has little memory. When claiming their reward, the government members express their fears of the elf, and they tell the group to leave quickly. Meanwhile, a mysterious man named Barborosa tells beasts to bring Sakaya to him.

Before leaving, Zaxon gets upgrades and repairs. The men repairing tell him to go to Volgard if he wants his original parts and memory. However, Fayk warns the group that Volgard is dangerous, no one that has entered there has ever returned. Suddenly, beasts attack the city and try to take Sakaya. While Ital and Sahari protect her, Zaxon battles the mysterious Barborosa. After the failed kidnapping, Barborosa leaves, saying Zaxon is not the same warrior he once was.

The group decides to head to Volgard. On the way, Zaxon and Ital train. Ital states he wants to be strong enough to protect those important to him. Later, Sakaya tells Zaxon that Barborosa was once his partner. A noble hero, the power of Seigfried corrupted his soul. She then says a man named Zoniac will have more answers in Volgard.

When arriving at Volgard the group approaches the main entrance. The man in charge refuses to let anyone in until he notices Zaxon. The building is a total throwback to the big war. It contains many working weapons as well as vast data banks on the history leading up to the war. While Zoniac and the group talk, Barborosa breaks into the facility. He quickly finds and attacks Zaxon. As the battle begins Zaxon forces Ital to flee with the others. An intense battle ensues and Barborosa quickly proves the advantages of his mech armor. In exchange for his help, Seigfried gave Barborosa more power. Barborosa desired this power to eliminate the need for a partner and become more powerful than Zaxon. The battle seems to end when Zaxon is stabbed and thrown down a ravine, but Ital quickly shows up to continue the fight. While the two clash, Zoniac repairs Zaxon’s body and memory.

However, with all of this going on a few beasts easily kidnap Sakaya. Barborosa powers up and destroys most of Volgard’s memory banks in the process. But the newly restored Zaxon quickly engages his former partner once again. As Barborosa charges, Ital finds an opening and kills him with his sword. The group runs to help Zoniac, but it is already to late. However, Zoniac dies happy believing the war is part of the past and that it is time for the next generation to shape the future.

Stage 3
The search for Sakaya leads Ital, Sahari, Zaxon and Fayk to the desert. It seems Sakaya was created as the key for the weapon known as Siegfried. The General plans to use her to awaken Siegfried and destroy all mankind. Only after this destruction can a new race of perfect humans like himself emerge. Worn out, Ital and his companions begin to tire of their journey and decide to head to the closest town, Kashabar. They are surprised to find, however, that the city lies in ruins.

Moments later, a mobile town called Warspite appears in the distance. A Beast master is close behind in pursuit. Ital and Zaxon decide to help the ship and make quick work of the Beat master. Afterwards the group is invited inside Warspite where they all get a chance to relax. Warspite’s Queen, Ayatolla has a philosophy against war. The town provides a safe haven for those that chose to live there. Ital and company quickly realize that Warspite is like a desert oasis and paradise as they hang out by the pool. While poolside, Sahari complains of Ital’s goal to save Sakaya. She whines that he likes Sakaya more than her. Later on Ital professes his love for Sahari and asks if she would like to move to his forest with him. Sahari happily accepts, but Ital reminds her he still has unfinished business he must take care of first.

Meanwhile, the General uses Sakaya and Siegfried to gain control of all of the beasts on the continent. Still not satisfied, he tests the power of Siegfried’s giant laser on Kashabar, finishing the job strated by his beasts. The next day, Ital looks for Zaxon, but he has disappeared. Figuring he went to stop Siegfried, Ital quickly leaves to find him. Suprisingly, Sahari joins Ital and the two find Zaxon battling an overwhelming number of beasts outside of Siegfried. Just as the group begins to lose hope, the General switches his attention to Warspite and the two do battle. Siegfried proves to powerful and quickly destroys Warspite, but not before Warspite inflicts some damage of its own rendering Siegfried immobile. The dying Ayatolla gives Fayka weapon to give to Zaxon. Angry at the destruction of his new home, Fayk decides to join the battle!

Fayk finds his friends and gives Zaxon Ayatolla’s gift, the Grand Slayber. Zaxon uses this weapon to quickly destroy all the beasts outside of Siegfried, allowing everyone to easily enter the crippled warship. The General discovers his guests and uses a falling wall to separate Zaxon from the others. Zaxon tells Ital to find the General while he gets Sakaya and destroys the ships power supply. As Ital and company move on without Zaxon, a beast attaches its self to Fayk’s back. When Fayk attempts to attack Ital it becomes apparent the beast brainwashed and corrupted his mind, making him lose his mind. Calmly stating he is a slave to Siegfried’s power Fayk falls to his death.

Elsewhere in the ship, Zaxon gets overwhelmed by hordes of attacking beasts and is left for dead. Elsewhere, a beast attaches itself to Ital, who must shed his armor to de-attach the parasite. Suddenly the General appears and challenges Ital to a duel! The General, however, uses an electric shield to protect himself from Ital’s advances. Just as all seems lost, Sakaya uses Siegfried to repair Zaxon and destroy the General’s shield. Finally Ital is able to battle the General under equal terms. With one swift slice of his blade, Ital kills the general in an explosion of blood.

Siegfried explodes almost instantly, but the heroes escape with their lives. While Ital and Sahari look foward to a life together, Zaxon's future is uncertian. With the Big War finally over he lacks a defined purpose and simply heads where destiny will take him. Zaxon says his goodbyes and declares “Gaiarth is yours!” to Ital and Sahari meaning the new generation could finally shape the future of the land. Ital and Sahari ride off into the distance and the series ends.

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