GTO Live Action Complete

Episode 1 - Great 1
While others enjoy a beautiful day, two young men clean windows on a tall building. One of the men, an ex gang member named Onizuka states the he should have a better job because he graduated from college. When the other asks what he wants to do, Onizuka replies that he wants to teach. Onizuka is then informed that a private school has openings for teachers. One does not even need to pass the teaching exam to teach there! Since it is the last day to apply, Onizuka rushes to the school. However, after he hands his application in, the administrators laugh at him, calling him trash and saying he is unfit to teach. Disappointed, Onizuka stops at the school’s snack shop. While the lady behind the counter serves him, he tells her what happened. Just as he is about to leave, the head teacher appears fleeing angry students with bats. Onizuka quickly stops the kids and begins talking to them. The head teacher thanks him and calls the kids trash. This infuriates Onizuka causing him to roundhouse kick the head teacher in the head!

That night at the local arcade a couple of teens threaten Onizuka for money. Onizuka promptly breaks the arm wrestling game he was playing scaring the kids. He then forces them to buy him groceries. When he returns to his apartment, Onizuka’s friend is already there with good news. It seems Onizuka has been accepted as a teacher, but he must go speak to the director. Already late, Onizuka rushes to the school. He discovers the director is actually the lady that worked behind the snack counter! She was impressed by his talk and decided to give him the job

The first day of school is very exciting. First Onizuka meets a cute teacher named Fuyutsuki but fails when he tries hitting on her. When he arrives in the office everyone, including the head teacher has strong doubts about Onizuka. However the director has Onizuka agree to quit if he causes any problems. Everyone seems pleased with this stipulation. They all become even more satisfied when Onizuka is given 2nd Year Class 4, a notoriously bad class. Onizuka enters his classroom worried, but is surprised to see that everyone is well behaved. However, the viewer sees that many of the students secretly plot against him. At the end of the school day, one of the female students, Nanako asks Onizuka for help. He agrees and brings her to his apartment. Upon arrival she tells Onizuka she does not want to go home and takes off her shirt. Other students quickly take pictures of Onizuka with Nanako. They then blackmail him saying he must pay them otherwise they will use the pictures to get him fired!

That night, Onizuka and his old bike gang pals find the students. Onizuka takes the pictures from them and then he and the gang beat them up. Meanwhile, the head teacher returns home to his unhappy and unappreciative family, making him more depressed. The next day the head teacher is happy to learn of Onizuka’s actions and prepares to fire him. However, before this happens the students that took the pictures arrive and beg for Onizuka to stay.

After school Onizuka is confronted by Nanako once again. Onizuka takes her home, but she refuses to stay. The two go to dinner in a restaurant, and Nanako tells Onizuka that as her family’s wealth grew, her parents grew apart. The next day the head teacher asks Nanako where she spent the night, stating her parents were worried about her. Onizuka tells them she stayed at his place because she didn’t want to go home. That night she stays once again and as she complains about her home life, Onizuka forces her to leave. With her parents worried again, Fuyutsuki is called to look for Nanako. After finding her the two go to Nanako’s home where they find her parents arguing. Just when the situation can’t seem to get any worse, Onizuka appears with a huge sledge hammer. He walks into Nanako’s mother’s room and begins to break the wall, creaking a hole looking into her husband’s room. The next day Onizuka arrives at school and resigns. However, Nanako’s parents had already called stating the school must not fire Onizuka! It seems Onizuka’s actions helped Nanako’s family grow closer together once again. Just as the episode ends, Onizuka finds pictures of him in a sexual act posted in the hallway.

Episode 2 - Great 2
Everyone in the school criticizes Onizuka because of the picture. Onizuka claims to be innocent citing a scar on his rear end as evidence. That night Onizuka’s friend tells him that the picture was obviously doctored on a computer. When Onizuka confronts the laptop wielding Kikuchi about the pictures the next day, he admits to making them and apologizes. However, he then leaves class stating Onizuka’s IQ is not high enough for a teacher and he is better off studying at home. After complaints by the head teacher Onizuka goes to Kikuchi’s home after school. After failing to persuade him to come back, Onizuka asks Kikuchi to place Fuyutsuki’s face on pictures of naked women. Next Fuyutsuki is sent to try but Kikuchi turns all of her questions around and criticizes her life and reasons for being a teacher.

With Onizuka’s job on the line, he and Fuyutsuki try to convince Kikuchi to come back to class again. But he belittles them once again and refuses. As he leaves, Kikuchi is attacked by bullies. When he cries for help Onizuka leaves saying he only considers Onizuka his teacher when it is convenient for him. When the head teacher hears of this the next day, he hopes to fire Onizuka. Fuyutsuki hopes to save Onizuka‘s job and returns to Kikuchi‘s home. However, when she gets there, Onizuka begins to make a speech from outside Kikuchi’s window. He states that Kikuchi should enjoy life and that school is important for making friends. Onizuka regrets dropping out and hopes that Kikuchi will not make the same mistake.

The next day at school the head teacher gets prepared to fire Onizuka. However just when he does, Kikuchi shows up, saving the day. Fuyutsuki is so touched she decides to continue her teaching career and give up her old dream of being a stewardess. As Onizuka and company celebrate after school, a student named Noboru jumps off the rooftop.

Episode 3 - Great 3
As Noboru falls, Onizuka quickly jumps on top of a Mercedes to catch him. While Noboru is saved, the Mercedes, which turns out to belong to the head teacher, is totaled. When Onizuka asks Noboru why he jumped, he explains that Miyabi and her friends pick on and even abuse him. Later, in the office, Mr Fujitomi decides he wants to retire because he cannot take teaching anymore. Fuyutsuki is volunteered to collect money for his retirement party, but as she makes the rounds she notices Noboru being abused by his classmates. Onizuka shows up and hangs Noboru off the side of a tall building saying if the girls want to kill him they have to do it right. Miyabi and her friends get scared, but Onizuka frightens them even more when he does the same to Miyabi! Unfortunately, the head teacher sees Onizuka in action while having a meal with his ungrateful family near by.

Fuyutsuki criticizes Onizuka for his methods, but Onizuka’s friend comes to his defense stating he would never pick on the weak. The next day at school Miyabi reports what Onizuka did and says she wants him to apologize in front of the whole school. Scared because Miyabi’s mother is the head of the PTA, the head teacher agrees to her proposal, even after Noboru tells him the truth. Later that day, Miyabi and her friends beat Noboru up badly for standing up for Onizuka. Meanwhile, Onizuka is faced with the decision to apologize or quit. The next day Noboru begs Onizuka to apologize so he won’t be fired while Mr Fujitomi tries to understand Onizuka‘s positive outlook.

At the assembly the head teacher announces why Onizuka is to apologize. Mr Fujitomi walks onstage to make a speech in Onizuka’s favor, but the head teacher quickly forces him off. Onizuka kneels before a crowd of students chanting kneel, but cannot apologize! He states he can’t because Noboru is his friend. Noboru then climbs on stage and takes his clothes off exposing bruises he received from Miyabi. She quickly denies doing anything, but a recording of Miyabi discussing her actions mysteriously plays over the loud speaker. Fuyutsuki goes to the audio room to find Kikuchi playing the tape! Alter that day, Mr Fujitomi declares he wants to stay. When Onizuka returns to class, only a few students -his friends- are there.

Episode 4 - Great 4
No one is in Onizuka’s class because the students are boycotting it until they get a new teacher. It turns the boycott was actually Miyabi’s plan. Although this scheme can eventually get Onizuka fired, Miyabi wants the job done faster so she devises a plan put Onizuka in an inappropriate relationship with a female student. Miyabi writes a love letter to Onizuka and gets her dumb friend Tomoko to deliver it. Fortunately for Onizuka, Tomoko puts the letter into the wrong mailbox. Angry because of this mistake, Miyabi they are no longer friends.

Onizuka and Fuyutsuki decide to get noodles at a local shop which turns out to be owned by Tomoko’s parents. They learn that she does not have much confidence in herself as she always compares herself to Miyabi. Her parents do not help matters as they constantly tell her she will be a housewife. Fuyutsuki feels for Tomoko as she once suffered from a similar complex. She and Onizuka take Tomoko out to get some nice clothes. When Onizuka discovers that Tomoko is actually a good looking girl he decides to enter her in am Idol contest, hoping to make himself some money while giving Tomoko confidence in the process.

Kotani, an uptight female teacher also picks on Tomoko and criticizes her creativity. When Onizuka enters Tomoko in the Idol contest, Kotani refuses to let her go. Fuyutsuki pleads with everyone to let her go, but the head teacher agrees with Kotani. Depressed, Onizuka looks for another girl and unknowingly starts a relationship with the head teachers daughter! The next day, Onizuka interrupts Kotani’s class with Tomoko forcing Kotani to get the head teacher. However, when they return to the classroom they find Onizuka and Tomoko are gone.

Onizuka, Tomoko and friends head for the contest. They are surprised to find Miyabi is also entered the contest and she gets off to a great start. Things go poorly for Tomoko as she is embarrassed during the swimsuit contest and does poorly during the singing section. The dialogue section is the last part of the contest. When Tomoko starts to do poorly here, Onizuka tries to help her but is quickly dragged away by security. With the help of her hand puppet Ducky, Tomoko opens up about her feelings for Miyabi and her lack of confidence in herself. This emotional outpouring wins her the best in dialogue. Later that day Fuyutsuki and Tomoko find Onizuka selling Tomoko merchandise outside the school. As Fuyutsuki playfully chases Onizuka around the school for her share of his earnings, the camera zooms in on Mr. Teshigawara secretly taking pictures of her from a nearby window.

Episode 5 - Great 5
Summer vacation approaches and Fuyutsuki looks forward to going away with a friend. However, the head teacher organizes a group of summer cram classes for the brightest in the school, and he and Teshigawara ask Fuyutsuki to help teach the English class. Although she would rather go on the trip, Fuyutsuki agrees to teach the class and discusses it with Teshigawara after that afternoon. While walking the two discover Onizuka looking in the window of a dance school. They assume the worst, but Onizuka explains he is only looking in to observe Tomoko who just began lessons.

The next morning the head teacher enters the principal’s office and is surprised to find that Onizuka has made himself at home there. Immediately he complains to the director, but she states it would be a good idea to hire Onizuka as a security guard for the school over break. That day Onizuka holds a pool party outside the school building. The party gets loud and interrupts the summer classes infuriating Teshigawara. That night Fuyutsuki and Teshigawara enjoy dinner together. When it is over, Teshigawara returns home and enters his room in which the walls are covered with pictures of Fuyutsuki. He the logs onto and updates a personal website dedicated to her.

The next day Onizuka and Fuyutsuki argue about relationships. Fuyutsuki tells Onizuka that he would be more successful if he were like Teshigawara, a true gentleman. That night Fuyutsuki falls in the rain but Teshigawara quickly appears to help her. The two go back to his place to have dinner but Fuyutsuki falls asleep after drinking drugged wine. Happy his plan is working, Teshigawara carries Fuyutsuki unconscious body into his bedroom. After putting her on the bed he prepares to live out his dreams. Meanwhile back at the school Onizuka and his friends rummage through the office desks. Onizuka discovers a pile of pictures of Fuyutsuki in Teshgawara’s draw. Quickly running out of the school he heads for Teshigawara’s home. Teshigawara’s plan is interrupted when Onizuka arrives asking him for help accessing internet porn. However, Onizuka wanders about the apartment and discovers two glasses of wine. Concluding Teshigawara must have a girl over he heads to the bedroom and kicks it open discovering Fuyutsuki’s unconscious body!

Onizuka leaves with Fuyutsuki in his arms. Alone, Teshigawara appears shaken as he rips the pictures off of his wall. When Fuyutsuki finally comes to, Onizuka drops her in a fountain. He then criticizes her love life saying that like her friends her relationships are based on status. The next day Onizuka jokes around with Fuyutsuki and the two playfully chase each other once again. Hearing the commotion outside, Teshigawara snaps at his class, right in front of a group of observers. After school Miyabi and Murai talk about Onizuka getting fired, but Murai states he will kill him!

Episode 6 - Great 6
The gym teacher, Hakamata seems upset that Onizuka may be fired. He tells Onizuka that he will talk the students into stopping the boycott. His first plan is to talk to Murai, if he accepts Onizuka then maybe the other students will follow. However, Murai refuses to let up easily but finally settles on a swimming race against Hakamata. If the gym teacher wins, Murai agrees he will return to class. Murai proves to be a talented athlete as he beats his teacher in both swimming and running races! That afternoon, while talking to Murai, a truck almost hits Onizuka. A woman gets out and kicks Onizuka in the crotch. However, the woman turns out to be Murai’s mother and she and Onizuka end up becoming friends. Onizuka gets excited when he finds out Murai’s father was a famous biker. The two go to get dinner and surprisingly they meet Fuyutsuki and Hakamata in the same restaurant. The four eat together, discussing each others’ relationships. Fuyutsuki seems jealous when Onizuka and Murai’s mother decide to party all night long.

Onizuka’s actions make Murai despise him even more. When he comes home after school to find Onizuka and his friend admiring his dead father, Murai explodes. He explains that he hates his father and physically confronts Onizuka. The next day Murai tells Onizuka to stay away from his mom. Onizuka responds by challenging Murai to a match. The two walk out to a field where Murai’s mom waits in her truck. The two are to stand side by side while Murai’s mom approaches in the truck. The first to run loses. If Murai wins, Onizuka will leave his mom and school. If Onizuka wins, Murai will have to tell about an incident with a homeroom teacher in the past. As the truck approaches, Onizuka’s foot gets stuck in a hole while Murai is too scared to run. The brakes on the truck go out and Murai’s mother swerves and flips over to avoid them. Onizuka quickly saves Murai’s mom from the truck. When she comes too she tells Murai he has lost because he was frozen with fear. Onizuka then asks that he never talk bad about his dad again. Onizuka then leaves stating Murai can tell him his secret when he is ready.

That night Murai talks to Kikuchi about his changed attitude towards Onizuka. He wonders whether he can really trust Onizuka with his secret. When he finds Onizuka sleeping, Hakamata asks Murai if he wants to talk about something. Murai says no and the frustrated Hakamata attacks him, jealous of Onizuka’s relationship to his students. Fuyutsuki appears and breaks up the fight, she then criticizes Hakamata’s actions and teaching philosophy. Murai goes to the gym where he is approached and then slapped by an angry Miyabi.

Episode 7 - Great 7
Uchiyamada talks of his dreams to become principal being threatened by Onizuka‘s actions. However, Nakamata tells him to rest assured that Onizuka will be fired soon. Meanwhile, Onizuka and Fuyutsuki get lunch together and the two discuss how to stop the class boycott. Fuyutsuki believes the key to helping Miyabi lies in the information she and Murai are keeping secret. However, Murai has already been won over by Onizuka and he tries to talk Miyabi into trusting him as well. Yet, Miyabi will not budge stating it was a homeroom teacher that led to Takeshi’s death in the first place.

That night Miyabi, Chikako, and Erika go out for some fun, but realize it is difficult with no money. They decide to try out compensated dating, but once they are paid they plan to run away. Onizuka has dinner with Fuyutsuki, but Uchiyamada’s daughter happens by and ruins the night. Meanwhile, Nakamata has dinner with Chikako’s father who is to sell the school their new textbooks. Miyabi is the first to try out the girls’ plan and she successfully gets some money. Chikako is afraid to try, but Miyabi talks her into it. Coincidently, Onizuka’s friend talks him into trying it as well and Onizuka meets Chikako at a hotel. When they go into the room, Onizuka lectures Chikako on love and morals, but still gives her money. Unfortunately, Nakamata sees Onizuka leaving with Chikako and hopes to use the information to get Onizuka fired.

When Chikako returns home she immediately calls Miyabi. Seizing the opportunity, Miyabi tells Chikako to lie and say Onizuka forced himself upon her. The next day, when confronted by Nakamata, Chikako lies, but is surprised when Onizuka doesn’t defend himself. When Fuyutsuki talks to Onizuka he says he is innocent, but she wonders why he didn’t defend himself. Onizuka replies that he believes in her. Back at home, Chikako overhears her father discussing the textbook order with Nakamata. She is ashamed to hear that her father plans to give Nakamata an illegal kickback back for the order.

He next day, Nakamata calls a meeting and discusses firing Onizuka. When he hears a commotion outside he quickly runs to find Onizuka burning the school’s new textbooks! He yells, telling Onizuka he is fired. But Onizuka quickly holds up evidence of the kickback and Nakamata shuts up. After Chikako confronts her father, Onizuka burns the evidence, and Chikako and Erika burn the money they received from the previous night. Furious, Miyabi yells at friends, but they quickly leave her. Onizuka tells Erika and Chikako they will not be expelled. However, Miyabi’s mother, who is also president of the PTA, shows up ready to shake things up.

Episode 8 - Great 8
Miyabi’s mother states the girls accused of compensated dating should be expelled. She then criticizes Nakamata for knowing about the incident, but not doing anything about it. She sets up a PTA meeting and quickly lays all the blame on Onizuka. Fearing her power and trying to save the school’s reputation, Uchiyamada tries to satisfy all of Miyabi’s mother’s requests. When Onizuka refuses to stand up for himself, Fuyutsuki comes to his aid. However, as everyone else is against her, there is little Fuyutsuki can do.

Later that day Fuyutsuki confronts Uchiyamada one on one. However, he still condemns Erika, Chikako and Onizuka calling them trash! Onizuka arrives and criticizes Uchiyamada’s opinion, pleading with him to listen to what his students have to say. Enraged, Onizuka almost attacks the head teacher, but refrains at the last moment. That night Fuyutsuki visits Onizuka at home and begs him to do something.

Finally taking matters into her own hands, Fuyutsuki visits Miyabi at home. But Miyabi refuses to help at all. Fuyutsuki then finds Murai and asks him what Miyabi’s problem is. Murai tells her that his best friend Takeshi was going out with Miyabi. Takeshi was a great baseball player that had potential to go pro. Unfortunately, Takeshi injured his shoulder and could not continue to play ball. The principal tried to get Takeshi to transfer, but he refused. The homeroom teacher told Takeshi he wouldn’t have to transfer, but sold out to the principal. After Takeshi left he got into a motorcycle accident and died. Miyabi, who was once kind and happy became mean and depressed. Murai then tells Fuyutsuki he’d do anything to have the old Miyabi back.

Meanwhile, Onizuka, Erika, and Chikako try to forget their worries at the arcade. When the girls complain that they want to go somewhere far away, Onizuka takes them to a sunflower field. Later on they return to Onizuka’s apartment. Reality finally sets in and the two realize they want to be back in school when it starts the next day.

The next day, at the final hearing Fuyutsuki tries to explain Miyabi’s situation to her mother. She, however, is bent on getting the girls expelled and Onizuka fired. Kikuchi notices a commotion outside and discovers Onizuka, Erika, and Chikako entering the school building. When Onizuka declares that it is the first day of school and he has to teach class, his other students begin to sit down. Uchiyamada declares that any student that sits for Onizuka’s class will be expelled which infuriates the parents. As the parents and administration begin to argue with one another, Onizuka kicks them out of his classroom. Just as everything begins to settle, Tomoko approaches Onizuka and declares that she will quit school!

Episode 9 - Great 9
The head teacher, Uchiyamada announces that the school board will be coming to observe their academy. Instead of just allowing a realistic observation, Uchiyamada plans on practicing for it. His goal is to avoid Onizuka’s class at all costs. After class, Tomoko tells Onizuka she plans to drop out of school. She then explains that she has been scouted to become an idol, but must go to Okinawa to train. When she, Fuyutsuki, and Onizuka try to explain that this could be good for Chikako, her parents disagree and refuse to let her go. That night Tomoko asks Miyabi what she should do, she says Miyabi should forget about it.

The next day Onizuka finds Tomoko practicing her dances. When she tells him Miyabi told her not to go, Onizuka takes Tomoko home. Refusing to acknowledge her parents, Onizuka packs Tomoko’s bags and tells her she is going to Okinawa. When she starts to cry he states this is the only way she will learn to appreciate herself. Later Tomoko’s parents complain about Onizuka to the head teacher. Uchiyamada tells Onizuka not to do anything until after the school board comes. He then tells Tomoko’s parents that she can not drop out without their permission, therefore they have nothing to worry about.

That night Fuyutsuki goes to Onizuka’s apartment. She questions his actions and is about to discuss the situation with Tomoko’s parents when Uchiyamada’s daughter shows up! Interrupting his conversation with Fuyutsuki, she tells Onizuka she had a fight with her dad and left home. She goes to Onizuka’s hoping to stay there. Eventually her mother shows up hoping to stay as well! Annoyed, Fuyutsuki leaves, taking Tomoko with her. Back at Fuyutsuki’s apartment, she tells Chikako of her dream to become a stewardess.

The next day Fuyutsuki brings Onizuka a note Tomoko left her. It states that she has left but doesn’t say where to. Miyabi is surprised when Tomoko shows up at her door. Tomoko tries to convince her that Onizuka is different, but Miyabi won’t listen. Miyabi tells Tomoko to do what she wants. Meanwhile back at school, Uchiyamada and Nakamata show the school board members around. While working at the shop, the director tells them to check out Onizuka’s class. Tomoko shows up to class, but Onizuka kicks her out telling her to go to Okinawa. With tears in her eyes Tomoko says goodbye and leaves the classroom. On her way out Fuyutsuki finds Tomoko and decides to help her.

When the school board finally reaches Onizuka’s room they find it empty with “gone to airport” written on the board. Onizuka and the class show up just as Tomoko prepares to leave and say their goodbyes. Miyabi secretly watches from afar. Surprisingly, Tomoko’s parents also show up. They hug Tomoko and tell her Miyabi talked to them and changed their minds.

As the plane takes off, Murai finds Miyabi and tells her off in support of Onizuka. Miyabi approaches Onizuka and his class as they leave the airport, but seems too embarrassed to join them. Back at school Tomoko’s parents come and tell Uchiyamada that Tomoko has their permission to drop out. However, before Onizuka can celebrate the other teachers come up with a plan to get him fired! That night she bumps into Takeshi?

Episode 10 - Great 10
The teachers plan to get Onizuka fired by making him take the placement exam. If he does not score at least a 400, he will be fired. Unfortunately, when he takes the practice exam Onizuka scores very low. Later that day Fuyutsuki overhears the other teachers plotting and taking delight in Onizuka’s demise. This inspires Fuyutsuki to help Onizuka pass the test and she invites him to her apartment that night. When Onizuka shows up he expects to have some fun, but Fuyutsuki has a tight study schedule planned with no room for recreation.

That night Miyabi meets Toudou, the guy that looks like Takeshi. However, after having a nice conversation with him he gets a call on his cell phone and replies “The game is on.” The next night Onizuka tries to sneak out of his apartment to go to Fuyutsuki’s. When he is caught leaving with a condom, Uchiyamada’s daughter starts a commotion. Shockingly, Uchiyamada shows up and begins to argue to! Onizuka flees the scene and quickly heads for Fuyutsuki’s. Meanwhile, a couple of Onizuka’s students plot to steal the exam for him. However, Hakamata quickly runs in to prevent any physical theft. Other students try to get the exams by hacking into the school’s computers, but Teshigawara prevents them.

The following day Onizuka notices Miyabi with Toudou at a restaurant. After talking about how “unique” Onizuka is the two leave. They head for Toudou’s school where Miyabi meets Toudou’s friends. At first they seem nice, but when she leaves they discuss something called the “Cinderella game.” After secretly following her, Murai tells Miyabi she should stop seeing Toudou. At Fuyutsuki’s home Onizuka and her discuss her dream of becoming a stewardess. Tomoko calls to tell Fuyutsuki everything is going well. Fuyutsuki happily tells Tomoko she inspired her to take the stewardess exam.

That night Toudou tells Miyabi he has a surprise for her. The two go to a closed theme park that suddenly turns on. After explaining that his dad reserved the place the two have fun on the rides. Nervous about Miyabi, Murai calls Onizuka. However, with the exam the next day Onizuka is too busy studying to help. At midnight everything shuts down and Toudou’s friends all emerge from the darkness laughing. Toudou declares that he wins and joins in the laughter. He then explains that their relationship was just a game and leaves Miyabi to his friends. As they begin to attack her, Murai runs in to protect her. After taking a couple of them down Murai is overwhelmed and beat up by the gang. Miyabi begins to run away, but returns to the scene to look for the necklace Takeshi had given her which had fallen off during the attack. After scoring well on his practice exam, Onizuka rushes to help his students.

When he finally arrives Onizuka quickly beats the attackers and they flee the scene. Instead of going home to prepare for the exam, Onizuka volunteers to help Miyabi find her lost necklace which they finally find at dawn. To the delight of the teachers, Onizuka shows up with a hour left to the exam. He sits to take the test, but when it is time to collect, Fuyutsuki finds he has not written anything. She screams when she finds a puddle of blood under Onizuka’s desk and Onizuka lies unconscious!

Episode 11 - Great 11
Fuyutsuki and the director eagerly awaits news on Onizuka’s condition at the hospital. They are relieved to hear that although he was stabbed in the back, Onizuka will be okay. When Onizuka finally comes to Fuyutsuki tells him not to worry, she will fight for his job. Miyabi and Murai visit him and thank Onizuka for his help. Miyabi says she will try to get her mother to help him keep his job.

Meanwhile back at school the teachers celebrate the outcome of the test. However, Toudou’s father, who is vice president of the ministry of education, soon shows up to ruin their celebration. He criticizes the academy and complains about Onizuka’s actions stating that the academy’s accreditation may be revoked. In a private meeting the teachers discuss how to weasel out of responsibility for Onizuka’s actions. Teshigawara states that because Onizuka failed to take the exam, he was no longer part of the faculty and therefore the school cannot be held responsible for his actions. Fujitomi and Fuyutsuki try to stick up for Onizuka, but the others ignore them. As the media presence and pressure at the academy grows, Uchiyamada grants them an interview. Onizuka’s students are warned not to interfere.

Meanwhile Murai and Kikuchi confront Toudou about the whole situation. He brags that no one will believe their story and that his dad can fix any problem. Murai responds by warning Toudou that he is willing to do anything to protect Onizuka! That night Fuyutsuki tries explaining to Toudou’s father that he is actually at fault for the incident. Avoiding the issue, his father explains that because he goes to a higher level academy and has high grades, he can not be wrong. Back at school the head teacher declares he will no longer tolerate Fuyutsuki’s interference. If she continues to fight for Onizuka she will lose her job as well. When Fuyutsuki visits Onizuka that afternoon she cries because she feels helpless.

When Uchiyamada’s family sees him on television, they criticize his handling of the Onizuka situation. Both state that they are on Onizuka‘s side, if he is fired they will no longer talk to him. After his wife and daughter storm out, Uchiyamada gets a phone call from Toudou’s father. He explains that is the head teacher follows his orders he will become principal! This is an offer Uchiyamada can not refuse.

The next day an assembly is held. Uchiyamada explains that he wanted Onizuka fired for some time and apologizes for his actions. The director refused to fire Onizuka when the opportunity arose or when others asked her to. Uchiyamada then asks the parents to call for Onizuka’s release and challenges the director to explain her support of Onizuka. Yet, when she prepares to speak, Miyabi’s mother interrupts her calling for both the Director’s and Onizuka’s release! The other parents start clapping as the other teachers approve of this action! Without getting a chance to defend herself Uchiyamada declares Onizuka and the director dismissed!

Onizuka arrives just as his students start a huge commotion. Everyone stops and quiets down when they see him enter. The first thing Onizuka asks is why the students are not in class. He then declares that he is only interested in his students. As his students cry out men grab Onizuka and drag him away. Disgusted with the whole situation and the other teachers, Fuyutsuki quits and walks out. Still injured, Onizuka is put back in the hospital. The faculty’s celebration of Onizuka’s dismissal is cut short when they discover no students showed up for class! They decided to boycott for Onizuka. As the episode ends we discover that Toudou’s father plans to have Musashi Seirin Academy absorbed by his school, Jindan Academy! Even Toudou is stunned by this announcement.

Episode 12 - Great Final
Fuyutsuki is working hard to become a stewardess, but it is more difficult than she thought. Toudou’s father pays a visit to Musashi Seirin Academy to announce its absorption into Jindan. The campus will be torn down and made into athletic fields. The current teachers must apply to keep their jobs, but since the standards are high it is likely they will lose them. The teachers do not take this news well and soon they begin to fight amongst themselves. The students find Onizuka at a noodle stand and are sad to discover he has become the truck driver GDO - Great Driver Onizuka. In a last effort to fix the situation, Murai, Miyabi, and Kikuchi get down on their knees and beg Toudou to do something. He tells them the situation has gotten worse and walks away.

Searching for Onizuka, Fuyutsuki finds him working at a Takoyakiya stand. She confronts Onizuka about giving up, and asks if he cares what happens to the academy. He responds that he is no longer a teacher so there is no reason to. However, when trucks arrive to tear down the school, Onizuka blocks the road with his truck. When he opens the back, his students come out. The other teachers have a farewell party at a restaurant. They are shocked when they see Onizuka protesting the school’s destruction on the news. Back at home, Uchiyamada’s family is furious at him. They are upset that he fired Onizuka and did not receive his promised promotion. His wife is so angry she hands him divorce papers! Shocked at Onizuka’s actions, the press asks the man in charge of the construction project what he plans to do. He states that the children’s safety is at utmost importance and the police will have to diffuse the situation.

That night Fuyutsuki and Onizuka’s officer friend deliver him some supplies. After being left alone Fuyutsuki and Onizuka talk about his plans and eventually they profess their love for one another. The next morning a reporter and camera man sneak into the school building to get a secret report. They are surprised to find Onizuka and the students surrounding a television, watching a tape of Tomoko at work. Back at the restaurant Fujitomi, tells the others that Onizuka inspired him to continue being a teacher and helped Tomoko pursue her dreams as well. Fuyutsuki shows up and declares that Onizuka showed her the joys of teaching. They criticize the other teachers pursuit of self gain and they finally agree that they made mistakes. Newly inspired the teachers hurry to help protest the destruction of their school. Elsewhere, Uchiyamada struggles to find a new job. After numerous attempts his family declares that he was born to teach. He joins the protest as well.

That night the police finally arrive to break up the protest. All of the teachers actually fight back, protecting the school and Onizuka! Uchiyamada grabs a microphone and preaches against the greed and selfishness that are ruining the country of Japan. As the fight against the cops begins to get out of hand, fireworks shoot off of the school roof. Onizuka announces that it is the day of the Musashi Seirin school festival and everyone runs through the barricades to attend. When Onizuka finally leaves the celebration to confront Toudou’s father, a Tokyo prosecutor shows up with some evidence the at Toudou sent. He states that the absorption deal will have to be investigated. The head teacher thanks Onizuka for all he has done as he hands himself over to the police.

Days later the teachers prepare for a new school year. Uchiyamada’s dream is finally fulfilled when he is declared principal. Surprisingly , Nakamata gives the opportunity to become head teacher to Fujitomi. Fuyutsuki has become a stewardess and Onizuka has seemingly disappeared. However, Onizuka shows up on the runway and takes Fuyutsuki away. She then takes Onizuka’s old job. On the other hand Onizuka accepts a job at another school.

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