Naruto 1-6

Episode 1 - Enter Uzumaki Naruto
Long ago an incredibly powerful nine-tailed fox attacked Leaf Village. Killing many of the village’s best ninja, it took the power and life of the Fourth Hokage to stop it. The fox could not be destroyed but was stored in the belly of a baby boy instead. Thirteen years later the village has recovered from but not forgotten the foxes attack. Now the biggest problems it faces are usually created by the mischief of Naruto, a young ninja in training. However, it turns out Naruto is actually the boy the fox is sealed within. As a result the villagers dislike Naruto, an attitude that is reflected by their children as well. Yet Naruto does funny and often mischievous things in order to get others to like him.

The day starts with Naruto being pursued by village officials because he vandalized the Hokage Memorial. Later in school, the students are tested in the shadow replication technique. While his fellow students pass, Naruto fails. His teacher, Iruka feels bad and buys Naruto a Ramen dinner, his favorite. Naruto tells Iruka of his dreams to become Hokage. That night Mizuki, another teacher, tricks Naruto into taking the village scroll of sealing which contains many of the villages secret techniques. The whole village quickly searches for Naruto, but Iruka is the first to find him. Mizuki launches a sneak attack and reveals his evil intentions to take the scroll and use it against the village. During his conversation he reveals that the nine-tailed fox is in Naruto, a secret Naruto did not know. Surprised and sad, Naruto flees the scene with the scroll. Mizuki believes he will take revenge on the village. Mizuki, in r the guise of Iruka, leaves to pursue Naruto. When he finally finds him, it turns out to be Iruka in disguise and another battle begins. However, just as Mizuki seems to have the upper hand, Naruto appears and overwhelms him with the shadow replication technique. Literally hundreds of Narutos, attack Mizuki, the scroll is safely returned to the village, and Naruto passes the test.

Episode 2 - I Am Konohamaru!
When Naruto takes a silly picture for his Ninja registration card, the Hokage immediately scolds him. While in the office, a boy comes out and tries to attack the Hokage, but is foiled when he trips over his cape. The boy is actually the Hokage’s grandson, Konohamaru who momentarily got away from his strict teacher. Naruto hits him in the head, an action no one else would dare. Surprisingly, this move actually helps Naruto gain the admiration of Konohamaru who quickly becomes Naruto’s follower. After using poor camouflage techniques to follow Naruto as he left the Hokage’s, Konohamaru asks Naruto to teach him the Temptation technique. Naruto tests him out, telling him to turn into an attractive girl standing across the way. Konohamaru changes, but into a fat and ugly version of the girl. Feeling he could benefit from some research, Naruto takes Konohamaru to a magazine store where they look at girly magazines until the owner kicks them out. Next, they transform into girls and go into a woman’s clothing store. However, Konohamaru’s form gives them away and they are quickly chased out. Naruto and his new student sit in the woods and Konohamaru explains that he wants to be known as an individual and not simply the Hokoge’s grandson. Like Naruto he wants to be Hokage one day, but Naruto says Konohamaru will have to defeat him. Suddenly, Konohamaru’s teacher shows up . Konohamaru uses the temptation technique, and although his transformation is successful it has no effect. Naruto does the replication technique and then transforms into several woman, defeating the teacher. Konohamaru tells Naruto he quits as his follower and will be his rival from now on.
Episode 3 - A Rival!? Sasuke and Sakura
It is the first day of class as full-fledged ninjas and everyone is excited. Naruto gets to class early and sits down next to Sasuke. Two girls, Sakura and Ino arrive and argue about who gets to sit next to him. Totally ignoring Naruto, who happily greets Sakura, they push him aside and sit down. Angry and a little jealous, Naruto stares into Sasuke’s eyes, get bumped from behind and mistakenly kisses him! All the girls get pissed at Naruto, but calm down as class starts. The teacher comes in and states that Ninjas work in groups of three and these groups would be assigned today. Naruto is happy to be teamed with Sakura, but upset he is with Sasuke. During lunch time, the group spits up,, but Sakura hopes to have lunch with Sasuke. Meanwhile, Naruto sees Sasuke eating his lunch in a room and attacks him from an outside window. Sasuke emerges from the window and tracks down Sakura. The two begin to talk and the situation turns romantic as the two are about to kiss. Almost instantly, Sasuke jumps up and runs away. Sasuke turns into Naruto and flees to the bathroom because of a stomach ache caused by a bad breakfast. It turns out that Naruto actually won the fight with Sasuke and then changed into him! The real Sasuke shows up and Sakura quickly begins complaining about Naruto and criticizes his upbringing. Sasuke calls Sakura annoying and walks away. Sakura feels bad and makes a mental promise to be nicer to Naruto.

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